Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter, Life, The Universe and Everything . . And thanks for all the fish on Good Friday

The weekend was a whirl.

Lots happened and most of it was lovely as pie.

I was being a bit mental though which caused a few angsty moments.

You know when you can see something happening but somehow have very little control over your reactions which cause you to be angsty and then you feel angsty about feeling angsty.

Ohhh cyclic angst.

A group of very secular young 'uns got together for a bit of Easter crafty celebrationness.
An awful shot but captures the revoltingness of the moment so well . . . this was the second attempt. The first egg had a fatal flaw which caused its contents to explode over my face!

Our gorgeous and egg-blowingly talented host Ms Amber . . . always so genial even when Kana broke one of her bowls.

As the afternoon wore on things got increasingly creative and messy in the kitchen . . .
I worked myself into a corner with the oven prefering to smear myself with favoured chocolate having fun with a multitude of predominantly non-Easter themed moulds.
Hope that Owen and Anna weren't actually poisoned by my dubious experiments.

I was finally convinced to leave the chocolate concoctions for a moment and to try my hand at the egg decorating . . which proved to be quite amusing.
The one featured below was my more efficient second attempt.

** Disclaimer regarding this image**
The author of this blog is in no way inferring that anyone (excepting the author herself) pictured herein was involved in the making of chocolates or decorating of eggs, in fact, I believe they spent the afternoon proving their masculinity steadfastly being engrossed by a PSP or Playstation or something else electronic of that nature.
(NB This disclaimer may, in fact, only have very limited grounding in actual realtime events, and be aimed at protecting and upholding some weird construct of masculinity)

There are more great shots of the finishes eggly product but you'll have to wait until I've done my essay for them!

I finally heard about the result of my JET application! Which removed one underlying cause of semiconscious tension.

I've just finished a rather hack job of an application to DFAT as well.

Things are kind of coming together for next week's Write On! at Unley.

I'm being interviewed on radio and by our fine city's awful tabloid on friday.

It's my RPG's birthday tomorrow!!

Now I've had my celebratory break after my application submission - It's back to the drawing board for my essay - due at 12 tonight.

I would contest that my siblings and I look nothing like each other - Amber and James' views are simply an anomaly . . . Help me prove this by trying to guess to whom I'm actually related to. . . .


Blogger Phili said...

I LOVE your green glasses!! Looking gorgeous as always :)

7:30 PM  
Blogger Joshiesmoov said...

the one with the jerry curls?!?!

3:50 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

It's called cheating if you already now Cousin Josh!

12:34 PM  

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