Friday, September 14, 2007

So, it's been recommended I post something to demonstrate that I still exist.
I blog therefore I am ?

I note that another friend most cleverly ended his old blog upon his return to Auslandia and I wonder if I oughtn't to have done the same . . . Ahh well . . . It's coming up for a year to the day that I returned to A-town so maybe I could have a memorial service and make a clean break. But me and clean breaks . . .

Soooo . . . tonight it's off to birthday dinner.

Uni's been getting busier but I've been ignoring that and focusing on coffee and lunch dates which are much more enjoyable especially now that Spring has appeared on the scene.
Have been transfered back to Norwood - thus there has been increase in the number of anal, pretentious people I have to deal with.

Thanks to the following peeps for being yayness to hang out with . . .
Jude (for her tshirt enthusiasm)
Kate F (in advance)
Jess (all varieties)

Ooops- better go or we'll be late~!


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