Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

I took this photo early Sunday morning after the massive snowfall last Saturday night. The cranes looked so vibrant in the briefly radiant blue sky and piles of immaculate white snow.

It's been an up and down sort of day . . it started with karaoke which was fun once I finally woke out of a strange dream to find I had fallen asleep again after my alarm and was running late!

I had a startling revelation that the majority of songs are about 失恋なこと roughly translated as failure in love, broken heart or unrequited love . . apparently there has been a lot of that going around lately and somehow my friends here seem to take that as an excuse to take up smoking . . seems to me like a great way to compound your issues rather than eleviate them!
I now have a number of songs pinned down that I want to learn before I head out to karaoke next time . . I get sick of singing mainly English with a smattering of the same Japanese songs over and over.

I spent the late afternoon hanging with O-san who is the best! We spent the evening making random food items . . kind of in preparation for tomorrow . . well, today's party . . but mainly just cause we felt like doing something vaguely special for Christmas eve . . unfortunately during all of that I missed hearing my mum and aunt phoning me and picked up the phone in time for them to hang up and me to get an answering machine message . . they never called back like I hoped so maybe I will hear from them later on today. Maki came by with Takoyaki and sweets whilst Osan made Niku-mandu minus the niku (meat) and I made christmas biscuits . . then I tried to help Maki with her application to Art school . . unfortunately we didn't finish so I had a date for tomorrow night as well!

After karaoke I received a package in the mail . . I was dubious as to whether I should open in then or not and upon doing so decided it should be left til later . . . crying horribly in front of people just makes things weird.

I have now said Merry Christmas to two lovely peeps online . . Spending the first hour of Christmas online seems to me like on of the more lame ways I have spent such times . . in latter years it's tended to wrapping presents with a tired Mum or forgetful Nan (seriously she forgot to give me anything . . the present wrapper!)

Love to all - hope you HAD a wonderful day . . you should be too busy having fun to check this post thus I use the past tense!

I'm looking forward to the distraction of tomorrow's party and am sure it will be enjoyable though likely a full-on event for me as the organiser . . how is it I end up doing these things ? Because I know that if I leave it others I will generally be let down thus I have learned from painful experience that the adage of 'You want something done, you have to do it yourself' continues ring true !

Love to Aliese for all her help n' calls and that of late! You're the saviour of December (wow, I think that sounds wayyyy blasphemous when I reread that) and so big props to you! I hear you sang beautifully on Friday night - I was thinking of you - and I am about to listen to you courtesy of Wiz!

Big HUGS Wiz! Enjoy the hospital! Hee hee . . you'll have a room with a fine view . . million dollar one might venture . . Blue Lakes are rare in this world!

Right - I have stuff to attend to and an early morning to greet and it's already 1:30am!



Blogger Phili said...

Merry Christmas Ellie! I am infact reading this on the day because I am at work all day and it is so quiet because we have tried to send as many patients home for Christmas as possible. I was hoping for something special to happen but other than staff being provided with "Christmas dinner" - a congealed plate of interesting looking meat and gravy to heat up in the microwave - everything has been much the same. So even though you are away from friends and family I am sure you will be cooking up a feast far tastier than what I have had today!! Love you lots - Phili xx

1:08 PM  

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