Friday, October 27, 2006

These are a few of my scarier things . . .

Scary Cat
Originally uploaded by
No, Elysia! He is Scary Cat!

It's all in the attitude! And the ears. And his squinty eyes.
I wrote all about it in The Post That Was Lost . . . but Scary Cat has no fear. Scary Cat sits opposite my driveway and sneers in the face of oncoming cars. He never bats an eyelid . . . which makes me wonder if he can? He certainly does not deign to MOVE for any that might happen to be backing out of the driveway with the very real potential of hitting him.

I admire Scary Cat though I find him intimidating.
I also fear the day I will come home and find him smooshed as a result of his great moxy (if only he would transfer a little to me so I could regain my hair moxy!)

And that is all the time I have to explain about Scary Cat the Loiterer.

I just had my interview . . . now all I have to do is forget about it and enjoy my crazy weekend! Wait for the call next week to ask me in for another interview or set me back on the depressing track of finding far less interesting jobs to occupy my time and pay me.
Off soon to do costume preparation for Halloween party tomorrow night!!
But am also trying to do another job application that I need to get in before I head off.

I expect to see a White Rabbit any second!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A disjointed post . . .

Phili of the Feet
Originally uploaded by
Blogspot seemed to be going crazy this morning and now the photos won't upload . . WHY does this always happen ? And so I have given up and will post the images individually . . .
This post has been written over the day . . . spent inside . . think I'm about to go stir-crazy. Just need to get out! Am feeling really pent-up and sick of computers and websites and reading wordy and jargonistic articles.
But I also feel at a lose end . . . not sure what I want to do. Argh!
Hate this feeling!
Hereafter follows the beginning of my post . . .

I have a job interview tomorrow! I should not be writing a post. But it seems I have been slack this week as I notice my last post was Sunday!
I'd really like this job but am not sure I'll manage to pull off getting it.
But at least today has started off better than some of the previous days in this week. I've been sickly and tired. There is so much that I need and want to get done but the days just evaporate.
I dislike the way my house is so dark. Dark dark dark!
I look out into the backyard now though and it's green and bright, like these photos.
Phili of the Feet and I went to the beach and walked along between the jetties. We did lots of lovely talking. Phili is such a good listener - I try to be a good questioner but sometimes I think my mouth runs away with me.
It was rather refreshing to the soul; invigorating to be down there. My first visit since returning. Have been meaning to ride down there but things keep getting in the way.
It was also funny that both P and I were decked out entirely in hues of green.

Last night I was exhausted - felt like piling into bed at 7pm. I dragged myself in pilates in the morning and then never even made it to the post office to post red skins - apologies P* - As I explained to Phili, much to her amusement, I tried lying on the front porch and sunning whilst immersing myself in Tolkien. This was to little avail. Cycling in the sun didn't do much either.
Had a couple of phone calls regarding various job opportunitites . . . but the day just weeeeeeent onnnn bye!
(yes, that was intentionally spelt with an e)
Jeez this is turning into a mopey "every little boring thing I did" post . . . .
This morning I have done much better after a fitfull night of strange dreams featuring nearly forgotten high school classmates. Have listened to Bowie songs for Sair, been to the post office for Pippa related stuff . . . and well not much else but I am feeling like motivation of a sort is somehow seeping back into my bones after a spate of feeling like lead.

And now for the rest . . .

Adelaide Traffic Art

Adelaide Traffic Art
Originally uploaded by
On the way home Phili spotted some great new street art!
We were really impressed with the efforts of local and city councils to beautify our roads and suburbs. So much so we had to take a photo and share it with everyone.

And today's post continues . . .

In the Japanese Gardens
Originally uploaded by 絵理.

I received a bouquet of native flowers at the Farmer's Markets a couple of Sundays ago and since then have taken time every so often to do quick sketches.
I was inspired by Pippa's latest endeavours . . . I have had so many keen arty interests over the years that there period of prevalence in my life is always on the wax and wane. After high school fine arts really seemed like the direction I was headed, but I went and studied classical voice at the con. Spent a lot of the time questioning the intelligence on my decision, appplied and was accepted to the UniSA Underdale course . . . suddenly things looked up in music and so I refused the position. But all through that time I made far more money selling my art work than I ever did making music.
But I was more likely to make crafty stuff than draw much . . . Make cushions . . . Decoupage mirrors . . . Produce ornate invitations and posters . . .
Music . . . don't know what'll ever happen there.
Sometimes thinking about it really upsets me, but I felt that I made a pragmatic decision when I decided to take a break from the stress and pressure and go to Japan - try something new again.

