Monday, December 05, 2005

Snow falling, from my balcony

Snow falling, from my balcony
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Dudes! I saw snow falling! I heard a furious tap tap tapping at my chamber door and it was an excessively excited Alex telling me that all the boy swere online and going on about how snow was flying!

I struggled and I strived but I just couldn't capture it well . . after some fiddling around I managed to find a way to get the falling flakes to show up a little . . So here you have it folks - only a little while after it all happened!

SNOW! I've seen snow falling for the first time ever!

It was quite light - I wonder if we will have anymore ?

Now I don't have to feel so bad about feeling so cold this afternoon that I couldn't study - When I went for a walk today my hands and bum went dumb! I was exercising and I was still shit cold! Tonight is also the first time I have used the heater too!

Oh! And yesterday was my first experience of a kotatsu! How 日本っぽい! (Japanesesy!)

Now I must study and goooo tooo bed!
Wizard - stop distracting me with your tantalizing talk of home!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for the snow! Did you catch some on your tongue? Was there enuf for snow angels?

And yay for honours at Adelaide! It will be fabuloso to have you near. Denni's party went well yesterday but I could tell you weren't there because we didn't have many leftovers of yummy food for me to take to school today! :)

xo lsd

10:01 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

I was very sorry that my wings still weren't up to the voyage in time for the party - I hear there were lots of lovely performances . . .

No, I didn't catch any snow on my tongue, though I did ponder the thought of eating it. I decided that given the quality of Japan's air such an action would be of questionable reasoning.

There sure was snow aplenty for snow angels but I didn't go flopping in it - My hands hurt enough from the cold of just holding some for a bit. I must say that at least one of the English girls' behaviour was surprising - She ran around like mad having snow fights like it was the first time she'd seen the stuff. The bit thing for me was that having dragged myself out of bed for first period I got to Shudo to see it snow most of the morning - the flakes drifting down onto the trees outside in the courtyard that still have their autumn coats - it was a brilliantly coloured sight.

Tomorrow I show The Dish in my English teaching class! I am looking forward to it! この映画を見たら、懐かしい感じにする!

5:31 PM  

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