Musings from a day in the life . . .

After the class I went home to ponder things, feel sleepy, consider hunting for red skins and sherbies but draw flowers instead. I got a bunch of native flowers randomly given to me by a stall holder at the Farmer's Markets at the Showgrounds last weekend when Geets and I spent a lovely Sunday morning together. Riding proved with said flowers proved to be somewhat antic-inducing. Since then I have taken to studying them almost daily in an attempt to get back into the drawing and arty activities that I used to do what seems like an age ago.
Then I dashed out on my bike again to meet up with the lovely Court who is looking fabulously fit these days. We had a charming lunch followed by basking in the sun whilst indulging in gelati and d&ms. Lovely was to pass the afternoon.
Then no sooner had we parted than I got a phone call . . . would have been funny if it wasn't kind of depressing, upsetting and all the rest.
"Beware. Spotted, heading in your direction"
But I was on a mission . . . red skins and sherbies are required for posting to Finlandia.
Went and pondered many a thing in the Japanese gardens again. Such a haven of a little spot.
The gate keeper was 9 minutes late coming to close the gardens . . . It struck me that only because I have been in Japan for an extended period do I expect such things to now occur promptly.
Then I finally went for a more concerted search for aforementioned lollies. Woolies failed me so I dropped by to check out Jess and Sarah's floury white baps. No red skins there either.
Then I had an unexpected call from the Pooj suggesting dinner.
Indian it was.
Lovely it also was.
Until my heart exploded with surprise and I lost my appetite.
This town is tooooooo small.
And/or Fate just has it in for me.
At least I feel confident that if I retire to the seclusion of my room for the evening I will be safe from any further events of such a nature. For today.
PS Though I think the world of Vego n Lovin' Its Mullogatawny (or however you spell it) soup, I had forgotten it's potency. Enjoy with caution.
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