Friday, January 27, 2006


Last night was thoroughly seized and trumped! Hyok, Evan and I wended our way home at 4:30ish after mountains of Korean grub (we remembered to drink to the health of Australia MANY times - thus, despite the cuisine, celebrating entirely within established traidition), kicking serious Japanese-language-song-arse at karaoke, trying to look after an ailing Hee-son . . soooo much alcomahol . . Well, that bit of pent up energy for a drinkathon has been worked out . . Will just have to wait til tonight for hair of the dog . . oh so far away . . . And now it's already almost 1pm so I'd better rush off to school and try and write this paper . . I wanted to get it done by this afternoon so I don't have to bother with going into school next week . . . HOLIDAYS here I come!

Who invented Sticky keys ? The buggers! Beat 'em with a bludgeon I say . . or perhaps in continuation of yesterday's celebrations we could a cricket bat if only we had one . . .

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Whoa! And just like that! All of my stressing about exams is done! I even managed to do pretty well in the listening test I'd say! While the first lesson grammar and vocabulary usage test is likely to simply result in a decent pass I really did quite well in the listening test - score! It didn't even involve any preparation . . That's the kind of test I need more of right now, given my capacity for study this semester!

Now I plan to get good and happily intoxicated tonight . . I've been needing some form of release all week and here it comes!!! Can't wait to have the last paper and presentations handed up . . . and then a much needed holiday! Hopefully involving some random travelling in 九州 (Kyuushuu) and then a struggle with my belongings to get them all back in baggages so that I can get everything back to Australia - something I'm looking forward to with relish! I thought it was bad enough on the way here! Ugghhh! Just the very thought . . .


I just used the word 'mate' (to Karl in Freedom-land) as a token effort to help celebrate Australia Day. Evan brought a footy to school and it was pretty funny to watch Lane struggling to use it properly as he kept wantnig to dicth it like in whatever it is thatr they play in the land of freedom. Then he kicked it up onto the sail cloth covering where the Dance club usually shake their booties all day long (do these kids ever study ? Methinks not) and they attempted to retrieve it with an extendable broom that then broke!

Then tomorrow night we're having another farewell party at Seminar House at school - I think it's mainly for the 6-month Korean kids . . Happy to see the backs of most of them . . Oh! How I shan't miss my favourite work-partner! We are apparently having a Tako-yaki (たこ焼き - tiny fried balls of octopus in batter) Party. Then Saturday is the Kaikan (where I live)'s festival type thingo and we're making mochi and lots of us are performing or making something (I think that Evan and I aer even going to work up a rendition of Waltzing Mathilda as everyone seems to recognise it as Australian). I plan on making some Anzac bickies to remind me of Jules but have also been roped into making チヂミ(chijimi) with one of the Chinese/Korean boys (It's not that I don't know but he's from China, yet with Korean parents (I think) so he speaks Chinese fluently and Korean to all extents and purposes . . to which he is now adding Japanese . . うらやましい!(urayamashii - jealous!)) Then on Sunday I have just signed up for some kind of 'let's run off to the snow and then see kagura and eat winter foods' that is being held by the International Centre. Maybe I will see Chihiro again . . lovely lass.

Well, the afternoon is cracking on . . I should go home or pretend to do some work before heading out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Only two more to go . . well . . .

Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Thought that it was time I put up another photo . . . I like this one of 尾道 (Onomichi). It's the Japan I know so well . . . the worn, jumbley place that has very little visual connection to that land of aesthetics that so many people envision. It's a giant conglomeration of massive new lego-like apartment buildings and ugly old constructions that look like they are being squeezed out of the little soil that they occupy, whilst they are coming apart at the seams and full to the brim with clutter. And then you have the random rusty ruins of old heavy industry, and castle like a stolen jewel in a magpie's nest.

I had my Linguistics exam and it seems like I allocated just enough time to study because, while I doubt I aced the thing by a long shot, I am sure I did fine . . . Now I just have to stay up all night in order to be able to struggle through the last of the exams tomorrow . . then I'm almost freeeee . . . I SHALL be partying tomorrow night regardless!!! The essay can wait til Friday or even the Saturday . . . I can't wait til this semester is done with - it's been super messy and I'll be glad to put it behind me and get out on holiday!

Maybe get to Nagasaki before the return journey home . . . it has been while! Will be weird to arrive home again.

RIGHT! Before this gets maudlin - Off to the books I go!

Glad to hear that Liesey-loo and Midge's parcels arrived safe and sound, and by the sounds of it they even arrived in extra speedy time!

