Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today has been one of the lowest points of my return.

I wish I wasn't still up because at least when I'm asleep (as S tells us through song) there's less time to think.
The day was improved by Geet turning up in the evening for a D&M but took a slight slide into the mudlin when we took a jaunt out to Pembroke. Ughh. Freakin' wannabe-hippie monie kids shit me. Now I find myself irritable all over again about things that I ought not to distress myself about. All the problems, hurts fell away listening to someone else talk about their issues and offer up the good and the bad for contemplation . . . now they come flooding back with renewed force.

Why does everyone I know have to work fulltime or be too busy with study ?
I can't even find anyone to go to a movie with me.
It's just depressing . . . Wish I could see a path through the mire but these days it feels like trudging through an endless mindfield of frustration bombs.
It's not quite boredom . . . it's a sapping inefficiency.

When will it end ?
I'm considering accepting/begging for respective old jobs just to reach an end of sorts.

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER**Note to all those wonderful people who get me through the days - which is pretty much all of you who do (and don't) read this blog - this is not intended to offend or depreciate the important and appreciated role that you play in my life. I simply feel lonely, confused and shitty right now at 2am on yet another fruitless Wednesday morning and feel like a little wallowing in self-pity is about the comfort it will afford.
So wallow I shall.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could always volunteer somewhere to fill in time while you're looking for work.

i wish i had more time - i would of course volunteer at the zoo. you can prepare touch tables (skin animals and put the skeletons back together eek!) or educate people about why baboons have pink bottoms.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want a job in the public service (its an irresistable proposition), I know of many jobs going around - see the section in Wed/Sat papers, or (non-public sector employees to apply).

Also, I believe Wiz wants a receptionist?? Maybe it's best not to work with your friends...

I think a big posse should be formed to go see "Borat", perhaps on Sat/Sunday? Looks really good.

8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like taking a jigsaw piece out of a completed puzzle, only to find it doesn't fit in its old spot when you go to put it back. Did the puzzle change or was it the piece?

Or is it a little simpler than that and no one is available for fun times?

3D Radio is always good for volunteering. Not sure if you can talk to people about pink bottoms, but they might give you a show to explore the idea on.

10:18 AM  

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