2 degrees is it ?
Missed and missing already.
Tears and luggage, confiscated mayonnaise (not something I planned - a random gift at the last minute, and NO Mr Grumpy Quarantine Man, as opposed to the Mr Lovely Quarantine Man who only laughed and mistook Sam for Frodo, you can't get Mentaiko Mayonnaise in A-town no matter what you think! It's hard enough to get in Japan!)
But the blue skies are glorious as is Soy Chai Latte . . . lunch in the park with Jess.
Dinner with the Fam and Sophie.
Surprising peeps by rocking up to gigs unexpected.

Here is Elizabeth lovely with her trusty keyboard and bow.
And that's Denni Blur looking rather rock in the background.
It was fun to see the brillig kids doing their thing after such a spell . . . . enjoyed the spin chiller with the blonde going on in as accompaniment but am now at a loss as to what was going on with the lady at the window, the loping zombie walk and did the nice black butler (like something straight out of a southern Shirley Temple movie - all class) survive or was he eventually targeted and succumbed to the strangling by coat?
Also bumped into Bec and had a chat . . . Turns out Aliese was coldy and had left so I missed out on completing all of my aims for the evening - but 2 out of 3 ain't bad according to one big man of 'rock' so I figured I was doing okay.
Then I had to take my increasingly croaky voice and my spiderless bike and hop on back over to the Exeter to catch . . . .
Running with Horses.
Had gone there first in the evening because they were supposed to be on early and I had my schedule all worked out so that I could manage to be at all places, all things to all people! But a tired West Coaster threw a spanner in the works and I got to enjoy even more cruising about town than originally planned - damn I love coasting the downtown streets. Adelaide's so freaking safe. I didn't enjoy being overtaken by the paunch in lycra but I figure it's しょうがない on that front whilst I have yet to invest in my Dream Ride.
GEETS!! Where are you ??? You're keeping me from riding off into the sunset in a blaze of self-powered glory . . . Just like Tammy Smith . . . you're so hard to find . . . do I have to doorknock the houses of Blackwood ? or is it Black Forrest ?
Well, I've been keeping busy doing things that have needed doing for years and having a interesting time trying to fit all of my clothes into the limited space available . . . Even I didn't know how many pieces of clothing for the upper body I had managed to accummulate until now and others are still arrive in boxes. I think I must have super human powers when it comes to this kind of thing - wonder if there is a way to harness such power for the betterment of civilisation ?
PS Wiz - sorry I didn't come through Sydney!
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