Monday, January 23, 2006


Bloody bloody grammar! I worked so hard in preparation for the test and I still could hardly do it! It's sooo despressing . . plus I think the teacher is crap! We didn't really know what the test was going to be like or involve and I did so much work and yet it still contained the work in such a way that it didn't really test how much work I'd done or how much I could really use it . . just banged together a whole shite-tonne of similar-looking forms with what seemed like the single intent of demoralisation! ARSE! How were we ever supposed to remember the specific definitions and usages of over 70-odd grammar points, many of which are ridiculously similar or form (sometimes you get the same words but meaning entirely different things . . . hmm . . remind anyone of English ?!)
I got lucky in that of the 4 hours study that I did today I happened to do one of the back page exercises which was then reproduced word for word in the exam . . but that's only 14 points of which I am certain . . other than that . . and now I have to move straight on to preparation for Thursday exam for the same teacher . . I know that'll be an arse too . . but in the meantime I have another exam for Linguistics on Wednesday and I absolutely must study for that too - if I don't know a million specialised kanji I'm doomed (It's like trying to remember all of the multitude of combinations of ways of producing phonemes and their technical descriptions by heart, but in another language which is further complicated by the fact that the script involved in studying is in tiny print and you've not a clue of the way to read the word or of what it means . . . Actually, that's not what it's 'like', that's exactly what it darn well is!!!) . . . how shall I cope ?? Oh dear, oh dear . . .

I also should be writing an application, an essay and presentation. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Think I'll go have a few drinks or ten and try and sink this into oblivion for the evening . . that's sure to help matters.

AND it's sooo cold again!
Hard to believe that Adelaide is in the midst of a heatwave . . I think you're all making it up!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

It's SNOWING again . . no-one tells me anything!

I can't believe it's snowing again . . weird . . . How DO these happen without my consent ?

It's been non-stop craziness this weekend . . . of hanging out with people trying to get them to explain ridiculously complicated grammar for me so that I can potentially pass tomorrow's exam!

And lots of mochi . . Mochiii . . gift of the gods!

Kana . . Keiko . . . Nami . . what would I do without them ?!!! . . and MOCHI!

Dammit . . and then after that I still have a few more exams, a presentation and paper to write in the next week . . . ahhhhhh! 頑張れ!!!

New Year's food  御節料理

New Year's food  御節料理
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Yes . . I know that Sal says there has been a surfeit of food talk of late . . well I find it an interesting distraction from the stress of constantly banging my head against the brick wall that is Japanese grammar in the form of my horrid textbook . . Explainations . . they wouldn't go astray in a grammar text would they ?!!

But this is a post for Midge as I can't be there to help her celebrate . . . I've been working on my recipes for you and should be able to whip you up a bit of a feast upon my return . . It'll have to a be a delayed gift! Meanwhile . . as a substitute, please feast your eyes on this more detailed photo of the New Year's food I had a hand in creating . . .
Tonight I had Keiko suggesting that I really ought to find myself a Japanese boyfriend and stay here because I like Japanese food so much and am getting to be reasonably adept at it all (well, the Japanese kids I was cooking with didn't even know some of the traditional dishes that I was making!) . . Unsurprisingly I have always politely and laughingly rebuffed such notions, despite the obvious benefits it would provide for my language!! I'm still not keen on taking her up on such a suggestion!! Japan is great in some respects and I'm certainly not at that point of having had enough, but I'm still of the opinion that Australia will be my home in the future! Past experience also tells me that . . well, a Japanese boy wouldn't be the best choice, even though I have discovered some of late who ARE actually taller than me!

Anyway . . I digress, yet again . .

I hope that your flight back home was a reasonably comfortable and safe one and that Beenz and Pooj got there act together and took up my suggestion of doing something nice . . I put a bit of a box together and I hope it arrives soon!!

Friday, January 20, 2006


Two days of attempted study . . . I do try but really, having a whole day to try and work endlessly at massive piles of work that seem insurmountable is just no good . . Yesterday I did get a few good hours . . can't quite remember how I whiled away the morning but I do remembering pretty much doing so . . then in the early evening I went for a long walk via a distant supermarket in search of random Japanese food items as a present for Midge . . . she gets just that little bit older on Sunday and I won't be there to commiserate . . I mean celebrate! Darn it was COLD on that walk!

Then I hung with Lane for a bit and tried to get an early night . . gave up the study struggle . .

Then this morning I made myself get up early to study but no . . I read a book - about Japan and all, related to my studies, but going to help me pass 1st and 2nd level Japanese Language Proficiency grammar exams . . . Pity!

I had the best intentions but then I felt that I should attend to some emailing business online . . . oh! intermanet! Ye are the bane of mine existence . . oh so seductively sweet you cause such gaps in my soul . . and time!!! Then I felt that I couldn't study with the clutter of accumulated as yet unsent letters and parcels so I 'studied' by listening to J-pop and proceeded to organise all of that . . . My room and mind feel a lot better for it but it meant that 4 o'clock rolled around relentlessly and brought Kana to the Kaikan for hanging out with myself and the lovely Alex. We wandered into town because I needed to dispose of my numerous parcels but also wanted to go in search of a vegetable cutter in the shape of a maple leaf . . I blame Kusunagi from SMAP for this latest whim . . . BUT it led to the bestest purchase of another kind entirely and I'm soooo excited . . . as is Alex . . oh what fun shall be had . . but oh! the things I will have to find a way to get home . . . it's quite a terrifying prospect to consider!