But now where am I going ?
What am I doing ?

I don't have a plan past the next few months. Then just expect to keep on following the path that is laid down by the decisions and outcomes of this time.
But that's doesn't seem so unusual . . . I don't know anyone with a "5 year" or a "10 year" plan. I assume there must be people in the world who think that way . . . But I can't say as I know any of them.
That's probably all to the good for my self-esteem.

Anyhooooo . . . I put this photo up because it reminded me of the native flowers I've been trying so had to capture in 2D with a hugely limited pallette. I also saw it randomly in a bunch of images and liked the unusual depth of focus on the middleground cones.

Australian flora is unique and stunningly beautiful I think . . . I hope that what I've sent you, Pippa, brings a little of that to you wall garden!

Having had problems with blogger I saved this post but could never get it all up again properly.
Then I added on to it as I was doing some reading . . .

Reading about careers theory . . . weird. There are theories on everything these days. And it’s funny to me to think about how I’m categorized. I’m part of “the post-1970s generation” . . . I’m not a Gen X, but a Gen Y, I believe.
What are all these crazy boxes ? These codes ?
Categories and subcategories . . . .
I’m now reading about how recent studies have shown that lots of people in Australia don’t regard their occupation; their paying work as the cornerstone of their identity.
Again, do people . . presumably people used to think that way a lot . . . “I’m an accountant”. But it’s so clear that one can never just be one thing isn’t it ?
Aren’t we all little walking Venn diagrams, not just three overlapping circles, but thousands . . we must look like flowers!
All the people to touch and who touch us . . . all the things we do shape us.
I think I realize now that I’ve known and know some amazing people.
I should be preparing for this interview but I just wanted to record these thoughts.
And say, thanks peeps! For being so open-minded, interesting, inspiring . . . for being such wonderful influences . . drawing, coaxing, enticing, dragging me to where I stand today.
On ya!
Big props.

Another footnote . . . I got a funny call from Kath today - It's nice when friends share the love by ringing up to tell you that others think you are hot or "really super super cute" or whatever.
That kept me at the interview preparation for another dedicated hour at least!
Warm fuzzies, lady!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lazy Sunday afternoon

Karenski, Hels and the other Dollhouse crew threw a wayyy fun party last night. Much merriment was enjoyed with a few hairier moments just to keep the score even.
I felt the worse for wear at about 2:30 but enjoyed watching to final antics of the last party harders of the like of Mykradz. Then slowly wended my way own propped up by my bike and slightly vexed by my high-heels, wonderful purchase from Osaka though they be. As the sun was dawning I decided I was sober enough to make the final section riding. After some fortifying toast (white! yuck!) and orange juice I piled back into bed as the birds were singing their wake up song. For 5 hours!

Then I went to the Farmer's Market at the Showgrounds again with Geets. We had another beautifull morning and perfect Sunday afternoon chatting away. Soon enough we'll have time to go in search of a new super bike for me and then there'll be cycling jaunts aplenty! And Geets has asked me to be her designated overseeing driver!! How hilariously cool! Geets has long put off getting her licence and now I'm more than qualified to help her build up her hours behind the wheel - it's sooo much stricter than it used to be!

Did a few other minor things but it's really just been a day of recovery and relishing the weather.
And this week many contain a pleathora of exciting developments! See how we go . . .

Saturday, October 21, 2006

How Exciterming!

Weather has been wonderful.
Pilates yet again today - getting better allll the tiiime.

Had an email and a call from Kana this morning saying that she plans to come to Adelaide, though it appears that she didn't get into the exchange programme with Shudo, and asking if she might live with me. Suuuuper exciting!

Now I'm about to rush into the markets for a few things. I couldn't get to sleep last night for thinking of exciting things I want to make . . . and a nutty stomach. Ironic as different people asked me yesterday and the day before how my stomach had been lately and I had been able to say "pretty much not a problem" . . . Last night was a big exception and made pilates rather painful.

But Beenz and I are having fun together . . . it's like the halceyon days of youth I never had.
We've both got seperate parties and the like planned for tonight's entertainment but are intending to do a girly get ready together with some of her friends.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Musings from a day in the life . . .

