News in brief, or not so
One of my boxes from Japan has arrived.
Just the one.
I hope the others do, but I think that this one has come all on its lonesome because it's the one that I used the last of the rabbit tape on. The others got strawberry tape and apparently were sent back to my home after I'd left because Japan's interpretation of Australia's tought quarantine laws is that if anything happens to have pictures of fruit and veg on it then it will come back. But this was cutesy strawberry tape that no one in their right mind would use for commercial packaging of product! Apparently one of the boxes also had "mushrooms" written on it in kanji too which caused a fuss . . . yeah, rightttt, customs officers are all well versed in their asian scripts.
Sooooo . . . it'll be exciting to see what's inside but then again I still haven't quite finished the room revamp so I haven't quite made all the space I need for the incoming stuff.
Funnily enough though I have too many clothes Beenz aka my stylist tells me I don't have enough - at least of things that I like.
The weekend was a whirrrl.
Friday afternoon following painting and washing activities I had a fantastic time with SareB but didn't buy material - then piked on Sair only to spend Saturday with her after early morning pilates with Beenz. I picked up a beautiful new bedspread at IKEA and a fantastic bargain pair of shoes.

Then I raced home changed, wrapped a present and a found a card for Angelique and Ryan's engagement party, dashed up to Amie and Simon's house to meet Ry, had a stiff drink, wrote in both sets of cards, promptly forgot the card for Ry and myself and arrived fashionably late at the lovely Old Jam Factory where the party was being held. It was quite nice apart from the odd moment of running the old school buddies gauntlet of Ryan's friends. Ahhh the weirdness of being made to mingle socially with people you never went out of your way to get to know for five years over 8 years ago.
But it's nice to know that I'm still good with names and faces.
Also had a good chat with my previous employer who may now use me if she needs any extra hands . . . also an ex-coworker who went on about how nice it had been last time we were at a party together and she and her husband had had a lovely time nattering away with my now-ex. Fun topics of conversation.
Also caught up with Michelle and Matt who are now expecting their second child.
Then the night's activities get stranger . . . Having only partaken of the reasonably lightly champagne laced punch I decided I was fine to drive into town to make a lateish entrance at MikeyG's Speakeasy party which I'd received a late invit to about 4 hours prior. Picked up the fabulously dressed Wizard and Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya, got a brilliant park, walked past the the seething vortex of human atrocity which is Mansions, around the corner to MikeyG's beautiful new place. The man has the most extrodrinary gift for finding exceptional rentals.
There was many a fancy cocktail flying about and I spent most of the evening bonding with Chris and Naoko . . . wayyy wonderfull kids. It was soooo nice to be able to chat about and in Japanese especially when there were matters that need discussing diploamtically. Yayyyy! For near-bilingualism!
I met Alison for about the 4th time but hopefully this time she will remember me because we had numerous photos taken together, and you have to recall someone if you have your photo taken with them, right?!!
Also had yet another lovely chat with ever-fashionably attired Bel.
I didn't bother taking photos because soooo many others were (see Two Degrees) except when I just could resist getting one of these two looking the quintessence of Speakeasy . . . . Randomly turned out nicely because Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya took a photo that perfectly coincided with mine and provide a surprise flash and some extra ambient lighting. Much nicer than using the flash myself! Perrrrfect.
There were some very beautifully dressed people there . . .
Karenski looked exceptional as only Karenski can in a wig.
Big props for the lending of lovely looonnng gloves which made me look a little less conspicuous.
3am rolled around which it's requisite enthusiastic dancing by Martine and Karenski.
4am came on with calls from Beenz and a drive by sighting.
5am staggered on with the dawn, nausea and a desperate need for the pizza we were waiting for.
6am brightened the room as I devoured cheeseless vego pizza in place of the dinner I never really got the previous night . . . and passed out.
Was is 8:10 or 9:20 I decided I ought to go home because I didn't like to miss my Sunday morning routine ?
I passed out on the couch again.
10:30 I think I had the same thought again . . . I passed out on the couch again.
At 11:40 I insisted my esteemed colleague get up and pay attention to me so we looked at photos while I got impatient about being inside and then decided I was famished again.
So we went and had dumplings at BBQ City which always reminds me of Pippa.
We had a great long chat about all sorts of interesting stuff.
Then we removed for coffee and a continuation of aforementioned chatting.
When it was hitting 5pm I felt the irrepressible need to for a shower so I went home to hear about Beenz's night running about after Paul The Drunkard. The she went out for more of the same.
I put on some sheets to wash and ended up going out for a completely unneeded Indian meal with Pooj and his lady and my Dad. I got there and started seeing lights and being unable to read the menu which is always the warning signs that I am getting a migraine. I started to panic, got told off for having changed into clothes that were clearly too warm for the evening and dashed outside for a breath of fresh air, careering about the footpath.
I went back to the restuarant and the waiter tried to accost me but I barged past him to the toilet, stripped off the offending woollen jumper, splashed myself with water and was able to chug back enough icy water to keep the disco in my head at bay.
I'm in love with their Eggplant pickle/chutney - it's just scrumptious.
There was much lively conversation and then despite the imploding skull I was the homebound driver for the youthful drinkers.
Then the sweet oblivion of sleep.
My head still hurts this morning and my cold has reawoken. Perhaps it didn't agree with the blur that the weekend became.
I still have to try and get a ticket for the French festival this coming weekend because the guy who did the Amelie soundtrack is going to be playing or somesuch . . . Anyone interested ??
Time to check out that box!
Just the one.
I hope the others do, but I think that this one has come all on its lonesome because it's the one that I used the last of the rabbit tape on. The others got strawberry tape and apparently were sent back to my home after I'd left because Japan's interpretation of Australia's tought quarantine laws is that if anything happens to have pictures of fruit and veg on it then it will come back. But this was cutesy strawberry tape that no one in their right mind would use for commercial packaging of product! Apparently one of the boxes also had "mushrooms" written on it in kanji too which caused a fuss . . . yeah, rightttt, customs officers are all well versed in their asian scripts.
Sooooo . . . it'll be exciting to see what's inside but then again I still haven't quite finished the room revamp so I haven't quite made all the space I need for the incoming stuff.
Funnily enough though I have too many clothes Beenz aka my stylist tells me I don't have enough - at least of things that I like.
The weekend was a whirrrl.
Friday afternoon following painting and washing activities I had a fantastic time with SareB but didn't buy material - then piked on Sair only to spend Saturday with her after early morning pilates with Beenz. I picked up a beautiful new bedspread at IKEA and a fantastic bargain pair of shoes.