We then returned home and cooked up a bit of a storm . . me still trying to perfect my chawanmushi recipe and making good use of my new cutter!! Kana made yummy sugar and soy grilled mochi, whilst Alex worked her magic on some eggplant and whipped up a potato salad . . . I also made tiny little Tofeese cakes . . oh so simple when you just buy the premade biscuit bases . . and they looked just like custard tarts but better cos they were tofu!!

Then I DID do some study with Kana being excessively helpful in assisting me to understand what the teacher never explained in any decent fashion! Yayyyyy! Now I just have a million more grammar points and kanji to learn by heart by Monday . . . 頑張ろう!(がんばろう - ganbarou - this is so idiomatic it's ridiculous to translate buut roughly means 'let's give it our best' (in this context))

All items featured in this photo are exciting items that I have acquired during my time here . . I love crockery . . it makes me feel all warm inside . . well, it beats trying to buy pants in Japan, which in even for an okay sized whitey, is bloody depressing!

Well . . it's probably time that I can cross off this day of my life . . .

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Long time, low time . . .

Early morning snowy stroll
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
I should just quit this day and hop into bed . . .
I tried to avoid the computer today and I spent a fair bit of time out of my room but still it was kind of depressing . . A bit like when you're a kid and you constantly think about something but pretend you're not in the hope that then it will be all the more exciting when it happens . . . hang on, it's not just kids that do that is it ? So I've found this photo from the archives . . I'd write about something that's happened recently as I have heaps of photos to blog about but somehow I don't feel like looking at pictures of me and others having fun . . I went for a run past this small shrine today - now snow, hasn't been any for almost a month now . . but this was a bright chilly morning fresh with promise . . Hopefully tomorrow . . tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . .

Anyway . . . today was supremely nondescript by way of communications and I was feeling the need of some form of reward after a lame day . . I did go back to sleep this morning after about 4 hours which then meant that I spent that nice bit of the morning when the day seems filled with potential and endless hours in which to achieve said possibilities slumbering in more fitful bursts . . . this time my dreams involved some sort of backwards revelation about a giant conservatorium-like structure formed of lasers that connect in someway to little things that stick out of the hillside like a giant pins from a pinball machine (should I be blaming SMAP SMAP's giant rouletter bowling game ?) I was in a group of four . . no wait there were . . I don't it kept changing but there seemed to be four young people who were supposed to save the day but also four older people and one of the women in the latter group kept saying 'well, at least two of us keep acting in a manner completely out of character' . . I think this was supposed to mean that they were being brave when one would have expected them not to be but they were sitting around with their knees pulled up to their chins and I couldn't tell who were the two she was referring to . . . Strangely the laser thing was being set up by a group of Chinese people (I feel kind of weird saying that because it's as though I'm stereotyping them as evil, which given some of my best friends here are Chinese doesn't make a tonne of sense . . can I help what my brain dreams up for me ?) in immaculate white clothing (I think) - I was aware they were Chinese because I recognised the phonemes but hadn't a clue what was being said . . Strange how people who don't study an Asian language tend to think they all sound the same . . Chinese has increasingly come to sound completely incomprehensible . . I suppose that's only in contrast to the improvement of my Japanese comprehension.

Do you know that in Japanese you don't dream or have a dream but you 'see' them . . . 昨日の夜、変な夢を見た! (Last night, strange dream (I) saw! ) . . interesting hey . . .

But, frankly, I'm tired of these disturbing dreams . . I just need the rest . . . Today was over before I'd even started studying but I got a bit done and as I was in the common room on the 2nd floor Lee-san randomly started coaching me which was lovely if possibly unnecessary . . he hadn't spent since I'd seen him last night so perhaps that explains his enthusiasm for someone else's work . . anything for a break from the thesis . . . Despite the fact he explained the more simple stuff I pretty much knew already he did illuminate some areas and forced me to get one page down of the grammar I have been avoiding by studiously concentrating on kanji and vocab . . .

Time to kill this day and hit the hay


Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I also have a mysterious scratch on my forehead suspiciously like those seen in Dark City, caused by an alien race injecting weird shite into people's brains to give them different memories forcing them to live new lives every day . . . using them as guinea pigs to see how they react if they think they have killed someone . . weird movie that one . . oh Rufus Sewell and that chic from The Labyrinth . . . Dark too . . . oo Dark City - funny times. So long ago now . . . .

What shall I do with myself today ?? I want to go back to bed but now it's almost 9am I should hit the books . . it's a quandry!

Last night I had the strangest dream . . .

