Late night thoughts and photos

The finer arts of lawn bowls . . . were never really discovered by us.
I think it'd be fair to say that victories by each opposing team were generally more a matter of luck than anything else. This maybe contended by some *cough* nerds!

Some fine young things enjoying beverages and the sight of many an untrained yet enthusiastic lawn bowler novice.
Oh!! How I shall miss Jess Jess when she leaves us for Sydney oh too soon!
Sair's expression is the look of a lady in the throes of conquering the mammoth list of TO DOs in preparation for those planning a wedding.

my little second cousin or is that my first cousin once removed ?
She was my second shadow as her mum nursed the results of celebrating her wedding anniversary the night before. Ahhh Adoration! How I bask in the glory!
No, Jess Jess, I don't think we're winning on any techinicalities at all . . .

Think it's time to resort to plan #2 - Kneecapping!
That who ever so shall maketh Lord of The Rings where the walking is surplanted by a whole lot of bike riding shall engender much happiness in the world and great fortune shall rain upon them.
My world is one in great flux. As is my mind.
Things are changing - they always do.
This seems to me a particularly unsettled time.
I'm not sure where I'm heading - where doorways will open next
and which of those I will choose ?
I'm trying not to think about any of it too closely at present.
Running with the fun.
And loving it.
So many inspirational things have happened since I have returned to Atown.
Many difficult things have also happened too
These mould me in the most subtle but keen of ways
Still I think of those people:
And I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose
than to have never have lain beside at all
And I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose
than to have never have lain beside at all
nice bowling el. nan would be proud
dear eleanora martinez in the land of the rising sun:
lost season 3 resumes tonight. :)
no more blogging el?
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