Then I raced home changed, wrapped a present and a found a card for Angelique and Ryan's engagement party, dashed up to Amie and Simon's house to meet Ry, had a stiff drink, wrote in both sets of cards, promptly forgot the card for Ry and myself and arrived fashionably late at the lovely Old Jam Factory where the party was being held. It was quite nice apart from the odd moment of running the old school buddies gauntlet of Ryan's friends. Ahhh the weirdness of being made to mingle socially with people you never went out of your way to get to know for five years over 8 years ago.
But it's nice to know that I'm still good with names and faces.
Also had a good chat with my previous employer who may now use me if she needs any extra hands . . . also an ex-coworker who went on about how nice it had been last time we were at a party together and she and her husband had had a lovely time nattering away with my now-ex. Fun topics of conversation.
Also caught up with Michelle and Matt who are now expecting their second child.
Then the night's activities get stranger . . . Having only partaken of the reasonably lightly champagne laced punch I decided I was fine to drive into town to make a lateish entrance at MikeyG's Speakeasy party which I'd received a late invit to about 4 hours prior. Picked up the fabulously dressed Wizard and Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya, got a brilliant park, walked past the the seething vortex of human atrocity which is Mansions, around the corner to MikeyG's beautiful new place. The man has the most extrodrinary gift for finding exceptional rentals.
There was many a fancy cocktail flying about and I spent most of the evening bonding with Chris and Naoko . . . wayyy wonderfull kids. It was soooo nice to be able to chat about and in Japanese especially when there were matters that need discussing diploamtically. Yayyyy! For near-bilingualism!
I met Alison for about the 4th time but hopefully this time she will remember me because we had numerous photos taken together, and you have to recall someone if you have your photo taken with them, right?!!
Also had yet another lovely chat with ever-fashionably attired Bel.
I didn't bother taking photos because soooo many others were (see Two Degrees) except when I just could resist getting one of these two looking the quintessence of Speakeasy . . . . Randomly turned out nicely because Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya took a photo that perfectly coincided with mine and provide a surprise flash and some extra ambient lighting. Much nicer than using the flash myself! Perrrrfect.

There were some very beautifully dressed people there . . .
Karenski looked exceptional as only Karenski can in a wig.
Big props for the lending of lovely looonnng gloves which made me look a little less conspicuous.
3am rolled around which it's requisite enthusiastic dancing by Martine and Karenski.
4am came on with calls from Beenz and a drive by sighting.
5am staggered on with the dawn, nausea and a desperate need for the pizza we were waiting for.
6am brightened the room as I devoured cheeseless vego pizza in place of the dinner I never really got the previous night . . . and passed out.
Was is 8:10 or 9:20 I decided I ought to go home because I didn't like to miss my Sunday morning routine ?
I passed out on the couch again.
10:30 I think I had the same thought again . . . I passed out on the couch again.
At 11:40 I insisted my esteemed colleague get up and pay attention to me so we looked at photos while I got impatient about being inside and then decided I was famished again.
So we went and had dumplings at BBQ City which always reminds me of Pippa.
We had a great long chat about all sorts of interesting stuff.
Then we removed for coffee and a continuation of aforementioned chatting.
When it was hitting 5pm I felt the irrepressible need to for a shower so I went home to hear about Beenz's night running about after Paul The Drunkard. The she went out for more of the same.
I put on some sheets to wash and ended up going out for a completely unneeded Indian meal with Pooj and his lady and my Dad. I got there and started seeing lights and being unable to read the menu which is always the warning signs that I am getting a migraine. I started to panic, got told off for having changed into clothes that were clearly too warm for the evening and dashed outside for a breath of fresh air, careering about the footpath.
I went back to the restuarant and the waiter tried to accost me but I barged past him to the toilet, stripped off the offending woollen jumper, splashed myself with water and was able to chug back enough icy water to keep the disco in my head at bay.
I'm in love with their Eggplant pickle/chutney - it's just scrumptious.
There was much lively conversation and then despite the imploding skull I was the homebound driver for the youthful drinkers.
Then the sweet oblivion of sleep.
My head still hurts this morning and my cold has reawoken. Perhaps it didn't agree with the blur that the weekend became.
I still have to try and get a ticket for the French festival this coming weekend because the guy who did the Amelie soundtrack is going to be playing or somesuch . . . Anyone interested ??
Time to check out that box!
ah, i almost bought that same quilt cover... but then with all the green stuff i had too i figured i'd have looked like an Irish flag.
I'm just about to have mushroom bruschetta ala drift cafe for dinner.
What a funky doona cover! And I am also enjoying your very colourful posts of late :)
oh! what was in the box?
and what day are you going to the french festival?
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