Friday, April 20, 2007

WRITE oN! is over!!!!

It's been interesting but incredibly tiring!
I don't think I've slept for 12 hours straight in a very long time but I did Wednesday night.

I'm looking forward to the weekend which oughtn't to be too tiring, and if it is it'll only be in the name of fun and not lousy arts event wages.

We had good turn outs to the seminars and workshops throughout the week and have had a good number of submissions for the anthology already.
But I don't have to worry about that for a few weeks . . .
It's back to the terror of a mamoth workload for uni that I just can't see myself surmounting.

Ahhhhh but it's friday night so I might go and do an Easybeats and have fun in the city . . . even if my pretty girl is not.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

A restful busy weekend

I find I'm not sleeping very well at the moment.
Things have been messed up since my crazy essay writing stint.
Last night I recall waking up partway through the night, having imperceptibly drifted off, and asking what is was we'd been doing - looking at photos ? .... weird.
I was pretty tired after the day's sailing - slacker! And had to pike early during karaoke and go home before the room got any more spinny than it was.

We had a lovely time sailing with the fantastic Mikeyg and Wizard . . . I got to change the backstays and even steer until the boys got fed up and wanted a go themselves. I was wayyyy great. With a little trickery we even managed to get all the way to Hallet Cove for a late lunch. It probably rates as the most saily sailing trip I've been on so far . . . Last time was just great for the laughs it provided with Beenz.

It was nice to finally get to the end on my busy busy week and meet Brenda (Mr James' sister)and get a chance to hang out with her. She's uber lovely and fun and we share similar allergies which makes life unusual - people with crazy dietary requirements finally in the majority! - almost! On friday we went to the markets for dinner and I had a great Tom Yum noodle soup which proved popular all round. Then we popped out to the Wheaty to hear Running with Horses and Little Ice Age. I also got to give Sair my present to her for her b'day (She's such a cradle snatcher! \(o-<)/) It took a fair bit of running around and a lot of fiddling but I'm glad that she seemed to like it and that many a giggle was had at piccy of Aidan and her cross dressing night at Karenski's exs party.

Brenda all rugged up as it got a bit chilly in the wind . . .

Kara, Sair and Megan are an annoyingly yuppy coffee place I'm sure we all know on Gouger before we made our way next for karaoke of the dodgey Adelaide variety. All topping off a great start to the night at Wah Hing with a beautiful meal and lots of chatty chatting.

But Kara has me terrified about the upcoming/current workload for the course we're both taking. I'm really staring to freak out about how I've bitten off more than I can chew this term in an effort to finish up in the first semester but also do lots of interesting and beneficial classes.

Ohhhhh dear . . . It'll be nothing but study from here until the end of June for me!!

Shoot me now.

Work today was dumb - really really slow all morning and afternoon until about 4pmish when everyone came in to make sure I couldn't possibly get out on time.

But then Mr J and I made a city . . . spazville (yes, all lower case!) Powered entirely by wind!
We have a lot of power problems - but just wait til we get our solar energy plant going!

Tomorrow is the first day WRITE oN! at the Unley Library - fingers crossed!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

As promised!

My linguistics essay is done and handed up. Just in the nick of time, or a little bit after.
So I can now post more photos of Easter mayhem . . .

Eggly creations.....

The eggs go up on display and the degree of embarassment that should be intrinsically associated with doing such Easter activities without children present as an excuse was discussed.
I hold Kana up as a perfectly legitimate explanation for our activities - it's not like we actually enjoyed ourselves or anything ~

A random (though given the camera angle, clearly not a work of the moment) image of The Kids making pizzas. Nothing better than Gourmet Vego Pita bread Pizzas!
I am captured consuming more than creating.

Further Easter Activities.....

We had a 'family dinner' of a whole Salmon which was accompanied by a Saga that involved me and it's procurement. I made amazingly fantastic salads! The newest creation is something I shall dub 'Walnut Japanese Special' for lack a more fitting title. It rocks!

Kana really got into the spirit of Easter once we'd explained that it was all about reincarnation and people wafting up into the sky. Plus the abundance of chocolate made this addicted J-kid very very happy - I worry her mum might blame us for her daughter getting to whale-like proportions ..... They eat whale you know! Could be a health hazard in more ways than one!
I found an aptly Australiana themed chocolate koala for her too! Soooo rock!

I'm desperately in need of sleep but still so many errands to run!

Have to finalise my RPG's birthday present - Running with Horses and Little Ice Age are playing at the Wheaty tonight which should be a lovely gig to attend.

Despite fatigue I had to get up earlyish this morning for a photoshoot and then an interview on radio to promote Write On! that's happening next week. Don't forget to bring your biros and come check it out if you have time ~~ Open seminars by local writers from 10am and 1pm daily at the Unley Library - at the best price there is - FREE!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter, Life, The Universe and Everything . . And thanks for all the fish on Good Friday

The weekend was a whirl.

Lots happened and most of it was lovely as pie.

I was being a bit mental though which caused a few angsty moments.

You know when you can see something happening but somehow have very little control over your reactions which cause you to be angsty and then you feel angsty about feeling angsty.

Ohhh cyclic angst.

A group of very secular young 'uns got together for a bit of Easter crafty celebrationness.
An awful shot but captures the revoltingness of the moment so well . . . this was the second attempt. The first egg had a fatal flaw which caused its contents to explode over my face!

