Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Black sesame products rock my world!
The latest find it sachets of some weird mix of ground black sesame and beans that you added to milk, or soy milk, as the case may well be. I think this is the start of beautiful new friendship - oh! the long, late nights won't seem quite so lonely any longer! Given that I hate the taste of coffee unless it contains fatal amounts of sugar this could be the new power drink of a lifetime. As well as making me taste positive for opium - just an added bonus.

BTW tonight I had a lovely dinner out at an Izakaya just down the street with Alex and O-san - those girls are way fun! Plus the food was tops! I love お吸い物(o-suimono - hotpot of rice, salty stock, egg and often with fish)! Don't understand the fuss about sushi in Australia when we are missing out on Chawanmushi, Suimono and Okonomiyaki! I'm all for Alex's idea of starting a new chain of restuarants!

Well, I give up on my Nausicaa report for the night - who's bleeding idea was it to study that blasted complicated manga for my self-directed study?! Imbecile! 知らない言葉はいっぱいあるよ!
Ughh! I have to be at school early again tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You reckon you'll bring some of that sesame stuff home with you? It sounds so good tho that maybe you'll have probs getting it through customs! :)

Hey, if you hurry up and come home soon you can be the first person i'll greet in the new airport!

The kids here are all having exams too - so a big heart goes out to all the exam/test sufferers - especially you - at this time!

Cheers to the anonymouse person - i went to the Shonen knife website and read the lovely and sad words.

xo lsd

1:04 PM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

I just took another dose of sesame wonderfulness . . and am debating another hit in order to pep myself enough to think of dealing with the rest of my presentation for tomorrow.
I've had Ryoko check the first half but now I feel crap that there will be mistakes in the second half and I just don't feel like doing it.

Hmmmm . . coming home - right now I'm suddenly realising how much longer I really need to stay here to ever become as good as I'd like to at Japanese. But I figure I had better come home some time soon as I can check out this new IKEA. Don't think I'll be making it in time for BDO - seems like lots of people I know are going to be playing if I read things aright . .

Poor other stressed out kiddies - big hugs to them!

Yeah, I also checked out that Shonen Knife website - a really sad incident! I wish I could remember when I've actually heard their music though - I've not heard a peep hear in the news but I don't listen or watch the news so my ignorance is hardly surprising! I'll ask someone tomorrow at school and see what they know . .

Forgot my homework today . . . oh well.

Back to the report!

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They had a great song called 'Banana Chips' a while back - and lots of other grouse ones! They also came to the Big Day Out, in keeping with your post! I'll DEFINITELY be at this year's - Sleater Kinney! Whoo!

How did your presentation go? Is it done yet?

xo lsd

10:29 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Oh! Banana Chippuzu! I'm right there with you now! How could one forget ?

I did my presentation today with some stuttering and, in all likelihood, many mistakes, but oh well!! Lots more work today so it's more than time to move on. Could do with a bit more sleep though - too many 2am nights lately.
I spent the last class in the library doing research and reading the papers and somehow my souped-up brain thinks that counts as 'relaxation'!
I haven't my class review for last friday's class last week but I figure I'll whip something up and then in the afternoon we have a treat! Higuma Sensei ('Drunk sensei') is taking a group of us to Kure so I'm going to skive off 3rd lesson and go to the naval museum or somesuch and to the beer hall! Yay!! It's the weekend soon! Then the whole thing can start all over again!

4:26 PM  

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