Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The culture of food . . . .

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While I have come to think nothing of sashimi, eating rice topped with raw egg and soy sauce, eel and fermented soy beans. Eating bbq grilled whole shishamo (small fish) was a recent development at the BBQ we had the other night . . . . but I doubt that even that change could alter my distaste for the idea of eating the tiny whole crabs that were served up at the farewell for the club that is linked to the International Exchange Centre and for people who want to learn foreign languages and do exchanges. Most of these kids are in the English Faculty which can result is some rather boring interchanges in English because people want to practise ~ but once the underagers all got dangerously drunk to the point of being annoying that was much of a problem and I had a great time with Kana, Kaori and others that I've known since last year. That was also the night that I ended up doing all-night Karaoke.

Buying foreign food ingredients in Japan is an expensive business ~ It strikes me that there is a big cultural difference in the food cultures of countries populated by immigrants and those where the population is largely of a single and relatively harmogenised race. A regular question asked is "what is Australian food like?" or things to that effect. The other day I discovered my tube of Vegemite so thoughtfully given to me by Pippa so long ago when I first left Adelaide to come to Hiroshima. Well, Pavlova is unique to Auslandia . . . so are lamingtons. But they're not cuisine - you can't make a meal of them. So you have to give a lengthy description of how people eat a whole range of food from countries around the world, but traditionally with a strong influence from England, etc. But thenthe food people consume can depend on their family and it's ancestry or it alters with the individual depending on any political views or allergies as in my case, where I eat a whole lot of food that most people probably wouldn't touch with a barge pole!

Soon Kana will head off to Korea for ICL stuff and also to see Hyuk for the first time in a long time. They started dating last year not all that long after we all arrived and are still going well despite so many of the issues that can rear their ugly heads where international and long-distance relationships are involved.

Then we'll both be back in Hiroshima, me with Beenz in toe and there's many a fun plan in the offing.
It's not long now before this will be over and I'll miss Kana, who's been a fabulous friend particularly over the past 6 months - but hopefully won't have to wait long so see her again because she'll come to Adelaide next year!

From this afternoon I'm heading off with Marie and others to Mitaki for a bit of a camping adventure ~ There's a long list of things to be bring . . . slippers for using inside . . . a cup of rice . . . So normal but at the same time so quaintly Japanese. Bit worried that like last time we'll end up eating curry . . . not all that much fun for me. Should be fun . . . Unfortunately due to some big problem with the water system in the Hiroshima area at the moment we can't go to Etajima as planned so I still won't have been there in the end . . . but at least Mitaki is also a new place to go even if it is just another suburb not that far away - in the mountains though so the whole 'suburb' image of plainland A-town doesn't really convert.

Time to getting on with organisation!

Monday, August 28, 2006

A day out with Kyoko

Today Kyoko and I finally went to an Onsen in the mountains. It was fairly far out in the country, surrounded by mountains. Unfortunately this photo was taken with the most unsightly background that we could possibly have found but them's the chances you take when you hand over your camera - at least it's in focus! No-one much seems to be able to handle my camera. We spent most of the day going from pool to pool to spa to sauna. If only one could spend all one's days in such leisure - how swimmingly life would go along! For obvious reasons I don't have any photos of the inside of the onsen! \(><)/ Though for the most part you wore bathers . . . rather unusual for a Japanese onsen. This was us after our second dip which followed a 10 minute nap in the rest room which turned into a 2 hour afternoon nap . . . that 2am bedtime caught up with me it seems!
Just a random point but this morning amazingly I did make the 1 minute train change this morning!! It was like a continuance of Button Luck!!

On the way home we went to see a whole collection of Jizou statues . . . we all got stung by insects! There were all sorts of jizou for different reasons . . . I think my favourites were those for obtaining happiness and the '出会い' Jizou who will help you to find a special someone . . there were also Jizou for aborted foetus . . . nice mix. Guess where Kyoko and I made our 'negai'~~ o(>ヘ<)o

I found the relationship between Kyoko and her mum hilarious. It'd be a bit harder to pick if you didn't understand the language but the way Kyoko speaks to her mum you'd think their roles were reversed ~ using the colloquial imperative form, telling her what to do all the time or telling her off. It was pretty funny and had me laughing all afternoon. She also did this thing of translating what I was saying . . repeating what'd I'd just said as if her mum was hard of hearing or had mild dementia. It was rather odd but fun none-the-less.
Her Dad also seemed pretty nice when we all went out for sushi at a 100 yen sushi train restaurant which belongs to a chain, one store of which Kyoko works. I liked his face and thought this was a really great photo of her parents together. Kyoko looks quite like her Dad. She is such an out-going, pratical, organisational person. She wants to go on exchange but can't really fit it in now that she's part way through her nursing degree. She'd have to pay a lot of money just to be allowed to take a year off. I'm trying to encourage her to come and visit even just for a week if she gets time sometime. She's been such a great friend. I've been a lot of place and done a lot of things that I might not have thanks to her!

