A few more 'thousand words' to get me back in to the blogosphere

James and Peach got married!
It was soooo nice to catch up with Han after such a while, and they had the best themed cake I've ever known. They also had the most kickarse Bridal Waltz (read Timewarp) only rivalled the next day with an amazing performance by The Noises to It's Oh So Quiet.
Thanks to Sair's uber coordination skills and time management the girls were totally ready on time! I can't believe S made her dress and our accessories and all and that her wedding went off so beautifully was a testament to her's and A's superpowers!
My reading went off quite well in the end - with the ubiquitous technical difficulties - ironic given the setting was a sound tech's wedding - Oh well, it drew many a titter from the well-informed crowd and my operatic training came in handy and apparently you couldn't really even tell the mic wasn't one expect when the bus went past.
The happy bride getting to the 'church' on time - extreme precision timing such that it's a good thing I was part of the bridal party or like Jo and Luke, I'd have been rushing to bet the bride into the garden too!
Sair and Aidan looking oh-so-happy.

It's great to have lots of spesh people around to share lovely events with.
It's equally as wonderful to have aforementioned people around when things go a little haywire with too much alcohol and feelings get brutalized. There are many a time when I wouldn't survive half as well as I manage without, in particular, 2 lovely boys in my life.
Thanks to you both, Mr James and Wizzy Wizz Wizz.
hey Ellie,
i hope you're not feeling so sick anymore..it was definately a nice surprise to see an update!
when are you free this week?
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