Monday, January 16, 2006

Through the bitumen . .

Falling through . . .
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
. . . just doesn't have the same poetic ring . . . . .

This felt very Alice and Wonderland and I wonder if it was dangerous to go too close . . . I might have ended up chasing a large-hatted Tanuki or something equally disturbing as it muttered 遅刻になってしまった ('Regrettably become late').

I can tell it's getting close to exams because I am studying my room is so receving thorough and regular tidies . . Weird but good preparation for packing up at the end of February.

During on of these tidying, cleaning and vacumming fits I found a receipt . . . Is it not weird to cry over a receipt ? And the tears had nothing to do with the price annotated therein. Haven't eaten Mr Donuts (Jules, you'd be sooo proud!) since either . . . Now, the question is do you throw away such worthless yet strangely sentiment-laden items asap or wait until you go so nuts as to frame it ? Or at least do something weird like scrapbook it.

Weekend was busy . . . Had a nice time with Nami and Alex on Friday night. Party for Dan's birthday on Saturday night . . Yesterday I went for a run and did lots of random stuff.

Today I woke up weirdly late and put off my run to do a few hours of study . . but it got so cold and started raining that I never made it out . . . Lots of study done though - So much more is needed though - ahhhhh!
Also had a lovely chat with Miss Sarah and now I really must go organise all of my parcels for posting!! I love sending presents . . . pity the postal system is sooo expensive!


Blogger Phili said...

Keep the receipt (if you've not already thrown it out!) - I have several shoe boxes full of such little sentimental items that give me warm fuzzies every few years when I look at them again (or perhaps don't keep it if you don't want to end up with piles of shoe boxes that your grandchildren have to sort through and throw out when you die)

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the receipt - I have a scrap book and they are cool to look in

Thos photos are fantastic - so clear and colourful. Good camera or good photographer?!?


8:27 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Dare you ask . . . I just have a flare for these things I suppose!!

And a nice camera helps! Canon always seems to produce nice colours!

Looks like the verdict comes down on the side for keeping . . . I've just thrown away a big pile of stuff though . . . don't want to have to deal with it all just before I return . . I want to travel before I come home . . Should be a whirlwind month and a half!

10:58 AM  

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