Friday, November 17, 2006


Today I was AdelaideD.
This is the new word that I how come up with to describe the phenomenon that we all regularly experience when A-town bound.
It is perfectly exemplified by those times when you discover that the lady-friend of your friend that you haven't seen much of in the last couple of years and randomly see at a party, whom you heard all about during a drunken coversation that included too much talk of breasts as you were both dressed the most outlandish manner, turns out to be be someone you went to school with and used to bump into all the time and serve at work before you finally fled this small pond.
Maybe it's because I've been away that I am struck by the number of times a day in which I am AdelaideD but really~! It's all just getting a little too much.

Coincidentally the friend of this story went to great lengths to show me a photo of myself as taken by Mr Squiggle aka Dylan of The Church only for me to find that the wonderful RPG has commented up a link to it for me!! Warm fuzzies!
But that really is a nuts photo!

It was soo totally fabulous to get an email from Shelley who's globetrotting currently have her away from her adopted home in NZ and over in Hawaii~! Amazing!

I also spent almost an hour on the phone to Mel in England tonight after I got home from visiting Geets in the Market and feeling irate at all the stupid car people doing their stupid car thing and getting in my bicycle-riding way! It was soooo good to talk again and took me back about 10 years.

Now should be in bed having piked on RPG and not gone to Rocket (still haven't been right up inside there yet) because my stomach played up all of a sudden and after I'd dealt with that I figured by the time I got there I'd be wanting to turn around and come home again. Fatigue has suddenly set in.

Also big props to SareB who is just completely ace! We spent ages just wandering in town and talking and she has the best advice for crafty ideas so oh so very soon (hopefully!) my daybed project will be very much on the way to beautiful completion!


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