Now I think I do love technology again . . maybe techonology didn't like being up at 2am.


I brand new day beginning above the clouds. Pity that Nami and I got separated just before it happened so were a little unsettled, not to mention freezing as it all happened. Funny how that's just so typical of life - Pictures make it look so much cleaner. You can't see the sleepless hours on a cramped bus or the bruised knees, the red eyes and struggle of hours of clambering about in the rain and the dark. But regardless of how much it may have hurt to get there I was going to! And no matter that bits of it are a blur of cold and fatigue I have some amazing memories captured in digital form and in my mind.
I never thought to be moving above the clouds, brought there by my own steam.

Also learned a new word - 雲海 (うんかい - unkai)which sounds unfortunately like 'unko' which means poo, but means the 'sea of clouds' that you see when you look down on them from above. Seemed very poetic to me. Even if the sight of it was slightly terrifying on the descent when I was able to see how precariously close I was to a steep sandy cliff that would start one on a long long tumble if one strayed too far or want just that little too far on one of numerous slips and slides.

The thought that counts . . .

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This is one thing that I almost forgot and one that CAN be broadcast publicly!
Not a very Happy Birthday like photo but one that I was really happy with. Taken at Sandankyou when I went there with Risa.

And the special Lady who turns 25 today at some time in Australia, who is currently (I believe) in Italy is Mel. My old friend of GPS and Marryatville. We've both come a long way from that time . . . life has lead us twisted and far-flung paths, but I think there will always be a thread that stretches between us regardless of where we will go or end up. No matter the hurts that run through life there is a an unquenchable sense of love, I will only ever wish and hope for the best for her.
There is a package to be sent but as ever present day life gets in the way of the more abstract . . .

So, Mel, whether you see this or not. I'm thinking of you on your 25th and am sure you're having a good time.


Today, even with the sleep deprivation and soreness from the Fuji climb and long bus trips, capped off by the last two trains home being stopped due to an accident on the track . . . I dragged myself with surprisingly speed off to an afternoon of wonderful weather at the beach. Which itself was capped off with a great makeshift BBQ out the front of Keinan's place, up a hill overlooking the sea and city lights.

Damn - why won't the insert image option work ??? I used it the other day to post one up . . . It was an amazing and unexpected find that I was sure would revolutionise my blogging by allowing to post post post photos to my heart's content.

Isn't it crazy the way life can feel so up and down. It's been back to the emotional rollercoaster for me for the past week. I don't like it too much. Somehow I've become a crier. Not sure when it happened . . well, actually I could probably do a pretty good job of pointing it - around that time when tears seemed to flow rather unceasingly for about 3 months . . that might be it, hey! (笑) Looking on at the hurt of others and being reminded of my own that won't go away no matter how busy I try to be, listening to music, getting reprimands for lack of communication, forgetting things that I said I'd do . . .

Bugs seem to be suiciding against the glass doors out to the balcony. I should be asleep because tomorrow I have to be out early to go to an Onsen with Kyoko. But I've just finished a batch of washing from Fuji and swimming today and I also downloaded photos and got inspired to write . . well at least post photos - damn technology and my limited understanding of it!

But I did find a button for changing the colour of my text!! Whoopeee . . . There's an actress one doesn't hear much from these days . . .

Speaking of buttons - today I dropped one and then I found it again many hours later and having been far away from said button - It seemed kind of special that I could come back and there it was - like it had been waiting for me. Special little button.

This is a rather blabbery post . . . there are things that I want to say to certain people - gee things can get messy and complicated and ugly. Things that ought to be said . . if only they could ever be said face to face. But I think that as they can't they should at least be sent out in a more private forum than this. I am fairly sure that for all of my dreams (笑) of fame via my popular popular blog, it's really only read by a few people who know me relatively well. I've been hurt a lot in my life ~ that might sound dramatic, it's not as though I'm a victim of abuse or anything, I really only mean that I take people pretty seriously and ever since I was little I've been super sensitive and been emotional hurt a lot ~ this tends to mean that I can have an angry front and though I may spit and fire from time to time this is from fear of getting hurt and wanting to be perfect like I know I never will be, so that I'll finally be invincible. . . . Hmmm . . thoughts are wandering and I'm not sure this will make sense when people read it or why it's all coming out now. I suppose I want to reach out to the people who I know are really hurting now but I don't like to air these things in public - it's that protective thing. Maybe it seems that I do say a lot in this blog . . and I do. But there are things that I think will never get in here. A pity in a way because this has become an fairly constant documentation of my life as it has been happening for the past year and a bit. It has actually changed my life in some ways . . . started interests and concerns in areas that were previously blanks. It's not that I don't trust my lovely reading audience. A lot of the things that I am refering to are things that were few people know. And as one special friend once said 'all these written things - these words - are play; a way that we present ourselves - a whole lot of it is persona' or something to that effect. We all know it and use - at different times for different purposes and it had amazing and varied effects - like a new and separate being - a little white lie of yourself. Like one of those mirrors in a magic mirror maze that show aspects of you all out of proportion . . . a different you - sometimes more and at other times less, appealing. What was the point - this is getting unpleasently introspective . . . .

