Thursday, October 26, 2006

And today's post continues . . .

In the Japanese Gardens
Originally uploaded by 絵理.

I received a bouquet of native flowers at the Farmer's Markets a couple of Sundays ago and since then have taken time every so often to do quick sketches.
I was inspired by Pippa's latest endeavours . . . I have had so many keen arty interests over the years that there period of prevalence in my life is always on the wax and wane. After high school fine arts really seemed like the direction I was headed, but I went and studied classical voice at the con. Spent a lot of the time questioning the intelligence on my decision, appplied and was accepted to the UniSA Underdale course . . . suddenly things looked up in music and so I refused the position. But all through that time I made far more money selling my art work than I ever did making music.
But I was more likely to make crafty stuff than draw much . . . Make cushions . . . Decoupage mirrors . . . Produce ornate invitations and posters . . .
Music . . . don't know what'll ever happen there.
Sometimes thinking about it really upsets me, but I felt that I made a pragmatic decision when I decided to take a break from the stress and pressure and go to Japan - try something new again.

But now where am I going ?
What am I doing ?

I don't have a plan past the next few months. Then just expect to keep on following the path that is laid down by the decisions and outcomes of this time.
But that's doesn't seem so unusual . . . I don't know anyone with a "5 year" or a "10 year" plan. I assume there must be people in the world who think that way . . . But I can't say as I know any of them.
That's probably all to the good for my self-esteem.

Anyhooooo . . . I put this photo up because it reminded me of the native flowers I've been trying so had to capture in 2D with a hugely limited pallette. I also saw it randomly in a bunch of images and liked the unusual depth of focus on the middleground cones.

Australian flora is unique and stunningly beautiful I think . . . I hope that what I've sent you, Pippa, brings a little of that to you wall garden!

Having had problems with blogger I saved this post but could never get it all up again properly.
Then I added on to it as I was doing some reading . . .

Reading about careers theory . . . weird. There are theories on everything these days. And it’s funny to me to think about how I’m categorized. I’m part of “the post-1970s generation” . . . I’m not a Gen X, but a Gen Y, I believe.
What are all these crazy boxes ? These codes ?
Categories and subcategories . . . .
I’m now reading about how recent studies have shown that lots of people in Australia don’t regard their occupation; their paying work as the cornerstone of their identity.
Again, do people . . presumably people used to think that way a lot . . . “I’m an accountant”. But it’s so clear that one can never just be one thing isn’t it ?
Aren’t we all little walking Venn diagrams, not just three overlapping circles, but thousands . . we must look like flowers!
All the people to touch and who touch us . . . all the things we do shape us.
I think I realize now that I’ve known and know some amazing people.
I should be preparing for this interview but I just wanted to record these thoughts.
And say, thanks peeps! For being so open-minded, interesting, inspiring . . . for being such wonderful influences . . drawing, coaxing, enticing, dragging me to where I stand today.
On ya!
Big props.

Another footnote . . . I got a funny call from Kath today - It's nice when friends share the love by ringing up to tell you that others think you are hot or "really super super cute" or whatever.
That kept me at the interview preparation for another dedicated hour at least!
Warm fuzzies, lady!


Blogger Phili said...

Ellie you ARE hot and super super cute! I love picturing myself as a flowery venn diagram ... thanks for being one of my intersecting circles :) Had a lovely time yesterday, hope you don't mind if I post one of your pics on my blog!

10:36 PM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

I'm so glad that you are one of my intersecting circles too lady!! Hopefully now that in the country again they can connect for even more good times!! hee hee!

Feel free to share the photo love around! Can send you all the others from the Phili Photo Shoot too if you like!!

11:46 AM  

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