Friday, April 06, 2007

For the information of S....

Last night I plowed through injury induced headaches and pains finished work perfectly on time and spent a lovely lovely late evening catching up with my much missed RPG who has been understandably busy with honeymooning! We looked at many photos, drank yummy soyaccino and ate wheat, lactose and peanut free bikkies and chatted deep into the night having a rather cleansing chat about some of those things that have been on my mind and that you really need an RPG for to deal with them.
As I was telling S last night there are some strange photos from her wedding.
The following are some of the most insane photos of Wiz and myself that have ever been captured....

Not quite knowing which was the weirder I have included both as a little sequence.....

And here is a here is a less odd image of me and pip doing our matching outfitted bridesmaidly thing. Awww don't she look purdy! It was sure nice of her to come all the way back from Finland for the event and other things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, the people in those photos look oh so hot! :)

4:50 PM  

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