Point . . perhaps. That I should be writing emails to a number of important people rather than waffling on here! But I have to find the strength to overcome a lot of sadness in order to try to help others. Or maybe by just trying to talk to them eventually I'll come right.

Tonight I got a lovely email as I was coming home on the train from Keinan's . . . . it was simple but surprising and had me tears - how unusual! Still means a lot!
If you can't read it, go learn Japanese! (Or ask me sometime in a more private forum! (笑))

It's probably more kind than I deserve from a person who has been very good to me with little in return. If only I could give more . . . Life is a backward place sometimes . . . times, people and places.


Now I should be off . . . photo or no photo as the case is unfortunately!

It's 2am yet again . . . .

BTW - Angela Aki - turning into a big fan of her's.

I have republished - and I love technology again

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Look out world . . . here I come!


I also got home EVENTUALLY and found a letter from Finland waiting for me and ate vegemite for the first time in what feels like a lifetime.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

First Mt Fuji, then the world

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
I'm exhausted after an emotionally stressful afternoon and evening. A whole lot of things came to a head and I forgot an engagement I had made in a rush to meet up with Maki for the last time before she returns to stinky New York and return to the A-town 'burbs for an unspecified period of time.
This is a photo that I took of her last week at karaoke - I thought it was a good but apparently she was of a different opinion.
Slept on the couch last night when we finally got off to bed at 3am. I was in the curve and the end chair kept sliding away all night so I had an interesting time of it. For some reason my calves are all sore and so I'm getting jittery about tomorrow. I should have left the house already to return home and then rush into town to do errands but it's hard to work up the gumption to leave the cool of the house to navigate my way down the hill to the train station - no umbrella either - will have to lather on the sunscreen.

We had another long talk over breakfast about the perils of student exchange and how it can really jeopardise certain things in life that you might previously have taken for granted.
It's been so nice to have this last chance to hang out together and indulge in the wonderful traditional cuisine of Maki's Mum. She really is an ace in the kitchen . . . さすが、(Alex!) she used to be a cooking teacher or something and is rather the perfect traditional Japanese homemaker. Such a lovely lady - like my Japanese Mum. If Kumi is my Japanese big sister!

Will report back once I get home from Fuji . . . should have lots of good shots if only I had more flickr capacity!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Aliese is the best.
I'm sorry I forget to say that, but I think it all the time and know I'd never be okay without her.

O(>o<)O 大好きだよ!

Photos, photos and more photos!

This is me and Kaori a while back doing all night karaoke. She's now in California, no longer homeless and seems to be enjoying herself - have just been chatting on msn.

Soooooo many photos from this last month of goings on . . .
It's been another morning of being at homeness even though I was thinking I'd go into town and get a whole lot of errands done. Instead I have done more MD making and uploaded lots of photos. Done more planning of travels for September and will soon head out to visit Maki. Going to hang out with her for the evening and have dinner with her family. She doesn't head back to New York until Friday but I'm off to climb Mt Fuji tomorrow night.

Have cleared out a lot of photos from my memory card in preparation for tomorrow's trip. Should read the list of other things I need to take - the tour group sent a 4 page list for us! How super duper organised.

Anyone ever been to Kyushu ?
I should call a temple in Koyasan and make a reservation today too . . . but I dislike phone calls in English, let alone Japanese! Koyasan is a village of temples on the top of a mountain and you go there and wander about in the high altitude coolness, stay in temples and eat yummy vegan food. Should be fun - last time I went there was a typhoon hitting and it rained.