Weird . . now I'm paraphrasing Madonna . . . oh! yeah! Randomly, she guest appeared on SMAP SMAP (the pseudo-cooking show that features the band members of the amazingly longevitious (did I just make up a word ? seems like a useful one should I have done so) Japanese band . . . you guessed it - SMAP. I'm a fan of the latest single but really they do seem to appear at the drop of a hat on TV . . but more of that later . . . Let's just say that Madonna looked pretty freaky in a weird preened I've-had-a-nose-job sort of way, and Shingo looks just as good as she does in her latest burgundy leotard outfit with accessorised hair. I was only watching this as it happens to follow the airings of the new version of Monkey Magic . . Haven't we all missed it so! Called 西遊記 (saiyuuki - ooo the kanji just came up all perfectly all by themselves . . hmmm . . yes! there is an entry in the Japanese only section of my electronic dictionary . . and hey! It is an story from China . . But I also recall that on some of the buildings at a Palace in Seoul there were little statues of characters from this story adorning the roofs) but the theme song is by a band called Monkey Magik or Majic or something . . . . However, I digress . . .

This is just getting better by the day! I got to sleep at the reasonably early time (for these days) of roughly 1:30am-ish but have then proceeded to have one of those nights reminiscent of childhood. I used to be a light sleeper, and also was one who needed to leave the light on dimmer to keep at bay all of those robbers, etc that ONLY appear in pitch dark. There was also the thing of having to sleep covered with the heavy weight of a doona despite sweltering heat . . I think that was another of those security things, however this at some point became especially associated with vampires . . perhaps thanks to that terribly scary spoof classic Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I must have had a pretty well-constructed phobia by the time I saw that film to not have noticed how heavily laced it was with humour. Anyway, any number of times I would get so worked up in the night that I wouldn't be able to sleep and eventually, not being able to bear the long night alone I would trapse down to my parents room and generally wake up my dad who would then regularly shuffle off to my bed leaving me to snuggle up with mum . . I think there were times when I was really small when I could just squeeze in between them but I mainly remember the former situation. I'm sure mum wasn't overly thrilled at these times given I apparently used to cuddle up and then, used to have a penchant for thrashing about in my sleep.

This is all just a preamble to my rude awakening this morning . . .
But first, perhaps let me indulge and recount last night briefly . . . I nipped into Fresta on the way home having caught the penultimate bus home and wandered around aimlessly feeling that I should bother with gathering some reasonable ingredients and making myself a decent meal but feeling decidedly indecisive about it all. Along with increasingly erratic sleeping patterns that are developing, my eating (though much improved by comparison to last month) continues to be steady creating a new system of its own often involving breakfast at 2pm and maybe something else at some point during the evening. I know that I should be trying to do something about this before it all gets really messed up good and proper so I resolved to make myself something despite the late hour . . . Returning home the security guard wished me 'お休みなさい' (oyasuminasai - Please (this verb form is of the style of a disapproving mother but is such a standardised phrase you couldn't translate it with that meaning) honourably (everything is done honourably here!) rest!) Oh how little he knew! At about 11pm I worked up the enthusiasm for whipping up some semblance of 親子丼 (おやこどんぶり - oyako(lit. parent&child) donburi (deep bowl)) . . not being a big one on the 'parent' aspect of the meal I opted for substituting the chicken for staghorn like mushrooms (whose Japanese name I suddenly forget) but retaining the egg . . not sure what alias you could come up with for this combination . . . My first visitor was Evan who was dispensing with rubbish . . he stopped and had a natter about life the universe and exams. Then along came Lee-san to keep me company as we both prepared and ate dinner . . . I really did try hard to be good . . I cooked up my rice, prepared a little salad (Japanese little!) of sprouts, a few strips of red capsicum (so expensive over here as to be near priceless!) and baby spinach, as well as a little side-dish of 漬物 (tsukemono - pickled vegetables - in this case daikon and sesame seawood) . . what else . . . ? Oh yes, as I was shopping so late at Fresta I picked up some half price crumbed prawns to add to my donburi to make a kind of 天丼(てんどん - tendon - a contraction of 'tempura donburi' which generally means tempura prawn on rice with a sauce of some despcription . . Donburi dishes simply refer to the type of bowl in which they are served . . Unlike most Japanese meals which come with a multitude of tiny dishes of innumerable and various items donburi is a large (by Japanese standards) bowl with all ingredients piled up on top) . . so I grilled them in the little toaster and I also coughed up for a pear despite its being 100 yen!! Goodness me! Never in Australia! . . and also scored a little tub of glazed sweet potato which should make a nice little treat here and there during the days of study . . . Sounds a feast doesn't it . . So I assembled it all in a trifle, adding some 絹豆腐(きぬとうふ - kinutoufu - literally 'silk tofu' - thus we get our name for it) to the donburi for good measure . . and then Lee-san and I ended up watching this travesty of a programme (Oh! Kusunagi (one of SMAP's singers) how could you prostitute yourself so ? Just like Holden's brother . . ) where these four guys chose a whole lot of swimsuits and then stood out on a street with a female host and asked random decently dressed young women if they would dress up in the bathers and be on the show . . . most of the girls were down-right scarily thin once bather-clad - any decently sized boy would break them you'd think . . and Lee-san agreed that 'a little bit fatter would be better' . . well, I should think so, when one's public bone protrudes as much as your breasts . . I found it laughable when one of the girls said she was F - yet another instance of Japanese sizing it would seem! It was fairly outrightly a sleaze fest and I found it pretty despressing really, and a little infuriating and repulsive. Japanese men - super classy! Then we seperately seemed decide that 12:30 was a reasonable time to retire, did the dish and bid each other a goodnight.