Our gorgeous and egg-blowingly talented host Ms Amber . . . always so genial even when Kana broke one of her bowls.

As the afternoon wore on things got increasingly creative and messy in the kitchen . . .
I worked myself into a corner with the oven prefering to smear myself with favoured chocolate having fun with a multitude of predominantly non-Easter themed moulds.
Hope that Owen and Anna weren't actually poisoned by my dubious experiments.

I was finally convinced to leave the chocolate concoctions for a moment and to try my hand at the egg decorating . . which proved to be quite amusing.
The one featured below was my more efficient second attempt.

** Disclaimer regarding this image**
The author of this blog is in no way inferring that anyone (excepting the author herself) pictured herein was involved in the making of chocolates or decorating of eggs, in fact, I believe they spent the afternoon proving their masculinity steadfastly being engrossed by a PSP or Playstation or something else electronic of that nature.
(NB This disclaimer may, in fact, only have very limited grounding in actual realtime events, and be aimed at protecting and upholding some weird construct of masculinity)

There are more great shots of the finishes eggly product but you'll have to wait until I've done my essay for them!

I finally heard about the result of my JET application! Which removed one underlying cause of semiconscious tension.

I've just finished a rather hack job of an application to DFAT as well.

Things are kind of coming together for next week's Write On! at Unley.

I'm being interviewed on radio and by our fine city's awful tabloid on friday.

It's my RPG's birthday tomorrow!!

Now I've had my celebratory break after my application submission - It's back to the drawing board for my essay - due at 12 tonight.

I would contest that my siblings and I look nothing like each other - Amber and James' views are simply an anomaly . . . Help me prove this by trying to guess to whom I'm actually related to. . . .

Friday, April 06, 2007

For the information of S....

Last night I plowed through injury induced headaches and pains finished work perfectly on time and spent a lovely lovely late evening catching up with my much missed RPG who has been understandably busy with honeymooning! We looked at many photos, drank yummy soyaccino and ate wheat, lactose and peanut free bikkies and chatted deep into the night having a rather cleansing chat about some of those things that have been on my mind and that you really need an RPG for to deal with them.
As I was telling S last night there are some strange photos from her wedding.
The following are some of the most insane photos of Wiz and myself that have ever been captured....

Not quite knowing which was the weirder I have included both as a little sequence.....

And here is a here is a less odd image of me and pip doing our matching outfitted bridesmaidly thing. Awww don't she look purdy! It was sure nice of her to come all the way back from Finland for the event and other things.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Yesterday afternoon Pulteney St struck again!

With very few exceptions, bad things (of the physical kind), me and bikes only ever come together on Pulteney.
I went flying over my handlebars and have a ridiculous number of massive bruises and a few bloody scrapes to prove it. It was also pointed out to me that my major concern at the time was not myself but my bike. Well, as it should be! And Oh My!! it is a sorry state. It was still rideable and I'm sure it only adds character and will mean that it will be much less of a target of theft, but still - my pristine bike! I'm not sure whether getting the crossbar fixed is something I should worry about straight away or whether, in fact, it doesn't just make me look super speedy and racer now that it's bent at an even more acute angle.
At least it still goes! So I winced my way home and spent the better part of the evening with an ice pack between my legs.

On another completely different note.....
If anyone has any interest in writing or being 'a writer' in the future when we all grow up, I'm involved with the Unley Council organising a writers workshop week at the library for Youth Week and YOU should come along! It's all free, anyone of any age from anywhere is welcome and we've got a good line-up of local writers so I encourage you all to get out during the fine autumn holidays that the Uni kids are all to be enjoying and lap up the writerly vibe.
Pippa, Joel, Sophie, Anna, Owen . . . I'm looking at you, my pretty Unleyites~~!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A few more 'thousand words' to get me back in to the blogosphere

Two posts for one month is rather woeful but it's been a big one.

I was run off my feet today at work and have uni tomorrow so I might run with a few choice images......
There is an excess from my Nan's 90th but I'll stick with the numerous wedding photos for tonight.

James and Peach got married!

It was soooo nice to catch up with Han after such a while, and they had the best themed cake I've ever known. They also had the most kickarse Bridal Waltz (read Timewarp) only rivalled the next day with an amazing performance by The Noises to It's Oh So Quiet.

Thanks to Sair's uber coordination skills and time management the girls were totally ready on time! I can't believe S made her dress and our accessories and all and that her wedding went off so beautifully was a testament to her's and A's superpowers!

My reading went off quite well in the end - with the ubiquitous technical difficulties - ironic given the setting was a sound tech's wedding - Oh well, it drew many a titter from the well-informed crowd and my operatic training came in handy and apparently you couldn't really even tell the mic wasn't one expect when the bus went past.

The happy bride getting to the 'church' on time - extreme precision timing such that it's a good thing I was part of the bridal party or like Jo and Luke, I'd have been rushing to bet the bride into the garden too!

Sair and Aidan looking oh-so-happy.


It's great to have lots of spesh people around to share lovely events with.

It's equally as wonderful to have aforementioned people around when things go a little haywire with too much alcohol and feelings get brutalized. There are many a time when I wouldn't survive half as well as I manage without, in particular, 2 lovely boys in my life.

Thanks to you both, Mr James and Wizzy Wizz Wizz.