Should get off to the post office.
I somehow had no idea this much time had passed since my last post. It's evidentally Wednesday - ah! I see, I still have today left to while away . . I've had Tuesday and it's just gone Wednesday - that's a bit of a relief. Thursday I go to climb Mt Fuji. But has just taken me a while to dredge up what it is that I have been up to . . . . Last week was busy busy.
Monday - beach with Keinan, et al.
Tuesday - raced home, bought watermelon and dashed off on my bike to meet Risa. Went to Sandankyo.
Wednesday - Rina and I spent most of the day hanging around together in Soleil - saw Gedo Senki. Purikura and yet another shirt - but a reasonable purchase because it will shield me from the harmful UV rays . . . any excuse!
Thursday - After a surprise phone call, spent the day with Maki who had returned unexpectedly from NY.
Friday - Caught up with Kyoko after an age of not seeing each other at all! We used to see each other most weeks before I returned to Auslandia in March but since then we haven't seen each once! We had a nice time though, unfortunately we ended up shopping which is no good for my packing efforts!!
Saturday I did organisational stuff and then spent the afternoon with Osan doing cooking stuff - She wanted me to make Lasagna and I wanted her to teach me how to make Manju. I thought it was amusing given I can't eat lasgna for a number of reasons and thus haved made the stuff for almost ten years. The white sauce sure was a battle! Then family friends turned up for a bit of a dinner party and we all stayed up into the wee small hours - You wouldn't expect it of young families - well, I don't. But then kids just pass out one by one and we keep on keeping on.
Sunday - Osan stayed over Saturday night and we had a leisurely family morning before hitting the road to Iwakuni for the afternoon. There was much splashing in the rather muddy river by the kintaikyo - see some of the very first photos on this blog/my flickr site. Then we trekked further into the mountains and had dinner in some mountain enclosed out-door restaurant site. It was a long trip home and Kumi and I nursed the girls whilst Kumi counselled me on certain troubling issues of late and we discussed various cultural differences between Australia, Japan and China amongst other things.
Monday - Caught the train a station away to meet Marie. Rented a few Japanese videos and bought ingredients for lunch. Made said lunch and watched said videos and have thoroughly enjoyable and edifying time. I learnt all about different kinds of traditional Japanese ghosts and the like. Had dinner with Marie's family and then got home in time to cook dinner for my own. Made a white sauce based chicken and vegetable pie that Osan had meant to make on Saturday. Went down a treat and then I tried making a kind of lactose-free trifle. It was a mild success and reminded me of why I have given up cooking in the main.

And today . . . ughh! It was one of those days when my life seems to be being sapped away. Right when I was going to go out and do errands it poured down so I changed my plans and did more home jobs. But when I don't get out of the house for a bit in the day I always end up feeling as though I've accomplished nothing! And I HATE that feeling.
But I have made some progress on travel plans - and even almost finalised some bookings for September.
Completed some parcels and CDs and the like . . . .
Heard my Nan struggling to come to grips with the idea that I could hear her even though she was talking at the computer - pity that my mic is still playing up and she couldn't hear me!! Scary how people can start to age really quickly. Will be glad to get to see her soon.

Uhh! SO hot that I almost need another shower before bed . . there's sweat on the backs of my hands?!???
This week Fuji. Home. Beach again with Keinan probably. Onsen with Kyoko.
Must find time to see Ryoko.
Group trip to neighbouring island, Etajima.
THEN it's September. Seeing some 'chorus line' performance with Kumi. Ara and I will go to Osaka and Kyoto.
Then Beenz arrives on the 11th!! Plans very much coming together on that front.

But then kind of dreading the end of September and all that it will involve.
Should get to bed - meant to have an early night but not after sudden drive of energy regarding travel accommodation and dish washing.

Goodnight ether.

PS To Sarah - thank you for your email - big warm fuzzies! o(>o<)o

Ahh! Still some many photos that need uploading!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Reunions before the big farewells

Another of the Farewell parties from the end of semester. Kaori has already headed off for a year in California ~ She left without her accommodation finalised and I haven't heard from her. Hope she's doing okay!! We had a great time getting drunk together and were appalled to discover that we were quite mistaken about how old most of the boys in our class were ~ Oh the pain of being an Uni student when I'm really not the age for it anymore!! this is mainly because schooling here is so structured in the way that one genereally passes through it. There are 4 years and you are classified by what year you are in - people will know your age and know whether you are a senpai or kouhai. Now that I've been here a while I'm classified as a second year but am not the prerequisite 19 years old!! But in many ways I love the fact that it's like getting my early Uni years all over again without having to try so hard, having more freedom, a bike, more self-confidence in my own brilliance, a second language to make mistakes in and a better tolerance for alcohol.

The past few days have been ones of unexpected reunions.
Maki popped back to Hiroshima from New York and rang me out of the blue. We spent all over yesterday together. Eating too much wonderful organic vegies and drinking endless tea, coffee and juice over crazily bilingual conversation and photo viewing sessions. Then we did some random window shopping and maki bought some English pop CD she'd been unable to obtain in the USA - apparently it all gets grouped under "world music" - Australia, English, Japanese and the rest of the world that we more commonly associate with the 'world music' genre - well as least I have has always done so. * Note to Em: I accidentally stumbled across Snow Patrol - I liked tracks 2 and 6 . . didn't get much further than that . . but it was good to have a chance to hear them after you'd talked about them ~ Oh, how's Ro going ?!! o(ーo<)/

Printed photos, went to karaoke for a few hours, took purikuri - god how Japanese have I become ?? . . . Went to Tower Records and even though I know I have no money and and no room for luggage I bought stuff - only it's stuff I don't expect to keep. Harry Potter 1 for Kana because she has 3 but nothing else - weird hey. Then I randomly found a double CD set of Cat Empire beingh featured which struck me as entertaining and so I made Maki have a listen. She took a liking to it and as I had not realised it was her birthday last week - somehow I don't seem so good at getting these things sorted out here and I had a vague idea it was in October - so I bought it for her. Figured it was a step up from Hilary Duff and others that young women here somehow end up listening to . . .and I've decided that I should be trying to introduce people here to stuff other than the really mainstream stuff coming in from the USA if I can - at least now some of my friends and associates are vaguely aware of the fact music is being created and performed in Auslandia.
I decided I should head home to hang with the family at about 8:30 seeing as it takes 30 minutes on the bike. As I was seeing Maki off to the tram a voice called out and it was a dolled up, new head-do bedecked Nami! We're going to climb Mt Fuji togethe rnext week, but rarely catch up these days. She was going to meet friends from work to head out bowling so I waited with her and we had a fun time chatting away about various things - have made a plan for her to come with the Beenz and myself to Miiyajima and Iwakuni in Septmeber. I'm getting rather well organised with all our plans now which is exciting.