I dragged myself out of bed for early morning pilates despite last night's exhaustion and late night. It was tough and I got sweaty after a sprint on my bike to get there in a record ten minutes. Tough in a good way but then I think I pushed it a little harder than I ought to have given I've only just resumed classes after a long time off. Particularly after my ride into town, pain set in from my lower back (always weak since my dancing injury 5 or so years ago) right down into my arrrse. My lunching partner being the medically well-educated young lady that she is agreed that arse pain was not something to be aimed at.

After the class I went home to ponder things, feel sleepy, consider hunting for red skins and sherbies but draw flowers instead. I got a bunch of native flowers randomly given to me by a stall holder at the Farmer's Markets at the Showgrounds last weekend when Geets and I spent a lovely Sunday morning together. Riding proved with said flowers proved to be somewhat antic-inducing. Since then I have taken to studying them almost daily in an attempt to get back into the drawing and arty activities that I used to do what seems like an age ago.

Then I dashed out on my bike again to meet up with the lovely Court who is looking fabulously fit these days. We had a charming lunch followed by basking in the sun whilst indulging in gelati and d&ms. Lovely was to pass the afternoon.

Then no sooner had we parted than I got a phone call . . . would have been funny if it wasn't kind of depressing, upsetting and all the rest.
"Beware. Spotted, heading in your direction"
But I was on a mission . . . red skins and sherbies are required for posting to Finlandia.

Went and pondered many a thing in the Japanese gardens again. Such a haven of a little spot.
The gate keeper was 9 minutes late coming to close the gardens . . . It struck me that only because I have been in Japan for an extended period do I expect such things to now occur promptly.
Then I finally went for a more concerted search for aforementioned lollies. Woolies failed me so I dropped by to check out Jess and Sarah's floury white baps. No red skins there either.
Then I had an unexpected call from the Pooj suggesting dinner.
Indian it was.
Lovely it also was.
Until my heart exploded with surprise and I lost my appetite.

This town is tooooooo small.
And/or Fate just has it in for me.

At least I feel confident that if I retire to the seclusion of my room for the evening I will be safe from any further events of such a nature. For today.

PS Though I think the world of Vego n Lovin' Its Mullogatawny (or however you spell it) soup, I had forgotten it's potency. Enjoy with caution.

the silver lining

I'm exhausted. For what reason ??
I hate the way that days run away from me when I have so little focus and connection to outer forces.
I'm time rich but it feels so inefficient.

There are so many niggling little upsets; sadnesses; tensions going on and it's depressing.

I still have no job.

But I'm a lady of leisure.
With a Real Proper Girlfriend, as I tried to post about the other night and then managed to delete. And asides from this wonder who is making life a ball, I'm managing to finally come out of my cocoon and see people again.

So the positives as I see them are . . .
. . . the weather . . . which continues to be on that lovely cusp of crisp and sun shiny.
. . . the enjoyable company of friends in social settings.
We had a simple night of pleasure at a quiz night at the Gov tonight. It was an intimate group of knowledgeable lads and lasses (I decided my lack of useful contribution was due to my "having a life" and not being a nerd . . . and maybe being out of the country has had an impact . . . who ARE all these wolves ?? No, I don't feel like dancing, no dancing today - how sad would Leo Sayer be to hear that now, hey? I thought the lack of a general knowledge section was a complete travesty!)
We didn't triumph but we did respectably and various members of our table did very well out of the silent and 'loud' auctions. And many wedges and gummi bears all the way from Germany were devoured with relish (but not literally because I don't think that jubes and tomato sauce would taste all that nice together).

Randomly . . . anyone want to go see a movie with me ? I can dangle the lure of free entry in your faces . . . . . and my pleasant company shall be provided free of charge also.
Not something to sniff at! They'll fork out top dollar for it in J-land! (~>~<")~

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

1000 words . . .

Soooooo frustrating and disappointing after all that work! I can't get it back and I can't even fix it because as sometimes happens the photos won't upload. Damn. I had such a long and beautiful post and it all ready to post and all . . . . Now I only have the start to offer . . .

A giggly couple and Mr Big
Going to the chapel and they're . . gonna get marrrried . . . these two will be in March - how excitaming! Glad I will be here for all the fabulousness!

One of the first things I did when back in A-town and finally braving the streets again was to make a trip in on the deadly to share a meal with some of my favourite peeps.

