Friday, January 20, 2006


Two days of attempted study . . . I do try but really, having a whole day to try and work endlessly at massive piles of work that seem insurmountable is just no good . . Yesterday I did get a few good hours . . can't quite remember how I whiled away the morning but I do remembering pretty much doing so . . then in the early evening I went for a long walk via a distant supermarket in search of random Japanese food items as a present for Midge . . . she gets just that little bit older on Sunday and I won't be there to commiserate . . I mean celebrate! Darn it was COLD on that walk!

Then I hung with Lane for a bit and tried to get an early night . . gave up the study struggle . .

Then this morning I made myself get up early to study but no . . I read a book - about Japan and all, related to my studies, but going to help me pass 1st and 2nd level Japanese Language Proficiency grammar exams . . . Pity!

I had the best intentions but then I felt that I should attend to some emailing business online . . . oh! intermanet! Ye are the bane of mine existence . . oh so seductively sweet you cause such gaps in my soul . . and time!!! Then I felt that I couldn't study with the clutter of accumulated as yet unsent letters and parcels so I 'studied' by listening to J-pop and proceeded to organise all of that . . . My room and mind feel a lot better for it but it meant that 4 o'clock rolled around relentlessly and brought Kana to the Kaikan for hanging out with myself and the lovely Alex. We wandered into town because I needed to dispose of my numerous parcels but also wanted to go in search of a vegetable cutter in the shape of a maple leaf . . I blame Kusunagi from SMAP for this latest whim . . . BUT it led to the bestest purchase of another kind entirely and I'm soooo excited . . . as is Alex . . oh what fun shall be had . . but oh! the things I will have to find a way to get home . . . it's quite a terrifying prospect to consider!

We then returned home and cooked up a bit of a storm . . me still trying to perfect my chawanmushi recipe and making good use of my new cutter!! Kana made yummy sugar and soy grilled mochi, whilst Alex worked her magic on some eggplant and whipped up a potato salad . . . I also made tiny little Tofeese cakes . . oh so simple when you just buy the premade biscuit bases . . and they looked just like custard tarts but better cos they were tofu!!

Then I DID do some study with Kana being excessively helpful in assisting me to understand what the teacher never explained in any decent fashion! Yayyyyy! Now I just have a million more grammar points and kanji to learn by heart by Monday . . . 頑張ろう!(がんばろう - ganbarou - this is so idiomatic it's ridiculous to translate buut roughly means 'let's give it our best' (in this context))

All items featured in this photo are exciting items that I have acquired during my time here . . I love crockery . . it makes me feel all warm inside . . well, it beats trying to buy pants in Japan, which in even for an okay sized whitey, is bloody depressing!

Well . . it's probably time that I can cross off this day of my life . . .


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