The sun is up, the sky is blue . . .

. . . and we're off to an onsen. There's no sign of last night's typhoon.
I think I'm going to give up on Kyushu and maybe we'll try and get to Shikoku this week instead. Always thought it was a bit lame that I hadn't managed to get there yet when it's so close, and I think it'd be a more manageable proposition than trying to get all the way to Kyushu when it's not that easy and cheap to get there . . and I'm not sure how to get about it. There used to be a ferry but it's no more.
Ahhhhhhh . . . feel like a day off in the nice weather! This will be far more relaxing!
I'm not sleeping properly. Up late but then unable to sleep in. I think it's the nervousness that comes with all of the big things that are happening.
I'm coming to see that there is likely to be a VERY big excess baggage fee to be paid. Any suggestions for me from the many seasoned travellers out there ?????
I'll be so glad when the move is over despite what it will mean . . at least then the packing won't be hanging over my head anymore . . . poor Damacles.
Today is 敬老の日 - Respect for the elderly day . . . Rina is calling around to all of the older family friends and relations.
Wish I could ring my Nan. Should at least get that old letter in the post!
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