Dammit - Kumi and Hide are watching some show about strange thing scaptured on films - presumably ghosts and stuff. And though I don't go in for that kind of thing really I find the constant hunting out of weird stuff is getting to me. I've always been a person who gets scared by those kinds of things if I think about them - ick! I'll probably have a distrubed night's sleep. And the annoying thing is that I know I don't have much time for this kind of thing but it still manages to freak me out!! Arrrgghhhg!

From last night we had news of a typhoon coming our way which meant that though I was meant to be meeting a friend Kyoko whom I haven't seen since I left Hiroshima in February to return to A-town for a bit. Though I said to her I didn't want to go shopping and suggested we go to one of the art galleries because there was an exhibition that Marie had gone to see and said was good, we ended up shopping - Oh Dear Me!! What shall I do ?? Whilst I know that I am having a hard time with the current load of things I own - I now have to more lovely jackets. Nice, useful and decently priced but what shall I do ??? I shall hope that the Beenz is capable of carrying many bags and brings very little with her. ~(日o 日)~
Not only was Kyoko useless at discouraging me from buying, unlike Kana, she was lovely enough to bring along a present she'd had for me for my birthday. I also had presents for her so that cool, but her's is a bowl and little teapot - how on earth am I to get these things all home ?? We also took purikura!! I made a number of amazing discoveries! I usually go to the place we went today but before now I didn't know that the rental of the costumes and props there is free!! Not only that, but they'll make your photos into a badge for you for free too!!! Top stuff!!! Another thing for the list of Beenz activities!!

Even though Kumi kept harping on about how the typhoon was coming and the buses and trains were likely to stop and the wind would be fierce I ended up riding into town just like I always do. That was nice and I didn't get too wet so I'm glad I did.

Tonight Kumi and I prepared dinner together - in English. It was pretty funny. I also discovered that my intonation of the word 'mizu' is so times backwards so that instead of saying 'water' I am saying 'don't look/without looking' . . . Aghh! The frustration of learning a language where word meaning is altered according to intonation rather than stress like my mother-tongue. So hard to hear and be constantly aware of.

Tomorrow I have given myself the morning off for odd-jobs and package organising. Then O-san is coming over and we're to make Vegetable Dumpling Buns and Lasagna. Not being able to eat Lasagna for a plethora of reason i haven't made it in years - wonder how I'll go. Ingredients for said 'exotic' food are bloody expensive so it'd better go ok! Ohhh 野菜饅頭 (Yasai Manjuu) - how I love thee - let me count the ways . . .

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kids, timing and an unexpected return

Whilst washing up brekkie dishes I missed a call - from Maki.
She rang again just before - she's back in Hiroshima!!!
So exciting!! Hopefully we'll catch up tomorrow!

We've just missed the two morning sessions of the movie so now I'm taking Rina by train to Soliel for the 2pm session. I figure if me leave now we should make it, hey!!

Summer traditions

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Here on a summer night you will hear the sound of fireworks going off. Like the smell of a BBQ in the evening as the day cools off a little in Australia.
It's not illegal to set off fireworks here and you can buy them at most combinis. The fireworks at the show at Miyoshi were rather different to those at things I have seen in Australia. Mainly blasts and the interest of individual fireworks as opposed to making shapes or patterns. Not many on the ground either. But there were ones that shaped into Helly Kitty and Doraemon's faces and the SMILE face - some that exploded into birds or flowers.
The one pictured was one of my favourite kinds and I was excited that I managed to capture both stages of its explosion, and which the mountains vaguely visible in the background with the lights of the road, houses and cars.

Summer here is the noisy sound of セミ insects crying.
Seasons are different . . .

The Fam

Kumi-chan, Riyo and Hide - another of my families away from family.
How cute does Riyo look in here little jimbei ?? Very! is the answer!

It now feels very much like family in this home. I will be sad to leave - it has been a most amazing 6 months with these lovely people. How time flies.

Today we're having a bit of a girl's day in the house - but may eventually manage to get the kids ready and out to the movies. Will try and get to ゲド戦記 (Gedo Senki - newest Ghibli anime based on The Wizard of Earthsea series). Good to rest my mangey foot probably too.

