1000 words . . .
Soooooo frustrating and disappointing after all that work! I can't get it back and I can't even fix it because as sometimes happens the photos won't upload. Damn. I had such a long and beautiful post and it all ready to post and all . . . . Now I only have the start to offer . . .
A giggly couple and Mr Big
Going to the chapel and they're . . gonna get marrrried . . . these two will be in March - how excitaming! Glad I will be here for all the fabulousness!
One of the first things I did when back in A-town and finally braving the streets again was to make a trip in on the deadly to share a meal with some of my favourite peeps.
Aliese was kind enough to do the oragnising for us and it was a lovely event. Must say that the Australian servings got the better of me but it was all good food - much better than the Chinese that I didn't enjoy when I was in China. Though I'd hate to think what my Chinese friends would make of it. They generally complained bitterly about the quality and price of Japanese Chinese cuisine. Am sure we have an Australian equivalent, but what the hell . . . it's all a matter of what you're accustomed to, but I still pity them their awful rice - or maybe that again is my Japanized sensibilities.
After the meal the hangers-on stood on the footpath chatting away for about half an hour before we decided that we may as well get a room or at least some coffee or the like. So we moseyed on over to The Bar on Gouger (do you know that this is the exact example sentence provided for for the word "mosey" in the dictionary - without the capitals and the bit about it being on Gouger St . . . not that I looked it up or anything . . . would I be that nerdy??)
And for a night of the playschool week it got rather late as we whiled away the hours together chatting away. Lovely.
The wonders of chocolate and soy return to me as we become reacquainted after my exxxxtended period in the milk-chocolate satured J-land. And resultingly get a little silly.
Yes! I have a dimple!
A giggly couple and Mr Big

One of the first things I did when back in A-town and finally braving the streets again was to make a trip in on the deadly to share a meal with some of my favourite peeps.
Aliese was kind enough to do the oragnising for us and it was a lovely event. Must say that the Australian servings got the better of me but it was all good food - much better than the Chinese that I didn't enjoy when I was in China. Though I'd hate to think what my Chinese friends would make of it. They generally complained bitterly about the quality and price of Japanese Chinese cuisine. Am sure we have an Australian equivalent, but what the hell . . . it's all a matter of what you're accustomed to, but I still pity them their awful rice - or maybe that again is my Japanized sensibilities.
After the meal the hangers-on stood on the footpath chatting away for about half an hour before we decided that we may as well get a room or at least some coffee or the like. So we moseyed on over to The Bar on Gouger (do you know that this is the exact example sentence provided for for the word "mosey" in the dictionary - without the capitals and the bit about it being on Gouger St . . . not that I looked it up or anything . . . would I be that nerdy??)
And for a night of the playschool week it got rather late as we whiled away the hours together chatting away. Lovely.

Yes! I have a dimple!
And I'm trying to make another!
Surely it can't be good feng-shui to have only one ?! It must make ones face assymetrical.
And we all know how much humans are intrinsically attracted to symmetry . . . weird.
And that's all that's left!! Booo hooooo. And I can't think of any more of the lost witticisms.
So now I'll have to try and add the rest about Scary Cat and my weekend later, if only the photos will upload!
dude.. you need to start writing your posts offline in Word or something..
good to see Adelaide is treating you well.
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