
I miss my Japanese friends.
It was really quite chill this morning, for the weather of late.I have a cold and so despite the weather having cheered up since this morning I haven't much energy for going out and enjoying it.I was up late feeling yuck and the woke at quarter to 5 feeling yuck. YUCK! Sleep a bit more after 7 but then got up to run Midge about as she is going to Perth for a week.Then I cashed in some of my good parking karma and got a perfect-for-some-unfathomable-reason-non-ticket 2 hr park and went to the Market. Put some Birkis in for repair and asked about buying a replacement pair for my most favouritest shoes in the world. Unfortunately I listened to a friend a while back and didn't purchase a second pair before heading OS and NOW!! Oh dear . . . they are discontinued!! Some searching over hill and down dale, and soul selling may be required.
Haven't been in touch with Ryoko (pictured) since she wrote to say that her grandpa had died - no reply to my email, which I completely understand. Emails are just boring - I want to be able to see my friends face to face. But I suppose thems the breaks. I have A-town folks for face-to-facing with!
I made a second batch of chutney today with some apples that I got in the Market.Realised that I place I applied to work at is pretty much a glorified butcher - thank goodness I haven't heard back from them!!
Had an interview yesterday for a job that would be great if it had been around a couple of years ago or alternatively was around in a few years time. I'd love the job but just don't think it fits with where I "am" (where is that ?!!!) at present. I have no hopes for actually being offered the position though the employer seemed to like me . . . there was a lot of really strong competition and my interview got cut short because of time constraints at the end of the session.
Fatalism - I find it a great attitude.
I forgot about the job and went and met Sareb for a wander in the city.
Had bit of an air-clearing with Pooj last night as we made pizza for dinner. This seemed to have a good affect on us as we suddenly started talking to each other and being friendly again after weeks of niggling.
Things I should do that would make myself feel better . . .
- ring the birki shop about the shoe order.
- return library books and borrow more based on Pippa's recommendations.
- go for a wander about the leafy suburbs in which I live
- finish and post letter to P*
- go get my glasses realigned - wish I could just wear my contacts but my eyes have been giving me hell and I hate going blind like I did last weekend.
- hang out the washing after taking the last lot off the racks.
- do the third coat of paint on the daybed.
. . . and that's just the really easy to do things . . .
Damn I find life mind-bogglingly full of menial tasks that I like to avoid because they rarely provide you with any great sense of fulfillment.
Then tonight I have pilates which I live for these days.
A dinner date and if I don't feel awful again due to my cold I even have after dinner plans!
uggh! maybe I should just crawl back into bed.
oh man! i miss takoyaki...:'( i wanna hang out with everybody again someday. maybe after i graduate i can save up some $ and travel like I want.
You, me and Bizen okonomiyaki-ya!
There will have to be a reunion of such a star billing, no doubt about it!!
We might even be kind enough to deign to have others dine with us, hey!
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