I hear on the grapevine that Rebecca got the parcel I sent . . . if others in places such as Finland would only send their addresses then more packages would start winging their way about the place!!

A while back we did a typical Japanese summer activity of going to a fireworks show. There was one the night before last at Miyajima - always popular and packed out so I thought the beach was a much better option. But last month we all went to Mukaihara in the car and then on to Miyoshi on a twilight train ride through the green countryside. Family friends whom Rina was staying with had already saved a spot and provided us with a bit of food as we all sat along the raised concrete wall overlooking the river with a backdrop of mountains. It was probably one of the nicest fireworks event I've ever been to! Now horrible music blaring and set in rather beautiful natural surroundings. I also had some fun taking lots of photos . . .

Right - time to get on with the rest of the morning.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My life as a waterbaby

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
I have done so many water-related activities this past few days . . . I realise that I do really love the water. My issues with it mainly arise from bad ears, a massive (and substantially reasonable) fear of sharks . . and a less reasonable one of crabs - of the larger variety that inhabit the shallows of Henley and Grange and like to snap onto innocent waders who even have the decency to scan the water for them before they enter - hmpff!!
I am a water sign so it all makes sense . . the bit I don't get is that I'm cancer and all - what's with the crab attacks ??

We went on a holiday holiday to far-flung Shimane-ken . . . yes, the one above us about two hours away - how terribly tiring by Japanese terms. As an Australian it's rather laughable!! I got up early to help Kumi get stuff organised but she seemed a little behind in all the things she wanted to get done the night before. I stayed up quite working in a sudden frenzy of luggage packing and paper sorting - you see the amount of paper - I'm sure I have enough for a couple of trees - how hideous!! But as those of you who have received recently sent packages you will be aware I am doing my best to recycle and provide either edifying, unusual, interesting and/or illegible items as wrapping for your enjoyment!!

Anyway . . .

We went to Aquas - the aquarium in Shimane and it was a little depressing because the tanks were so bare of foliage in the main that despite a large majority of the creatures being sharks I did feel for them. Didn't look at all like an interesting place to live - except for a couple of the tropical/Australian fish tanks.
But there were two humorous displays of the Sealions and Seals . . well I'm not so sure what they all were exactly because they used the Japanese names. But one was definitely like the type you see on Kangaroo Island - I think~. It was amusing because there were three of one kind and only one of the other but the solo animal was evidentally the smart and capable one of the bunch. One of the slower ones was used in the show to wave rather feeebly at the end of the show whilst the other one that I shall name KI was the star. It made me wonder whether though he seemed popular in fact the keepers thought he was a stuck-up jack-ass whom one must put up with as best as one can simply because he's the crowd-winner. Kind of like rockstars who smash things in hotels and the like . . . or maybe the aquatic world is less fickle and just because you can't walk about on either simply your front or hind flippers, instead lumbering in an ungainly way, maybe you don't burn rage and jealously and you enjoy the fish. Maybe deep down he's a kindly down-to-earth seal/sealion who will end up with the girl next door type of sealess because he's intrinisically such a good guy.

. . . made me wonder what that Sea World place used to be like in Adelaide - I only remember it through photos of me being there as a little kid before it closed.

That night we ate grilled meal on a balcony outside of what I'd always imagined the Loveshack of tacky sing along, dance along drunken haze song of the same name, would look like if it existed. It seemed very relaxingly natural and unJapanese to me. Beautifully cool by the crashing waves, with the horizon blazing with the lights of the squid fishing boats. Apparently from space they are the brightest thing on earth . . . brighter than Manhatten, Tokyo . . various places depending on the time of telling, teller and amount of alcohol imbied.

The next day we decided the sea would be overcrowded by the time everyone got going so we headed inland to a forest and splashed about in a river. I ended up just jumping in fully clothed with exhiliration of how nice it all was. This turned out to be a bad choice for my new tshirt which is now rather saggy but a good thing for my skin as I remain relatively pale despite hours of sitting in the cool waters for hours on end.

Yesterday was hot and I had three showers before I left the house. I went to the beach with Keinan, meeting him half way and then meeting up with others already there with a little shaded platform all sorted out for us. I was feeling a bit out of sorts about it all but we had a fantastic time. I got the better of my sunscreen-hatred and lathered up, but kept the old painted splattered cargo shorts on - Ugg! Skinny Japanese girls! No boobs - I must console myself on that one. There was a big wall and net surrounding the swimming area which meant that despite the rather extreme depth of the water I was able to calmly swim about and all the way out to the wall. People were surprised that I could swim 'so well' - I'm sure people who know me well enough will realise this must just be a case of relativity!! But it was a lovely way to spend the hot day. I also broke the whole don't swim for 30 minutes after you've eaten rule for the first time that I remember - and lived to tell the tale. I wasn't worried about the depth thing at all but maybe that was helped my the cloudiness of the water - not quite as unclean as when we braved the water at Miyajima after the festival there some months back just before exams. *See the photo featured in the post of the ladies taking a dip with rain clouds coming in on the horizon over the oyster harvesting bays and the distant coast of Hiroshima city.
Why is that that whenever I go swimming with boys I slice up my toes ?? The blood was quite incredible. I find that people here tend to overreact so much to injuries which makes me tend to downplay them. Did make walking home up the hill to Keinan's a bit too difficult as my birkis were slicked with blood that wouldn't stop running even hours later. So once we were safely past the police station (amusing because POLICE was written in english on the outside and the English-ignorant Keinan tried rather hopelessly to work on his pronunciation of the word - He does okay with 'promise' and 'i knows (nothing)'='eye nose'. My Chinese is equally hopeless so I can't really make fun) I ended up riding pillon on his bike - yet another rule-breaking experience all in one day!! How reckless! Felt quite vulnerable on the bike - haven't ridden once since I was quite small and Dad would drop me to school on the back of a much bigger one than Keinan's.

