Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Oh Harry! and SNOW!

Harry Potter 4!!
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
Man, I was beat the weekend we went to see Harry Potter, but there was no way I was missing the first night's screening! I'd been waiting in anticipation for months! But I must say that I don't find these kids to be entirely fulfilling my images of Harry, Ron and Hermione (and what's with Dumbledore being sucha grumpy arse?)- I'm really on this merry-go-round for the books, which I recently considered second-hand buying in Japanese. I ended up refraining from this terrible urge knowing that I have many a book that I have yet to read . . how many different versions of hary does one girl need, I ask you?!
I saw a TV show here the other night about the chick who plays Hermione's visit to Japan to promote the movie . . . man, she had some bad clothes on and looked pissed when the interviwer spoke to her in Japanese . . 'here we go again' it said. Then he pulled out an large 'ema' as a special 'let's do something crazy with the star' activity. Evidently here name is Emma - this being the connection . . Ema are wooden plaques that people write their wishes, etc on and hang at shrines. Ema means 'horse' and the tradition dates from when the wealthy would give horses as gifts to temples. For cheapskates it then became horse statues until it became the little wooden plaques we know today, which will sometimes have a picture of a horse drawn on them.

After I took those snow photos late on Sunday night I looked out of my window at 2am to see the snow had recommenced in earnest and that a significant amount had now piled up on my balcony - this led to moer photo taking! Only for me to awake at 7am and find that not only have the snow continued uninterrrupted since I had gone to bed, but that it was still flowing down in a constant stream! MORE photos! It continued to snow for a bit but petered out in time for me to walk to the bus stop resonably unhindered - though walking on snowy footpaths is far mroe an intrepid activity than I had assumed. On my way to the station I heard what I could only assume was the dying gurgles of pain from some againg automobile or mechanical beast before it mounted the curb to squash me as a final show of hatred for human kind as it left this world. Upon inspection it turned out to be the noise produced by snow-chain tyred buses thundering along the street.
Then I had to wait an age at the bus stop as somehow it seemed that all the buses had decided the road to Shudo was too treturous a path to tread and had all surrepitiously changed their destination to other location for buses departing from out stop! Then when a bus did eventually come it looked like such a sardine can that I figured snow was as good a reason as any not to be on time and a second showed up not lnog after! This turned out to be the right chocie as the bus in front seemed to struggle and we ended up overtaking it and I was only about 10 minutes late.

I then spent a significant amount of the lesson time distracted by the snow that continued to fall on the courtyard trees that still retained the vestiages of autumn.

Now, I have extreme amounts of homework to go attend to so I should go catch this bus home!


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