Aliese was kind enough to do the oragnising for us and it was a lovely event. Must say that the Australian servings got the better of me but it was all good food - much better than the Chinese that I didn't enjoy when I was in China. Though I'd hate to think what my Chinese friends would make of it. They generally complained bitterly about the quality and price of Japanese Chinese cuisine. Am sure we have an Australian equivalent, but what the hell . . . it's all a matter of what you're accustomed to, but I still pity them their awful rice - or maybe that again is my Japanized sensibilities.

After the meal the hangers-on stood on the footpath chatting away for about half an hour before we decided that we may as well get a room or at least some coffee or the like. So we moseyed on over to The Bar on Gouger (do you know that this is the exact example sentence provided for for the word "mosey" in the dictionary - without the capitals and the bit about it being on Gouger St . . . not that I looked it up or anything . . . would I be that nerdy??)
And for a night of the playschool week it got rather late as we whiled away the hours together chatting away. Lovely.

The wonders of chocolate and soy return to me as we become reacquainted after my exxxxtended period in the milk-chocolate satured J-land. And resultingly get a little silly.

Yes! I have a dimple!

And I'm trying to make another!
Surely it can't be good feng-shui to have only one ?! It must make ones face assymetrical.

And we all know how much humans are intrinsically attracted to symmetry . . . weird.

And that's all that's left!! Booo hooooo. And I can't think of any more of the lost witticisms.

So now I'll have to try and add the rest about Scary Cat and my weekend later, if only the photos will upload!

I just spent over an hour on a post and then accidentally deleted a photo and it wouldn't come back so I tried recovering the post when undo wouldn't work and now I've lost nearly the entire post!! Oh my god!

I just bit my hand so hard and now that hurts tooooooo.

Aghhhhhhhhh. Crap crap.
If this was paper I would never have this problem!!
Bugger bugger!

I am hoping that consideration of this photo will calm me . . .

It's not working!! Ahghhhhhhhgggghhh! How annoying!

BTW this is not J-land as you may think. But A-town.

I had a weird experience in the Japanese gardens the other day.
I met for lunch with someone because stuff needed to be talked about but ironically Lord Stompy came and parked himself in front of us just as we were about to eat. That kind of put a stop to any meaningful dialogue.
Afterwards I went to the gardens to think.
I fell asleep.
I woke to someone whispering my name. But there was no-one there.
Just a dero looking bloke sitting away across the pond and smoking as he gazed in my direction. That was kind of freaky but so was the whispering.

Maybe I shall attempt to rewrite that post now.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Wanted: a ride . . .

Shikoku Sunset
Originally uploaded by
Tonight I didn't see the sunset.
Yet again I was busy planning for the future.
Then when the session was done I almost went for a bike ride. The night was so nice - compared to Saturday night when I rode home without enough warm clothing at 4am~! Ugh! Remind me not to do that again in a hurry. But I did get a chance to exchange pleasantries with another half-frozen young cycling enthusiast - ahhh bonding.
BUT I didn't - somehow my wheels started off pointing west but something took ahold and I found myself on the usual deviations through the south-western corner of the city.
It was sooooo frustrating. I wanted to go but somehow the stars weren't aligned for it. Perhaps Misty just knows she's not up for that kind of jaunt anymore.
I need a new bike, better lights and a helmet that fits.
How fortuitous that I bumped into Geets at the market on Saturday afternoon. It was a brief but heart-felt reunion; mobile numbers were confirmed and hopefully soon all will be aright in the cycling world because I will have a nice new ride.
And thus will ensue the glory days of cycling - night rides! I took a great liking to them in Japan and wish to continue them.
The streets are safer - well, there are still nutcases out there who like to play tough-guy hoonies but there are less cars getting in my way and there is much less risk of sunburn!
All round it rules.

So who's going to be up for some cycling goodness?

(PS thanks to the kindly person who loaned me a helmet when I forgot in my busyness and Japonized state that it's illegal not to wear one here - it stood the test well and I survived another day on the roads! Imagine my surprise when I glanced at my helmet-less shadow on Pirie St and thought "I could be dead from brain injuries already! Where on earth is my helmet??")

Loving being back into pilates!!
Another one of the great things that A-town has to offer!

Beenz or I took this shot in Matsuyama one night as we climbed the hill up to the shrine on our way back to the youth hostel (highly recommend - rather unusual place but the sauna rocked as did the free internet access)
It looked rather more impressive in the flesh but this wasn't a bad attempt at capturing the view.