Surprisingly lovely afternoon when I hadn't been looking forward to it at all for random other reasons. And it turns out that the two other girls who were there will also be on the club trip to Etajima later in the month - that I had forgotten. They said they had seen what they thought was my name on the list but I said I hadn't been invited and wasn't going though I knew about it. An hour later it occured to me that Marie had invited me ages (2 months or something) ago!!! Crazy me! That's more time suddenly gone - but nicely filled with what should be an interesting experience - haven't yet made it to Etajima.

Woke up kind of late (9am) this morning and had to getting going to meet up with Risa back near my place in Hesaka, so whilst showering Keinan made more yummy Chinese food for brekkie and dropped me off at the station on the bike again . . . I used to want to get a bike license . . . maybe I will one day.
I got home and had a lot of emails from the family concerning issues in the home - hugs peeps. Then dashed off on my mama-chari to grab a half a watermelon and pineapple from the shop and hot footed it over to Omachi to meet Risa. Were intending to go to her house because she'd invited, hence the fruit=presents, but when I rocked up she said today wasn't such a great day (lots of relatives around for Obon and stuff. NB Her Dad is one of those Japanese blokes who's been moved about for work and thus lives separately from his family - he's currently in Chiba, near Tokyo and comes home about twice a year - Sometimes I think, what kind of a society is this ??) So instead we headed off to Sandankyo in her flash car that she OWNS!! It was fantastic - not what I had imagined would exist in Japan despite having been to lots of places here, I still wouldn't have thought that any places like this still remained in Japan. It was brilliant despite the difficulty of my slow healing cuts to my toes and finally dying Birkis - way do the soles always give out on me within about a year of purchase??? I won't struggle to describe it but say that water was involved, of course, and it was quite a bit cooler than Hiroshima in the city. Other than that I shall sleep on it and post some photos soon.

Well, seems like despite block I can still spin a wod of a yarn once I get rolling.

Have also come up with some really good ideas of some new and interesting places to take the Beenz when she comes!

Night peeps.

Slurp those noodles Japanese style

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
I seem to have been suffering from bloggers block. Despite the fact that I have time and quite a deal pile of things to write about and photos to accompany said accounts . . . I just can't do it. I figure there must be something freaking me out but I'm not really sure what it is.
Tonight I have decided that as I'm here alone I will take on a blogging spree to catch up with photos and information. Maybe that will get the verbal juices flowing.
Apologies to all those who have repeatedly sent me emails but got very little in response - it's all part of the same problem but I've had such a wonderful last few days that I figure now was the time to start pulling out the stops.

A photo from our Farewell party what seems like an age back in June. I had a lovely time chatting away with Marie. E-san and Lane are blurring about in the background but that has more to do with the alcohol and excitement in the room that bad photography if you ask me! I'm tucking into Itokonyaku (noodles made of konyaku, a fairly tasteless and rubbery substance which I quite happen to like, but Alex can't abide) . . . I thought it would make a pretty funny photo to have all of those jellyfish-leg like gross looking strands hanging out all over the place - ばっちり!
I will miss Oden Konyaku . . . yummy yummy!

Big hugs to a struggling lady in Atown - who's made a big and tough decision today and is feeling sad. Love you HEAPS (my English maybe getting rusty but I do remember that much Adelaidean) and wish I could be there to give you big hug. Whip you away on a fantastic holiday o(~皿~)o

Right -maybe that's even for a start . . . Family are home.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Holidays sap

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Lost in Translation is on in the background. Weird to see it again after all this time and understand all of the Japanese I didn't understand at the time. And also be struck by how self-absorbed the main characters are. I suppose it's a bit something to do with depression . . . that people lose track of perspective or whatever. I just figure that they have also this money and are lounging around complaining bitterly when they could be doing something about it. Not that money is the be all and end all that make everything all better but they just seem kind of whingey if you ask me.

