Monday, January 01, 2007


It was nice to get back to A-town after the family overload at Xmas.
Busy weekend of work, now less enjoyable because I no longer have the lovely company of Liisa to be an ear when we're bored and I'm practising for my stand-up/radio show routine - just TRY and shut me up!
Had a few random funny moments.
Caught for with S&A for some quality time in the post-Xmas period . . . dinner and chocolate with the RPG posse - what could be finer ?
Escorted them home - and we're all so flash and fast now that Sair has her brand new Chrissie-present bike and A forked out big bucks for an overhaul of his treddly.

Rode to work and had people clamouring to get in early - nutcases!
Deadly slow arvo allowed me to rush off and get supplies for the NYE festivities, the thought of which were getting me through the day.
Cycle home, couple of hours to relax and get on the clobber and it was off again to Clarence Park for a terribly civilised BBQ with fantastic mango punch. School crowd that I never associated with consisted the majority of party-goers so it was an odd affair which I left for the more boisterous event going down at Anna's in Hughes St.
Adelaide turned it on and reminded me just what a small town it is.
Yet again I have been AdelaideD well and good.

MikeyG and I finished the night with some heady G&Ts and heavy consideration of double suicide prompted by third time repeats of some already initially dodgey music choices.
Then it was a inebriated wobble to crash out at 4am to awake again at 6am seized with an urge to tidy.
Hopefully photos will follow, curtesy of Wiz.

Spent the afternoon hours at Semaphore lazing on the beach and pondering the smallness of this town, wishing for mayonnaise.
Went for another catch up with Al - a lovely dinner at her parent's while she's on a whirlwind visit back from Perth. Think I will have to make this the year of random short holidays about the nation to discover and reacquaint myself with it's wonders.

Time to catch up on some Zzzzzs.


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