I give this day of semi-frustration away to the ether . . .
May there be many more sunsets like this and time in which to enjoy them with lovely people.

Cool and blue

That's what I get from this photo - the memories it conjures up.
It's what I got today - only today was perhaps a little warmer.
I love the blue sky and today I took a trip out to the north-eastern suburbs (first ever visit to TTP) and got some great glimpses of the russet and umber hills. Gee they look brown . . . so different to the green blooming earthy bulges rising everywhere in Japan.

I'm tired.
I'm sick of human relations today.
People are complicated and lately all I ever want to do is switch off. I feel like every attempt somehow only increases the difficulty.

But maybe tomorrow will feel different.
One can but hope . . .

And now it's onto my bike.
In to town for a session at some hotel in town.
Who knows where life is leading these days . . .

Job stuff tomorrow too.

PS The previous post that most of your probably can't read was a Happy Birthday shout out to Rina my little host sister - she turns 8 today.



8歳になり、一個になってね \(>~<)/ 




Thursday, October 05, 2006

Can't feel blue or down beneath a clear sky . . .

I think that in order to get the best from the abovementioned clear skies of the lovely weather we're experiencing I'd need to be out in it a bit more, but even just being out to look out at the jittering yellow-green leaves and blue sky is pretty heart-warming.

Yesterday's weather was rather awful and especially non-conducive to getting about on my bike but the events of the day left me feeling more positive than all the weather has since my rather inglorious return.

Strangely things have fallen apart and then realigned themselves all within a few days so that plans have almost perfectly slotted in and I have a clear path again for the first time in ages . . . Not that this doesn't bring with it its own feelings of doubt and insecurity . . . Is this what I want ??
Am I sure I don't want to go to Spain and study there for a year ?? Crazy and completely unplanned though the idea may seem . . . But this will allow me some time . . . though not lots . . how will I feel when the time comes to go again ?? Will I be ok being in A-town this long ? And then will I want to go or will the days be dragging towards that moment again ?

I've always been impatient for answers; to know the outcome.

But at least for now I have a few more plans . . . some positives and I've got the weather.
And dinner with lovely friends tonight to look forward to.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I buggered up big time.

All my vague plans are now in vague tatters.

I'm not having fun either.
What's the good of this weather when I haven't a decent bike or anyone to hang out with.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Shock Horror/Amazement!

Two things that I just forgot!
One of which I have been meaning to write of for an age!
Last week was the end of Richard Gere's reign supreme in J-land. That was it! And out he went to be succeded by a man who apparently intends to reform the Uni system, and whilst I'm naturally all against the notion of politicians interfering in the running of educational institutions . . .VSU and all that. Japanese Uni students are almost entirely without drive or focus, taking their clubs activities more seriously than their studies, and thus seem in need of a bit of a shake up. The way the entire system is geared is a complete farce . . . even if you don't like your course once you've chosen it, no matter how uninformedly you did so, you'd have to lose a leg to get out again.
So it's Sayonara to Koizumi.
Number 2: I just saw my results from last semester - and so it's official that when I'm not suffering for sleep deprivation and an inability to stop crying or leave my room I'm brilliant! I got AAs for all of my Intermediate Japanese classes (one of which I got a C for last year because I didn't turn up to class for about two weeks and do my presentation) and for Advanced Japanese that consisted of studying mainly with Koreans and Chinese students who'd been in Japan for a number of years and were students doing the entire degrees at Shudo, I got an A and B!!! And they were sooooo hard!
AA for Linguistics which was to be expected though I don't think I did anything except turn up to classes every two weeks and hold sway in the class having debates with the teacher or else writing drawn out letters to Sarah of RWH fame.
Only got an A for the crazy class with Chris the Pol. I fail to see how I could have done more though . . . we three girls paid attention most of the time, all wrote the extra and unrequired essay and even accompanied Chris to a festival whilst the boys refused to participate. Though we weren't required to wear big nappies in order to do so . . . maybe that had something to do with it.
Other than that I got two Cs for rather unimportant classes . . . both difficult in different ways. One seemed to have no subject content and would lull you to sleep in the early afternoon of the long slog that was Monday. It featured an exam which required you write about cultural assimilation and disassociation themes in Japanese . . . yeah right! I couldn't remember a whole lot of specific terms that we needed to know and everyone else had stuck into the memory of their dictionaries except me - I bombed it evidentally even though I worked really hard in class to participate this wasn't enough to salvage my grade . . . waste of time class anyway - no regrets.
The other was the World Cultures and Languages - you try reading academic texts in another language in a couple of weeks and then write an essay about it. Especially difficult because of kanji. If it were English, French or some such language that was your second language then I'm convinced it'd be easier to read them but the kanji thing makes it so much harder because you have to spend hours searching for the readings just so you can read the word!! It's not just a matter of simply looking up a word you don't know . . . I'm sure I wrote about the hellishness of it at the time! Well, I worked hard on the first essay but when exams were done and the second report's due date came around I did my best but it was the literally non-existent piece that I handed up at the end of the day so I'm not surprised that I didn't do any better.
Well . . . I'm super happy because the bits that really matter were great and the bits that don't I need not even concern myself with!!
Now I just have to find some way to convince the Japanese Proficiency Test people to accept a late application to take the exam in December or my plans for the future are going to be in even more of a whirl . . . . . Ahhhhhhh frenzy!

