But where is the green parrot ?

This trip has been different. It has been highlighted by super organisation mocked by numerous train-catching mishaps; a sick travelling partner; a number of wonderful incidental meetings . . . one conversation that started over Hello Kitty just after we'd arrived in Nara and lead to us almost missing our 11pm curfew when we were still all wildly nattering away in the sporadic rain. The same conversation also has me even more determined to get back to pilates and particularly that ever-calling NEW DREAM BIKE. The boys made what is sure to be a gruelling week sound like the most fun one could possibly have!! One day I'll find my way to Iowa! (Do I have the state right, Matt and Pirate Jake ?)
Been less about the places and more about the people.
But I also got to a range of places that I'd previously missed. We took things at our pace and had a number of fantastic late night chats as we made over way from beautiful temple accommodation to well-appointed comfy-futoned ryokan. I was really happy with my choices in this regard - especially the ryokan in Nara. It was a little out of the way but a lovely room with a view and hearty traditional breakfast that kept us going all day - shower did leave a little to be desired. Our ryokan in Kyoto's eastern district was a little hard to locate in the quickly darkening rainy night but it was such a spick and span little place - lovely bath (though breakfast was wanting - repulsive ham as the main feature!! Ughhh! Even Meat-Eater Beenz couldn't stomach more than two slices) . . . but I was so happy with the place for location. Despite the flagging spirits and health of Beenz we did a lot of worthy exploring of the charming cobbled streets of the eastern mountain flanks.
Another a sickness induced rest in Maruyama Park we did finally make it to Heian Shrine . . where I took the above pictured photo. I was expecting a bit more of the gardens but Beenz had lots of fun feeding the carp and turtles in the lake . . unpaid for . . . a small sweet victory for we cash-strapped travellers. Kind of how Beenz's cheeseburger apparently improved in flavour greatly after we informed her that eating as she waled along really was taboo in Japan.
I am ashamed that she lowered herself to a 100 yen cheeseburger in favour of the Takoyaki and Akashi-yaki that Ryoko and I enjoyed on our flying trip to Osaka on Saturday morning, but I bowed down to her in her dire condition, given that she's barely eaten (and then kept down) any food since arriving.
Ohhhh Osaka - home of some of the most homely Japanese food, wonderful shoes and physically abusive bagladies . . . I'll take the safety of Hiroshima and the relevative peace of Tofu-capital Kyoto any day but such a great place to visit every now and again!
Oh packing . . . . horror of horrors!
Another typhoon on it's way - winds are terrible tonight. Howling gale.
Must shower off the day's sticky muck and get to bed.
You blog entry is from the future. Dated '18 Sept' we havent made it there yet. The reason why I take note of the date is cos I was wondering if Rene would be over her illness. Most likely not.
Well I hope she gets over it and u can continue to be doing more of the things u write of.
It may be a surprise to some, but America isn't the world leader in everything...
Especially time zones. :)
Hope Rene gets well soon!
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