Ta-da!!! I am the queen of verbal excursion!!!
But at least now it's light outside and perhaps in a bit I can go back to bed or maybe I just do some study . . .

To my dreams before they become in more insubstantial in my memory . . I recall waking once early in the night, from a strangely disturbing dream that involved a lot of speaking in Japanese . . I think someone was about to be hurt, bashed or killed so I awoke with a jolt from that one only to fall into another stranger dream that involved, in retrospect, a whole lot of allusive characters or settings . . . Boiled down to basics I was either Harry Potter or with Harry Potter (it was more one of those situations where you are there and knowing thinsg in the first person of another but not necessarily that other person all at the same time) who after some escapade I now fail to recall, was talking in a room (like those at the seminar house up at Shudo) to Dumbledore whilst also being able to see Lord Voldemort pacing about the room too . . evidently he was the only one who could see Voldemort and Voldemort wasn't doing anything much so he took forever to mention it but when he did Dumbledore disappeared somewhere as the Voldemort character swopped in for the first time and proceeded to do something pretty lame like twist Harry's arm or scrabble at his neck . . In usual Harry Potter style the next thing I remember is Harry's laid up in a bed, perhaps with Dumbledore in a bed next to him (Dumbledore is definitely in between him and the next person), and then past Dumbledore is this weird looking thing that looks kind of like a person-sized bar of nougat with a Munch-like Scream face etched into it . . as it turns out this is Superman! Of course! When Harry had said he could see Voldemort standing there but no-one else could then Dumbledore knew it had to be Superman . . . As it turns out Superman feels lonely and victimized and so Harry, ever the gentleman, says that in the future he will call Superman and they will go out to Karaoke with some friends some time soon . . please keep in mind that Superman looks like a massive bar of nougat (or maybe something akin to coconut ice but without the pink half and not so scaley looking . . okay, maybe stick with the nougat analogy) . . then I got a picture of a group of four people, including Super-Nougatman in a karaoke booth.

Other miscellaneous scenes that I forget where they came . . .

At some point there is a fortress like circular hi-tech building that now reminds me of that fancy home in the first Charlie's Angels remake when Dylan falls from the window having been shot by the bady she's just slept with . . but on top is this dragon face like security tower that (now that I think of it) kind of functioned a bit like Sauron's Eye in LOTR . . only this had two eys and at one point they went cross-eyed which was pretty funny and seemed in keeping with Dumbledore . . This dragon head and, I believe, the dragon that was present but is fading from my memory, were highly evocative of that dragon from Shrek.

The scene I woke from was an odd one whose tenuous connection to Harry Potter I no longer recall. It was two people - a fashionable young couple and the bloke is doing some kind of experiment, perhaps of the contemporarily trendy computer technology variety rather than the archaic chemistry style of Frankenstein and 60s onwards sci-fi horror flicks . . . Geez . . this sounds way lame when I hear it again (but does it make it any better that I felt that I was both people ?) The guy does something and then maybe makes a derogatory comment and the chic says 'Oh, but you're doing something that you are good at and passionate about . .' or words to that effect . . Then comes a knock on the door and I am suddenly half awake, thrust out of my dream by the fear of who is behind the door. I am also suddenly scared that the knock was, in fact, on my own door and furiously race to think whether I put to the restraining arm on the door and turned the lock. I consider pressing on the intercom but it's too dark even for locating that without the light on and if someone is out there then I don't want to alert them by turning on my light . . so I lie there and after a bit I fiddle around with my Korean bedside lamp to plug it in and then discover it's ten to 6 . . . Why?! Is it still so dark ? And why am I up having crazy anxiety attacks about the idea that if I moved to homestay I might get attacked my the father of the family, or much more likely, be murdered by a crazed stalker from the outer suburbs of Hiroshima . . .

Well, that takes me to a good three hours since I awoke . . now what to do . . . ?
It's another bleak, overcast day here which might explain the late dawning.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

尾道 - 男たちの大和

尾道 - 男たちの大和
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
This is a photo of me and the girls when we went to Onomichi . . It's famous for it's ramen, parts of the old film 'Tokyo Story' were filmed here and it has many quaint steep cobbled slopes criss-crossing the hillside before it slips into the bay . . well, it'd have to jump of a mass of concrete and buttresses on the wharf to do so but how can you describe that poetically ?

