Feeling sick is sucky

So yes, that band that I was enthusing about the other day . . .
The Blowwaves! They were so much fun!
And musically accomplished too.
The vocals were so impressively tight I was quite blown away.
My eyes were causing me such grief that I decided to just sit back and enjoy rather than fiddle about too much in bad light trying to take decent photos so I can only offer one of Running With Horses because they were on first, before I became complacent. S&A did some really nice work - They did some songs off their demo CD which went down well and I reallyed enjoyed a new one, their last song but I've forgotten what it is called.
But back to The Blowwaves. Just really really good. I find that I often take time to warm up to new bands and songs but these guys had me hooked straight off. Their lyrics were pretty funny in the entertaining sense - as were the stage moves of the lead singer. And I was just so impressed by how competent they were musically. Being reasonably ignorant bandwise but fairly well educated when it comes to knowing a bit about voices . . . they were a joy to hear. The songs were good and the general sound was loud and enthusiatic which is great, but they are a band that do great things vocally. The balance and blend was beautiful.
Well, that's enough waxing lyrical - thought they were fab and just wish they were playing in Adelaide more often.
I can't wait to get my hands on a CD.
Regarding things to make myself feel better . . .
I did very few of the things on my list - sighhhhh
I rang the shoe store - looks like I was badly informed and it's super super unlikely I get another pair of my shoes. The woman on the phone was a bit snooty and abrupt - poo to her too! So I've emailed a place in Melbourne but that's not turned up anything different.
A family friend turned up so I chatted away to him whilst dealing with the soothing activity of folding clothes and hanging out washing.
I rode to pilates having taken panadol to suppress my coldiness.
Then went out for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Didn't have to wait quite as long as when Sair and I went out last Thursday night for dinner - but it was almost on a par. That was some 15 minutes! But in that instance we still arrived with plenty of time for seeing/hearing the wonderfulness that is the voice of Travis in The Unspoken Things. Really just about one of the best voices I've heard in a band in Adelaide. Most boys are too in love with their Shout Voice to know the meaning of singing.
Today I expect not to hear from the people who interviewed me on Wednesday because I hold out no hope of getting the job. Sighhhhhh
I ought to get out into the sunshine now and finish the last coat on the daybed and print-type drawer.
Then I get to go hang out with SareB in town.
Anyone for Lawn Bowls ?
References for my JET application are all coming together . . Now I just have to write about how truly fabulous I am and convince them of the fact.
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