This is a photo from one of the farewell parties I've been to in the past couple of weeks. This was probably one of the most enjoyable events. Lots of friends always make for a good combo. Pictured enjoying the Sukiyaki (which was very yummy once I'd order lots of vegies to go in it) are Ara and Nami, both of whom I will be travelling with before I leave. From the 24th to the 26th Nami and I are going on a worldwind 3 day trip to climb Mt Fuji with friend's of her's. Should be crazy and tiring I expect.

Ara and I will head off on the 3rd of September to the Kansai region to do some sightseeing in Osaka and Kyoto. Then I'll spend a few days wandering about on my own and then meet The Beenz on the 11th.
Getting plans in order but must get on to booking accommodation.

Thursday, plans to hang out with Kana. Lane is going home. Tori has already left for Tokyo and then Europe.

Friday I go to Shimane with the family and we go to Mukaihara for Obon with the extended family.

I realise that with my planned travels in September I must now make sure to see everyone in August. Time flies . . . .

Friday, August 04, 2006

Holidays . . .

View from my window
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Lots of photos that I want to post up.
Lots of things to say and stories to tell.
. . . there's a chair as well.
But somehow now that it's holidays I have no time.
I was at home all day today despite meaning to ride into town and deal with a few things.
But nights I somehow get lonely and have taken to watching Japanese films and dramas that I have borrowed from the rental shop as a way of working on my language - truth be told I'm wanting to burn them to watch when I go home later in the year but my computer seems to have decided that it's not feeling like burning the abovementioned items for me! How frustrating.
So I keep sleeping in. This is a view I see a lot of . . .

This whole sleeping thing was not assisted by all night Karaoke on Wednesday night. Which was rather fun and is another thing I can now cross off my list! ~(*ヮ*)~ I rode home in the surprising cool of 6am - feeling quite refreshed and happy  o(@ - @)o but crashed out til 1:30 when I awoke to three messages and a missed call from Kana say she'd arrived in Hesaka to come and watch Kill Bill. Which we did all afternoon after I'd done a flashquick clean up of all the things I'd strewn about the room in an effort to start the pack up. It was a lovely way to spend the weary time. We had lots of discussions about English and Japanese, it was a very edifying way to watch. And though I'm not a massive fan of Quentin Tarantino or anything I love Kill Bill - especially no 1 for it the interesting way in which it's part together.

Today I mended some clothes, watch 今、会いに行きます (Ima, aini yukimasu - Now, I come to meet (you)) which I remember being a film available for viewing on my first trip to Japan those few years ago. It was nice to finally see it and I had forgotten that this was that particular movie and had wanted to see it because I like the theme song by Orange Range and I am a bit of a fan of the main female actress.

Lots of letters on the go.

Also had a wonderful and unexpected call from Maki which was fantastic! まき、電話をかけてくれて、ありがとう! まきの声を聞いたら嬉しかった。

Also had the first chance in a while to chat to Beenz about plans for ouor September trip - how is that 15 days is both long and far far too short??! Should be a great time.

Oi, Pips! Email ya freaking address lady! o( >ゥ<)/

Geets?? Are you still alive and kicking ?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Shining light

Shining light of Miyajima
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
 。。。夏休みに入ってきた! ウレッチ~

I have at last hit the shining brilliance that is summer holidays! Whilst I went out with a bit of a fizzle, disappointing myself with a hopeless effort at my last remaining piece of work. I've already put that in the past and am looking forward to the amazingness that I plan to make of this next two months!

Got the Astram stright into town this evening and pick up Rina from the Royal Hotel where Kumi had work and we went wandering about together which was quite lovely. Then we ended up being asked to dinner with the local government bloke whose show it had been which was quite pleasant. Ended up spending most of the time speaking to the official"s wife in English because evidentally they had spent 3 years in America about 20 years ago and she was clearly happy to chat anyway and polish up her language skills, which were still surprisingly still very good. I don't really like people speaking to me in English but when I don't know who people are in such settings I feel it's best to err on the side of politeness and respond as they seem to wish. Plus, when I get tired I find it hard to switch back and forth between languages so agilely.

Tomorrow I have hanging out plans with Yoko.
Wednesday Tori is heading off to Tokyo and then on to her OS travels, and in the evening there is another farewell party - a rich ¥3300!
Saturday Rina has a dance performance.
Sunday I'm going to hang out with Kana and we're going to work on our English together in the hope that she'll get the 7 extra points on the English Language Test when she takes it again so that she will be accepted to the exchange progamme to come to Adelaide next year!! Would be sooooo great if she did come!

Have to start planning the trip with Beenz.
Ara (Korean exchange student) and I also want to go somewhere together.
Obon is coming up too so that will invole some travelling with the family and going to Hide's family farm, which should all be nice.
Besides which it will nice just to have some to hang out with the family and do random fun stuff.
Ghibli Studio movie that just came out of the weekend. ゲドの戦記.
AND there is the trip at the end of the month to climb Mt Fuji!

And so many other things that I have yet to come up with.

Oh, and start that dreaful process of trying to pack up all of my stuff - it just grows and grows - can clothes breed?