Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Just in case you've forgotten what I look like here is a photo of Nami(菜美)and I pulling cheesey smiles on Christmas evening before the few stayers got stuck into some drinking!

Further to the tales of Japanese-English/Engrish . . . and cheesiness
At another Christmas prior to this one Alex and I were repeatedly asked if we comprehended the prompt 'chi-zu' (pronounced 'cheezu' . . and quite obviously a corruption of 'cheese') given before a photo was taken. Alex got on her high horse a bit on at this and politely but repetitively explained that this custom (the reason for which they seemed not to know - ie that the vowels involved will cause some semblance of a smile to form) was in fact from English - CHEESE being English!
Further to this cheese phenonmena . . maybe it's something to do with Alex . . . her mum did send her kilos of cheese in the post and then insist that it ought not be eaten because it wouldn't have been chilled during the travels . . Apparently Alex's sister when asked if she knew any Japanese responded that she knew one word . . . I'm sure you can guess where this heading . . yes, she knew that ubiquitous Japanese word 'cheezu!' that seems to accompany every touristy shot taken of peace-sign happy Japanese peeps the world over!

Right . . . really, I am going to study now!

BTW how odd is it that I just received emails regarding the Mt Gambier High School reunion . . . does that strike anyone else as weird ? Kind of because of all people who might receive it I am completely unrelated yet by strange coincidence do have numerous connections with that place . . . 変だね!(hen dane! strange!)


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