Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So far away . . seems like a long time since the Christmas party and panic has hit as all of us suddenly realised that our essays for Japanese literature are due tomorrow. I sent off a message to our teacher earlier on today to enquire about it but still have no response so I shall shortly begin what is likely to a be a pretty spur of the moment little piece. I had intended to give it a shot in Japanese but given it's tomorrow I think that's off the cards - thank god for reverse discrimination, especially where English is concerned and pity the poor Korean kids who have to struggle to do it in Japanese . . Though I'm not super concerned for them given Yonsuk (my literature presentation partner . . I don't believe I ever detailed the facts on that one but believe me when I tell you she is not one you'd waste pity on - she's too self-satisfied and overly pert!) is a cow and anyway, Korean and Japanese grammar are pretty much the same so they are way ahead of us anyway!

Yes, Santa did drop in for a visit . . . ho ho homosexuality . . Nice one Lane! Recorded for posterity! We decorated the room a lot though it doesn't show up to best effect and I also got people to draw a Christmas Tree so we could play pin the star on the tree (no donkeys or even an ass in the manger this time).

I had a missed call from the annoying and persistant film maker last week and today I was a little less enthusiastic in returning her wave than I have been in the past, however Evan asked her for copies of the filming and so that at least is a crazy silver lining . . . I will have some crazy DVD of my Xmas party preparations in Japan for 2005. I'll be sure to force people to watch it should I ever encouter them again! Though hopefully it should be vaguely more enjoyable than slides . . if even less intelligible for all the Japanese - it may even contain my interview in Japanese . . could be a nice little record really - Will just have to put the frustration of it's conception from my mind . . what's that P&P quotation . . . "A good memory in such affairs in unpardonable" or somesuch . . I like that quote . . now all of Ms Twelftree's Yr 12 English class should write to correct my on my horribly inept recollection of the classic. Phili . . you've seen the latest film . . .

Okay! To write or not to write . . . Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow . . . I must hand it up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But in such cases as these, a good memory is unpardonable.."

i haven't seen the new p&p, i couldn't possibly think of mr darcy as anybody but colin firth (in the bbc version)..when you come back to adelaide we must have a p&p marathon..i've got the dvd!

i thought i knew the text back to front, but had to cheat and check in the book ;)

9:52 PM  
Blogger Phili said...

Have I not been as avid a reader of your blog as I thought? What film maker/film/interview??

8:02 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Ha haaaa . . Nice one Sarah! I was going to be super super impressed if you did know that one off the top of your head! I really like that quote but never quite manage to recall it correctly . . from now on I shall attempt to afix it there permenantly!
I too should have thought I knew it darn well given that I have had read the novel upwards of a dozen times in the short span of my years. AND ABSOLUTELY we must have a marathon viewing . . there was always a plan I would do so with a couple of friend from years back we stopped being friends before that happened!! I was sooo love with that series and would have to add that I don't believe Kiera Knightley will ever be able to outshine Jennifer Ehle!!

I was simply referring to a comment on your blog about having been to see the new film and thus felt positive you would not fail me!

5:28 PM  

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