I'm still at school! It's 9:30pm
I slept in again . . . I still am not sleep properly and it's messing with me. Need to get in to a better pattern to study for these upcoming exams! But thankfully, after a 4 hour sitting, I have finished all of the required papers for my class . . I'm not sure what it's called but mainly involves a whole lot of discussion of the cultures, customs, etc of the various countries represented by the students in the class . . . lately we've been having talks . . . Daniel spoke about three words of Japanese and one of those he mispronounced and had everyone laughing . .
opps have to go

Monday, January 16, 2006

Through the bitumen . .

Falling through . . .
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
. . . just doesn't have the same poetic ring . . . . .

This felt very Alice and Wonderland and I wonder if it was dangerous to go too close . . . I might have ended up chasing a large-hatted Tanuki or something equally disturbing as it muttered 遅刻になってしまった ('Regrettably become late').

I can tell it's getting close to exams because I am studying my room is so receving thorough and regular tidies . . Weird but good preparation for packing up at the end of February.

During on of these tidying, cleaning and vacumming fits I found a receipt . . . Is it not weird to cry over a receipt ? And the tears had nothing to do with the price annotated therein. Haven't eaten Mr Donuts (Jules, you'd be sooo proud!) since either . . . Now, the question is do you throw away such worthless yet strangely sentiment-laden items asap or wait until you go so nuts as to frame it ? Or at least do something weird like scrapbook it.

Weekend was busy . . . Had a nice time with Nami and Alex on Friday night. Party for Dan's birthday on Saturday night . . Yesterday I went for a run and did lots of random stuff.

Today I woke up weirdly late and put off my run to do a few hours of study . . but it got so cold and started raining that I never made it out . . . Lots of study done though - So much more is needed though - ahhhhh!
Also had a lovely chat with Miss Sarah and now I really must go organise all of my parcels for posting!! I love sending presents . . . pity the postal system is sooo expensive!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Evan's last day! Sailor Moon . . .

A fine bunch we look . . .
If Lane got some funny looks from people - along with some 'かっこいい's from the girls - than Evan was turning heads in the most amazing manner. One of the most dsitrubing aspects of the event was probably the extent to which the Daiso (100 yen shop) wig actually suited him. 似合うよ!

Wow - the year is almost at an end . . well, the school year . . The exchange is almost done! Just exams and one last assignment to be done. Certainly not counting my chickens yet though, as my aforementioned difficulties in studying throughout December have left me in a dangerous position and it looks like I may fail a subject. That would be a first for me - and not one I'm actually keen to experience.

Hey! This picture was taken at school . . This is what my Uni looks like . . behind us is the building that houses most of the dining halls and then in the far left - the building with an H on it - contains a large hall where I have sung for a concert once.
It all looks rather grey in the middle of winter! But is on the foot of a mounatin so we have lovely views of forests and such - lots of snow too!

Right, I'll to some of that necessary study!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oh! where have those holidays gone . . .

お正月 ー 御節料理
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Consisting of lazing and cooking, walks in the mountains, crazy shopping expeditions to find myself sinking further into Japanese fashion trends . . it was a much needed break . . sadly all of the partying and lack of school related study (note that everyday was like study because you are constantly using Japanese, watching and having Japanese stuff . . . living it pretty much!) yet somehow I don't get marks for that and thus the past few days have found me wide awake all through the night hours and feel ill from the fatigue-induced reflux - CHARMING!
Need to tidy up packages for sending but thankfully there is only one more day of school for the week and then it's SWOT-VAC . . hmm . . I have't heard that word in a long time . . wonder if there is a Japanese equivalent . . It's been years since I took proper examination hall style exams in Adelaide.

I am releaved to have handed up my literature essay and I did my final presentation for Japanese today . . I gave up on Nausicaa and was much better served by writing about ご近所物語 (gokinjomonogatari - 'stories of the honourable neighbourhood'!). It's a manga designed for young girls . . pretty typical 少女(shoujo - that which is designed for and supposedly emulates, but probably propagates, that stereotypcial image of cutesy, naive little girls)stuff but it's got some substance and what's more it have furigana (readings of kanji in superscript) which makes life sooo much easier and means you can actually enjoy reading the darn thing rather than feeling it's a chore!
YAY! So that's done and the teacher said I had obviously done a lot of preparation and wasn't too annoyed that I rocked up late after lunch because I was still printing it out.
Now only good luck is going to get me through the exams . . there's just too much to know!

So this photo is me and Maki when we eventually woke up on the 1st of January . . check out that 御節料理 (osechi ryouri) special New Years food and we were all plied with alcohol from from breakfast onwards . . Oh so much Ume-shu must come back to Adelaide with me!
You can't see it so well in this picture but just you wait to you see a close up . . delectable! Epicureans eat your heart out!!

