Musings, sewings and super heroes
Yet again I should be writing another job application, but quite frankly it's all wearing a little thin and I've not the motivation for it. I'm sick of spending copious amounts of time and effort for very little gain. Sure, it's good experience; I've improved my ability to churn these things out and got my resume up to date, had a few interviews - one of which was my first experience going for a reasonably professional job. But I'm over - can't someone just hire me into any old brain-less job already ?!! Just need some coinage and little occupation to get me going.
But there a projects aplenty . . . if only someone would pay me for doing something I really enjoy.
I'm currently applying for what would be a fantastic job - was selected for an interview from a list of 122 . . so that's a good start. The process is sure to be competetive but then I'm not even clear on whether I want it. If I didn't have all the crazy qualifications and dreams and schemes then it would be the perfect job for staying in Adelaide. It'd be interesting and keep you on your toes; it's in a line of work that I think I'd love . . . the arts, people, food, organising things . . . what's not to love ? But I'm just not sure that if I even managed to get the job that I'd want it - it's unlikely it's fit all that well with my proposed study plan for next year . . . and then, if I'm successful in my other big application for stuff then I won't even plan on being in Australia by mid next year. As I was saying to AW, great as the job may seem I'm not sure if it actually suits my current trajectory. And by trajectory I more mean something like "I've been catapulted into orbit by numerous forces and am not sure when or if or which boosters are going to kick in . . and there's an asteroid belt coming up".
What a to do . . .
I'm loving pilates at the present. So glad to have finally come back to it! Have been going 3 times a week and it's really helping my back. The frequency is meaning that my general aware and technique is greatly improved and I'm feeling much better for it.
More positive thoughts . . .
Slowing weeding through the detritus of my life - Sculpting my space and days into more of a semblance of something I'd prefer to live.
Soon I will have a new bike!! yayyyy
The weather may be what other describe as "unmysterious" but it's affect on my mental health is alllll gooooood.
Though this job stuff is frustrating I'm pretty fatalistic about it because I just don't care that much - something'll happen eventually and then whatever that is will work out fine. This is usually the frame of mind that I'm in when good things happen. Here's crossing my fingers then . . .
Ahhh . . MSN can be so good for somethings . . . I'm catching up with my "sister" Maki who has been living in New York this year. It's the first time we've been able to do so and it rocks!
How is it that days drift away like they do ???
Soon it will be December already!
As promised or threatened . . I now present the photos that I took of the costume making events leading up to and including the recent Halloween party that I attended . . .

This is Sair being wayyyyy handy with her sewing machine . . .
My costume would have been heaps 微妙 (びみょう - bimyou - "lame, average") if it hadn't been for her!!
Thanks RPG!

The super hero crew
We have the power of the universe at our fingertips!
Sair and I in full swing a the partei with labour of love costumes finally complete and out doing the rounds.

Sair looked absolutely gorgeous with long blonde hair but perhaps it'd be too much of an ask to get her to grow her real tresses to that length by March next year . . .
We were shocked and appalled by the lack of awareness for the greatness of Sheera and Sailor Moon, amongst the other party goers. We came to the conclusion it must be a generational thing.
A. preferred simply to put it down to the ignorance and unculturedness of the masses.
But there a projects aplenty . . . if only someone would pay me for doing something I really enjoy.
I'm currently applying for what would be a fantastic job - was selected for an interview from a list of 122 . . so that's a good start. The process is sure to be competetive but then I'm not even clear on whether I want it. If I didn't have all the crazy qualifications and dreams and schemes then it would be the perfect job for staying in Adelaide. It'd be interesting and keep you on your toes; it's in a line of work that I think I'd love . . . the arts, people, food, organising things . . . what's not to love ? But I'm just not sure that if I even managed to get the job that I'd want it - it's unlikely it's fit all that well with my proposed study plan for next year . . . and then, if I'm successful in my other big application for stuff then I won't even plan on being in Australia by mid next year. As I was saying to AW, great as the job may seem I'm not sure if it actually suits my current trajectory. And by trajectory I more mean something like "I've been catapulted into orbit by numerous forces and am not sure when or if or which boosters are going to kick in . . and there's an asteroid belt coming up".
What a to do . . .
I'm loving pilates at the present. So glad to have finally come back to it! Have been going 3 times a week and it's really helping my back. The frequency is meaning that my general aware and technique is greatly improved and I'm feeling much better for it.
More positive thoughts . . .
Slowing weeding through the detritus of my life - Sculpting my space and days into more of a semblance of something I'd prefer to live.
Soon I will have a new bike!! yayyyy
The weather may be what other describe as "unmysterious" but it's affect on my mental health is alllll gooooood.
Though this job stuff is frustrating I'm pretty fatalistic about it because I just don't care that much - something'll happen eventually and then whatever that is will work out fine. This is usually the frame of mind that I'm in when good things happen. Here's crossing my fingers then . . .
Ahhh . . MSN can be so good for somethings . . . I'm catching up with my "sister" Maki who has been living in New York this year. It's the first time we've been able to do so and it rocks!
How is it that days drift away like they do ???
Soon it will be December already!
As promised or threatened . . I now present the photos that I took of the costume making events leading up to and including the recent Halloween party that I attended . . .

This is Sair being wayyyyy handy with her sewing machine . . .
My costume would have been heaps 微妙 (びみょう - bimyou - "lame, average") if it hadn't been for her!!
Thanks RPG!

The super hero crew
We have the power of the universe at our fingertips!
Sair and I in full swing a the partei with labour of love costumes finally complete and out doing the rounds.

Sair looked absolutely gorgeous with long blonde hair but perhaps it'd be too much of an ask to get her to grow her real tresses to that length by March next year . . .
We were shocked and appalled by the lack of awareness for the greatness of Sheera and Sailor Moon, amongst the other party goers. We came to the conclusion it must be a generational thing.
A. preferred simply to put it down to the ignorance and unculturedness of the masses.
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