Saturday, December 24, 2005

3am 雨と王さんが雪だるまを作っている

I was trying to post this the other night but our internet was being its usual terrible self! Now I have a mass of things I should be doing . . one of which is sleeping . . funny to think that if I were not here I know a number of different places I would love to have been tonight . . sure I had a lovely time with Ryoko hanging out making dinner and watching ハウルの動く城 (Howl's Moving Castle). I like snow better because though it might mean that the weather is slightly colder than otherwise it's far and away better than rain which soaks you through in half the time that snow takes. Bloody rain!

I have just discovered that カラオケ (karaoke) tomorrow is at 10 in the morning not, 10 at night - I should have known this given how long I have been in Japan . . but wonder never cease . . .

I hope that the gig tonight for LSD and the brilligs went ace-as . . . I wish Ryoko and I could have teleported there briefly somehow . . she's a great lady and it would have been a lovely event I'm sure!

Other than that . .had I actually been in the land of OZ I may not have been there anyway but with my peeps in SE catching up. Another weird non-Chirstmas abroad . . . Tends make it feel like it never happened but I am currently in the midst of party plans for the day so as to keep myself occupied and unmopey.

Hmmm . . . this is not what I meant to write about . . and this picture is out of order . . coming before others I wanted to post up . . but anyway . . . It makes me happy to look at it despite its poor quality . . . It was taken at 3am-ish and in freezing conditions but I felt that our efforts at pushing massive balls of snow around a large playground were worth the documentation. was one of the last to get in on the act and so designated myself the chief snowman head maker but here depicted is Lane and O-san part-way through the construction of their gigantic snowballs for the bodies of the snowman family! It was one of those nights you end up so glad that you decided to disregard the fact that you should be in bed because you have a tour the next day . . you are especially happy with this decision when the tour is cancel the next day anyway because of the snow! That night before all of the snow excitement I also had a snooze from 9-10pm, then chatted to the girls for a bit - O-san, Mika, Herem and Alex before ending up with the boys watching an entirely legally acquired version of Narnina . . it was the perfect lead up to playing in the snow - constantly flopping about on the immaculate footpaths to make snow angels!

I'm not sure I'll post again before Sunday so a Merry Christmas to all . . especially Em who prompted this post the other day . . I will be thinking of you with much love!

The past two weeks have contained some massive ups and downs (mainly the latter) . . I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season (think of me at school on Monday) and will look forward to seeing you at point some in the New Year.


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