Thursday, January 19, 2006

Long time, low time . . .

Early morning snowy stroll
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
I should just quit this day and hop into bed . . .
I tried to avoid the computer today and I spent a fair bit of time out of my room but still it was kind of depressing . . A bit like when you're a kid and you constantly think about something but pretend you're not in the hope that then it will be all the more exciting when it happens . . . hang on, it's not just kids that do that is it ? So I've found this photo from the archives . . I'd write about something that's happened recently as I have heaps of photos to blog about but somehow I don't feel like looking at pictures of me and others having fun . . I went for a run past this small shrine today - now snow, hasn't been any for almost a month now . . but this was a bright chilly morning fresh with promise . . Hopefully tomorrow . . tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . .

Anyway . . . today was supremely nondescript by way of communications and I was feeling the need of some form of reward after a lame day . . I did go back to sleep this morning after about 4 hours which then meant that I spent that nice bit of the morning when the day seems filled with potential and endless hours in which to achieve said possibilities slumbering in more fitful bursts . . . this time my dreams involved some sort of backwards revelation about a giant conservatorium-like structure formed of lasers that connect in someway to little things that stick out of the hillside like a giant pins from a pinball machine (should I be blaming SMAP SMAP's giant rouletter bowling game ?) I was in a group of four . . no wait there were . . I don't it kept changing but there seemed to be four young people who were supposed to save the day but also four older people and one of the women in the latter group kept saying 'well, at least two of us keep acting in a manner completely out of character' . . I think this was supposed to mean that they were being brave when one would have expected them not to be but they were sitting around with their knees pulled up to their chins and I couldn't tell who were the two she was referring to . . . Strangely the laser thing was being set up by a group of Chinese people (I feel kind of weird saying that because it's as though I'm stereotyping them as evil, which given some of my best friends here are Chinese doesn't make a tonne of sense . . can I help what my brain dreams up for me ?) in immaculate white clothing (I think) - I was aware they were Chinese because I recognised the phonemes but hadn't a clue what was being said . . Strange how people who don't study an Asian language tend to think they all sound the same . . Chinese has increasingly come to sound completely incomprehensible . . I suppose that's only in contrast to the improvement of my Japanese comprehension.

Do you know that in Japanese you don't dream or have a dream but you 'see' them . . . 昨日の夜、変な夢を見た! (Last night, strange dream (I) saw! ) . . interesting hey . . .

But, frankly, I'm tired of these disturbing dreams . . I just need the rest . . . Today was over before I'd even started studying but I got a bit done and as I was in the common room on the 2nd floor Lee-san randomly started coaching me which was lovely if possibly unnecessary . . he hadn't spent since I'd seen him last night so perhaps that explains his enthusiasm for someone else's work . . anything for a break from the thesis . . . Despite the fact he explained the more simple stuff I pretty much knew already he did illuminate some areas and forced me to get one page down of the grammar I have been avoiding by studiously concentrating on kanji and vocab . . .

Time to kill this day and hit the hay



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that sounds a bit like captain planet. well, maybe not, but there were four people in captain planet. i think captain planet would be much more effective in japanese!

you've been running alot lately! don't slip over in the snow!
i can't believe you have photos of snow - it's currently 37 outside and 40 billion in here... :)

xo lsd

3:17 PM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

DUDE!!! There were FIVE! people in Captain Planet . . earth, fire, wind, water . . . heart!! Apparently it used to screen in Korea so one time when Lane, Evan and I were being silly and singing the soong for one reason or another they knew what we were talking about . . But the Japanese kids hadn't a clue!

There's been no snow to slip in for ages . . how mundane.

How will I cope with returning to the heat of a March Adelaide?!! Ahhhhhh

4:32 PM  

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