THANKS to Aliese for the package that I got yesterday - I have given up hope on its ever coming . . and I must say that the mice were very much the worse for wear!!
(Sarah, I really like your version of So Far Away! It helped me write my presentation but there is probably a limit to home much I should listen to it . . it's sad)

Also to Midge from whom I received yet another unexpected package containing a book and one of those USB portable harddrive thingos . . strangely enough the night before when unable to sleep and pondering the non-functionality of the internet service here I was thinking wouldn't it be great if I had one of those little thingos! BINGO! Though it struck me as ironic that I should be in land of techonomology and be having stuff of that nature sent to me.

Oh, yes, and though the cold gets too much for me I must say that I went for a lovely walk this afternoon . . I was feeling pretty yucky from lack of sleep and food but I determined myself to walk to the expressway tunnel while the weather was vaguely fine (ie not blowing a howling gale or snowing) and though I missed two subsequent buses as a result it was one of the most worthwhile things I have done lately - I miss walking all over the place but being stuck at school during the day leaves on the cold cold nights for strolls and it's just not terribly tempting. I felt much revived for the exercise but must not let it go to my head because have a number of things that must be attended tonight! Well, should get on with it then . . . then a trip to Fresta for provisions.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Update, to the minute . . . I am currently freaking out, though probably unnecessarily so, because I have heard about the bus accident in Egypt where 6 Australians were killed . . . Of course it's completely horrible and sad but what's got me really anxious is that my parents are in Egypt at the present and though I'm sure they weren't involved and were probably miles from the incident's location and I can't actually remember where Midge said they were when I spoke to them last . . .

Also, given that I've hardly had any sleep it's unsurprising that I'm making a mountain . . no hang on, the other way round! No, that was right . . . you get the picture . . .
I did a bit of a rush job to get an essay written by today though it's fine to not hand in til the 25th it seems . . That wasn't so much the problem as once I'd finished - not too shabby for a few hours effort even if it was in English - I couldn't sleep. I knew there would be trouble when the reflux started to kick in at 4am . . always a sign I've pushed too hard. I wanted to sleep - was tired enough to do so - but my poor brain was stuck in a terrifying rut considering (worrying over) the future . . . Evreything's so topsy turvy I don't know where I'm going anymore. Now I really should get back to working on my presentation for tomorrow! I've not really started much but am feeling pretty positive about it . . . Over New Years I started reading one of Maki's manga and found it much more satisfying than Nausica which is just too painful right now. I managed to read two books of the series without using my dictionary! Of course, now I'm working my way through them again with my little wizz-bang helper but I feel much more on top of things this time around!

This photo is one that I took when staying with Maki at New Years . . . There was a whole lot of eating and TV watching going down so I decided that I really just had to get out one afternoon and so I climbed the mountain behind her house. You could see out over to Miyajima, the island I often mention, but this view is back towards Hiroshima and if there was no mountains or trees in the far right you would be able to make out the area where I live. As it is you can make out the bay an city in the distance . . . soooo many houses.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Just in case you've forgotten what I look like here is a photo of Nami(菜美)and I pulling cheesey smiles on Christmas evening before the few stayers got stuck into some drinking!

Further to the tales of Japanese-English/Engrish . . . and cheesiness
At another Christmas prior to this one Alex and I were repeatedly asked if we comprehended the prompt 'chi-zu' (pronounced 'cheezu' . . and quite obviously a corruption of 'cheese') given before a photo was taken. Alex got on her high horse a bit on at this and politely but repetitively explained that this custom (the reason for which they seemed not to know - ie that the vowels involved will cause some semblance of a smile to form) was in fact from English - CHEESE being English!
Further to this cheese phenonmena . . maybe it's something to do with Alex . . . her mum did send her kilos of cheese in the post and then insist that it ought not be eaten because it wouldn't have been chilled during the travels . . Apparently Alex's sister when asked if she knew any Japanese responded that she knew one word . . . I'm sure you can guess where this heading . . yes, she knew that ubiquitous Japanese word 'cheezu!' that seems to accompany every touristy shot taken of peace-sign happy Japanese peeps the world over!

Right . . . really, I am going to study now!

BTW how odd is it that I just received emails regarding the Mt Gambier High School reunion . . . does that strike anyone else as weird ? Kind of because of all people who might receive it I am completely unrelated yet by strange coincidence do have numerous connections with that place . . . 変だね!(hen dane! strange!)


So far away . . seems like a long time since the Christmas party and panic has hit as all of us suddenly realised that our essays for Japanese literature are due tomorrow. I sent off a message to our teacher earlier on today to enquire about it but still have no response so I shall shortly begin what is likely to a be a pretty spur of the moment little piece. I had intended to give it a shot in Japanese but given it's tomorrow I think that's off the cards - thank god for reverse discrimination, especially where English is concerned and pity the poor Korean kids who have to struggle to do it in Japanese . . Though I'm not super concerned for them given Yonsuk (my literature presentation partner . . I don't believe I ever detailed the facts on that one but believe me when I tell you she is not one you'd waste pity on - she's too self-satisfied and overly pert!) is a cow and anyway, Korean and Japanese grammar are pretty much the same so they are way ahead of us anyway!

