Sunday, January 22, 2006

New Year's food  御節料理

New Year's food  御節料理
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Yes . . I know that Sal says there has been a surfeit of food talk of late . . well I find it an interesting distraction from the stress of constantly banging my head against the brick wall that is Japanese grammar in the form of my horrid textbook . . Explainations . . they wouldn't go astray in a grammar text would they ?!!

But this is a post for Midge as I can't be there to help her celebrate . . . I've been working on my recipes for you and should be able to whip you up a bit of a feast upon my return . . It'll have to a be a delayed gift! Meanwhile . . as a substitute, please feast your eyes on this more detailed photo of the New Year's food I had a hand in creating . . .
Tonight I had Keiko suggesting that I really ought to find myself a Japanese boyfriend and stay here because I like Japanese food so much and am getting to be reasonably adept at it all (well, the Japanese kids I was cooking with didn't even know some of the traditional dishes that I was making!) . . Unsurprisingly I have always politely and laughingly rebuffed such notions, despite the obvious benefits it would provide for my language!! I'm still not keen on taking her up on such a suggestion!! Japan is great in some respects and I'm certainly not at that point of having had enough, but I'm still of the opinion that Australia will be my home in the future! Past experience also tells me that . . well, a Japanese boy wouldn't be the best choice, even though I have discovered some of late who ARE actually taller than me!

Anyway . . I digress, yet again . .

I hope that your flight back home was a reasonably comfortable and safe one and that Beenz and Pooj got there act together and took up my suggestion of doing something nice . . I put a bit of a box together and I hope it arrives soon!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi el

i'm sitting at a friends house baby sitting their baby while they are at the fabulous Flickerfest (i went last night). When did i get old enough to have friends with babies, probably about 10 years ago truth be told. all's well, heart mend-ing/ed, it varies from day to day. after 5 weeks in the new home i am feeling very settled and only a little bored by my solo living status.

spent last weekend in canberra at Ben Aulich's wedding, it was so good to get away and see some old buddies.

xx em

7:42 PM  

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