2 degrees is it ?

Have been seen and seen so much already.
Missed and missing already.
Tears and luggage, confiscated mayonnaise (not something I planned - a random gift at the last minute, and NO Mr Grumpy Quarantine Man, as opposed to the Mr Lovely Quarantine Man who only laughed and mistook Sam for Frodo, you can't get Mentaiko Mayonnaise in A-town no matter what you think! It's hard enough to get in Japan!)
But the blue skies are glorious as is Soy Chai Latte . . . lunch in the park with Jess.
Dinner with the Fam and Sophie.
Surprising peeps by rocking up to gigs unexpected.

Here is Elizabeth lovely with her trusty keyboard and bow.

And that's Denni Blur looking rather rock in the background.

It was fun to see the brillig kids doing their thing after such a spell . . . . enjoyed the spin chiller with the blonde going on in as accompaniment but am now at a loss as to what was going on with the lady at the window, the loping zombie walk and did the nice black butler (like something straight out of a southern Shirley Temple movie - all class) survive or was he eventually targeted and succumbed to the strangling by coat?

Also bumped into Bec and had a chat . . . Turns out Aliese was coldy and had left so I missed out on completing all of my aims for the evening - but 2 out of 3 ain't bad according to one big man of 'rock' so I figured I was doing okay.

Then I had to take my increasingly croaky voice and my spiderless bike and hop on back over to the Exeter to catch . . . .

Running with Horses.

Had gone there first in the evening because they were supposed to be on early and I had my schedule all worked out so that I could manage to be at all places, all things to all people! But a tired West Coaster threw a spanner in the works and I got to enjoy even more cruising about town than originally planned - damn I love coasting the downtown streets. Adelaide's so freaking safe. I didn't enjoy being overtaken by the paunch in lycra but I figure it's しょうがない on that front whilst I have yet to invest in my Dream Ride.

GEETS!! Where are you ??? You're keeping me from riding off into the sunset in a blaze of self-powered glory . . . Just like Tammy Smith . . . you're so hard to find . . . do I have to doorknock the houses of Blackwood ? or is it Black Forrest ?

Well, I've been keeping busy doing things that have needed doing for years and having a interesting time trying to fit all of my clothes into the limited space available . . . Even I didn't know how many pieces of clothing for the upper body I had managed to accummulate until now and others are still arrive in boxes. I think I must have super human powers when it comes to this kind of thing - wonder if there is a way to harness such power for the betterment of civilisation ?

PS Wiz - sorry I didn't come through Sydney!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Goodbye . . . and floodgates


Originally uploaded by
Decided I should pop in a post at about 10:30 but then got caught up with uploading photos to flickr so as not to swander an entire month's worth of capacity whilst some a backlog of images languish on my harddrive. And now tomorrow will be a nice day with a fresh upload limit to be run through!

Keep meaning to send out emails to all my J-land pals, but will leave that for tomorrow again now.

NOW . . despite being tired I'm taking advantage of seeing Mel online for the first time in months and we're having a lovely old natter.

Hmmm . . . not feeling inspired tonight . . .
Took this photo in Koyasan when there with Beenz.

Oh the weather at the moment - warmish sun . . . wide wide blue skies. Nights a little chill for my liking.
Riding through the night with blazing stars last night was enchanting.