Monday, August 07, 2006

Holidays sap

Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Lost in Translation is on in the background. Weird to see it again after all this time and understand all of the Japanese I didn't understand at the time. And also be struck by how self-absorbed the main characters are. I suppose it's a bit something to do with depression . . . that people lose track of perspective or whatever. I just figure that they have also this money and are lounging around complaining bitterly when they could be doing something about it. Not that money is the be all and end all that make everything all better but they just seem kind of whingey if you ask me.

This is a photo from one of the farewell parties I've been to in the past couple of weeks. This was probably one of the most enjoyable events. Lots of friends always make for a good combo. Pictured enjoying the Sukiyaki (which was very yummy once I'd order lots of vegies to go in it) are Ara and Nami, both of whom I will be travelling with before I leave. From the 24th to the 26th Nami and I are going on a worldwind 3 day trip to climb Mt Fuji with friend's of her's. Should be crazy and tiring I expect.

Ara and I will head off on the 3rd of September to the Kansai region to do some sightseeing in Osaka and Kyoto. Then I'll spend a few days wandering about on my own and then meet The Beenz on the 11th.
Getting plans in order but must get on to booking accommodation.

Thursday, plans to hang out with Kana. Lane is going home. Tori has already left for Tokyo and then Europe.

Friday I go to Shimane with the family and we go to Mukaihara for Obon with the extended family.

I realise that with my planned travels in September I must now make sure to see everyone in August. Time flies . . . .


Blogger Joshiesmoov said...

Enjoy the travels, and rene, and Fuji!

7:43 AM  

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