Friday, November 18, 2005


Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Thought the blog was in need of a photo for enlivenment . . . What's with all that text, I ask you ?!

This is a photo of some of the Link girls making Takoyaki (たこ焼)batter balls with squid and other goodies inside . . hmmm Takoyaki . . haven't had that for a while lately. Anyway, the International Link club - tends to be kids that are learning a foreign language and want to do an international exchange. Lately the club appears to have gone to shit I and think that there has recently been a sucession, but these girls are all really nice and I'm quite good friends with some of them. From left to right there is Kaori, Keiko, Haruna (not so sure about that though as for a while I used to think two people were one and the same), my LOTR-loving buddy Marie, Akiko (don't she her all at often, but I think I remember her name arightly!) and Kana.

This was taken at the School Festival a couple of weeks back. Alex and I went up for the afternoon, ate a whole lot of Japanese style festival junk food and then felt tired so we called it quits at an early hour. It's was cool to see the festival in full swing though, especially interesting to note how the food all of the clubs made was still very Japanese in style despite being on the fast-food, random made-by-unskilled-kids-having-fun side. I suppose it was just one of those ocassions when the little things clearly reflect the overriding differences in culture, etc.

I had my Nausicaa presentation and I am supremely glad it's out of the way now.
I'm starting to feel really fat and gross these days for just not getting out enough due to the silly amounts of work that I have been trying to undertake.

It's interesting to observe the work ethics of the newer exchanges students and compare them to my experience last semester. Evan and I are surprised by how most of them don't really push themselves at all. They don't seem to grasp the idea that classes are to help you live life once you step out the door and are faced with a society speaking a foreign language. They continue to think of study as some sort of imposition and give the impression that they are quite happy to insulate themselves in some weird kind of little bubble of English language and Western culture transplanted; safe in their easy position looking on at the spectacle around them.
Of course, everyone is different and have varying aims, but it's so odd to compare our attitudes.
I suppose it's given me more drive to get out and enjoy myself in the country more before I have to come home again. Thus I should go home now and try and get some work done so that I have more time for hanging out with peeps on the weekend!!

OH!! A travesty occurred in second lesson yesterday! My 携帯 (keitai - mobile phone) feel out of my pocket - no big deal, happened many a time before - but this time with terrible consequences!! My little Kodama phone strap figurine suffered an untimely divison of corpus!! Now all I have of a once cute little guy is a distressingly ugly head! Wizard will be giggling with glee and believe this no longer necessitate his bringing out the scissors upon my return, but I'm sadddd. It were given me by a boy, don't you know!!

Now I should go home, rug up and take a constitutional!


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