Friday, November 11, 2005

The Japanese conspriacy continues . .

The other band I couldn't think of the other day that reference Japan/Japanese in a song is Placebo! First they tried war, then the economy and now it's music . . . we've already had bubble(gum)-music . .

Didn't really get any study done today, but I did some important letter writing and got off presents to my little cousins. Feeling a lot better, thanks to all who sent messages of concern - I even managed to get out of my sickbed-smelling pjs today and decided they needed a wash so I went through the rigmarole of putting a load on and once I'd finished hanging it all up I realised that I forgotten to include the very items I was most intent on washing - silly billy - perhaps not so well yet . . or perhaps that's just normal forgetfulness and old age kicking in!

Right - here goes - I'll try and get in some good quality study and then just call it a night.

Anyone who hasn't yet received a postcard and feels that they are in order to do so one should send me their address as you can be sure that that is the only thing that stands between you and your own exciting piece of Japan!

I am also putting out a call for any good recipes for sponge cake. O-san, my Chinese friend at the kaikan, always wants me to teach her to make cakes and the like as she says Chinese people aren't big cake-makers going in for mandu by way of preference for sweet items. Apparently she's keen of fluffy cakes - damned if I know why, I hate them! Japanese cakes are all like that - just air - not that I'd really know as they are also all full of milk!
So, O-san wants me to find her a good sponge recipe . . . All of you cuisine buffs out there get to work! Pippa and Shelley - I'm looking at you!


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