Plans plans plans . . . and minor panic attacks

Never been a phone person.
Last year I developed a sense of fearless whilst making hotel bookings and the like by phone simply because it was call or sleep out in the wild streets of Kyoto or mountainous slopes of Hokkaido. When I have time to think and plan I start procrastinating. (Thus this post)
But I just made a quick decision about one place to stay and though it's getting close to that day which makes me nervous because they are likely to simply say "we're full" and then I have to ring someone else, I checked it on the intermanet and then rang. The lady on the other end sounded quite lovely, and I had been reassured by the bloglike posting that I read with info by some previous tourist who'd stayed there, and I managed the whole thing perfectly in Japanese. I felt rather elated - jeezz, there must be somehting a bit wrong with me when I get all fluttery and happy over a phone call - just like a crush. It felt very much like Happy Dance time, but I restrained myself.
So I thought it called for a celebratory post before I move on to handling a call to Koyasan. I am tempted to ring the place we stayed last time but I'd like to try somewhere new despite how lovely it was. Last year I rang on the day and it was a rather traumatic experience with an irate travelling partner and a lengthening list of places that I had already tried and weren't available . . and a looming deadline for the train if we even wanted to get there (had also just farewelled The Then Love, which didn't help for emotional stability at a pinch point). Koyasan was fantastic and worth the pain and torment of getting there.
This is all part of waiting for an reply email to let me know what I ought to do about my bank account. As banks in Japan close at the ridiculously early time of 3pm, I'm not this little task will get done today but that presents a problem because soon the Beenz will be here and then it OUGHT to be Non-Stop-Party-Time.
Also have to go pay the Ward Office money and show the a piece of paper so that they'll believe I'm finally leaving the country.
We now have about a week's accommodation all lined up. Very different to last year's rather intense run where things take us approach. This time I'm focusing much more on Ryokans and one YH in Kyoto. Business hotels had their good aspects last time but I've learnt and this time we're running with going to some fancy, lovely places that aren't that much more really - and while in Japan you may as well check them out otherwise why bother coming at all.
Also have my home this time! Where we will spend at least 7 or 8 nights - that'll save us some money and be nice all at the same time. I have NO money . . . I'm not just -saying that, for those of you who knew me through my "Crazy-save-for-Japan-I-have-no-money" phase. The money is finally gone. I shall just make it back to Auslandia . . . then, oh dear! I must find a job or something!
Keep your ear's to the ground for me, kiddies!
Righto, I'll get on with it then!
Genki des ka?
Yowzers. I know a friend of yours from Adelaide. I just read that you were travelling in Japan. Awesome. The train system there is superb. I went there for a month a couple of years ago.
Actually I have a funny story about the banks. I had American Express travellers cheques which clearly stated Canadian dollars on them. This was when the Canadian dollar was garbage. They screwed up and exchanged it as American dollars instead. 200 dollars in my pocket boooyah.
Oh. Things to do: Standing noodle houses rock. Eat some Fugu. Visit the Sumo dojos in Tokyo. Bring a guide. A fun experience when I did it.
You went at the wrong time though. You should have gone during cherry blossom seasons. Have fun.
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