Yes, Santa did drop in for a visit . . . ho ho homosexuality . . Nice one Lane! Recorded for posterity! We decorated the room a lot though it doesn't show up to best effect and I also got people to draw a Christmas Tree so we could play pin the star on the tree (no donkeys or even an ass in the manger this time).

I had a missed call from the annoying and persistant film maker last week and today I was a little less enthusiastic in returning her wave than I have been in the past, however Evan asked her for copies of the filming and so that at least is a crazy silver lining . . . I will have some crazy DVD of my Xmas party preparations in Japan for 2005. I'll be sure to force people to watch it should I ever encouter them again! Though hopefully it should be vaguely more enjoyable than slides . . if even less intelligible for all the Japanese - it may even contain my interview in Japanese . . could be a nice little record really - Will just have to put the frustration of it's conception from my mind . . what's that P&P quotation . . . "A good memory in such affairs in unpardonable" or somesuch . . I like that quote . . now all of Ms Twelftree's Yr 12 English class should write to correct my on my horribly inept recollection of the classic. Phili . . you've seen the latest film . . .

Okay! To write or not to write . . . Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . . I must hand it up!

Monday, January 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
A decidedly Japanese looking Christmas lunch that had me quite tuckered out once it was on the table . . . Featured herein this colour picture we have the festive plates and serviettes (napkins, if you are Lane) which were kindly provided by Lane as his Mum sent them to him for some reason best known to her - thus, perhaps, we SHOULD gratefully refer to them as napkins . . anyway. We have the peanut butter and chocolate chip Christmas Tree shaped biscuits that I made the night before, tempura てんぷら (deep-fried battered vegetables) and super healthy looking temaki-zushi 手巻き寿司 (you get a whole of ingredients together with rice and seaweed sheets and then all having fun assembling and eating as you go - makes for tasty sushi as the nori 海苔 (seaweed) doesn't have time to become horribly soggy like it is on long ago premade sushi in Australia.

Yesterday Alex and I went with Risa, a friend from one of my classes and another girl, to Onomichi 尾道 where we had a yummy soba lunch set (despite Onomichi being famous for its ramen) and then chugged across a salt river to visit the set that was used in the filming of the recently made Japanese films about the battleship Yamato. It was a reasonably brief tour which a large crowd . . two highlights - well, one high and one low-light were the exhibtion which had some footage from the filming . . the toilets were the most hideous I have EVER experienced . . Feacal matter remained in the squat toilet from the previous user - demonstrating that contrary to opinion voiced by some, it must be possible to take a dump squating - but more follows as the floor was drenched . . who knows whether in urine or from attempts to wash away urine regardless, I was keen to keep my overlong jeans from soaking up too much of it . . Then, having been so distracted by the state of the toilet I realised that I had forgotten to take the proper maesures to fasten the door when an un suspecting fellow would-be toilet user opened the door on me . . . My most entertaining toileting experience in Japan so far!

Today I did manage to get a couple of hours of study in! I hear you laugh at my satisfaction but if you knew how much of an improvement this is on the past month or more then you would be congratulating me too . . . . I have tried but well . . I really don't know how I will manage to scrape through the rest of term and exams - it has suddenly been brought to my attention that not just two but about four assignments are due this week . . oh dear!

I also got out for a bit of exercise in the pale and ineffectual sun, that was at least better than the no sun and snow we have been experiencing . . The new year appears to have brought with it a fresh breath of weather . . This is sure not to last though as February is reknowned for snow in Hiroshima!! Thus I feel entirely justified in the numerous winter clothing purchases that I made today! Japanese winter is soooo much better than that of summer!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Making 野菜饅頭 with 王さん

Friends certainly make all the difference in the world to one's happiness!
I must say that I wasn't expecting to find such a good friend in someone whose language I can't understand a word of! Thank goodness for third languages! O-san's pronunciation of 'bitch' is improving and I now remember 'f**k you' in Chinese, though I need to work on 'hello' (on the phone) - 'waaayyyy'

This is a photo of us on Christmas Eve having a quiet but fun one! We made vegetable dumplings . . heavenly!! I need another go though before I am sure of exactly what I am doing.

It was an up and down evening in some respects but all of the bits pertaining to Japan and my life here were ace!

And now it is the New Year . . I had a lovely time over the break but had school again yesterday and am now leading into crunch time of exams and assignment deadlines. The consequences of my inability to study in the month of December are looming but the situation is not greatly improved since then so wish me luck! The near week I spent away with Maki as a veritable vegetable was a good way to avoid issues for a while - or at least sleep and watch TV enough that I didn't have time to let my brain go mental on me. Returning to my room late Thursday night did not encourage me to work on my presentation for the next day . . simply to check my emails for the first time in a week and then spiral back down into the sadness and confusion of the pre-Christmas period.

Anyway, I plan to go out for a bit of a walk now . . it's already midday on this fine but coollld Saturday.

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday season!