Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You haven't lived til you've been attacked at the Exeter & have diamonds in your hair

It's been a difficult couple of weeks.
If it's not one thing, it's another - or to be more specific, one person or another.
Adelaide feels more and more claustrophobic as I struggle to do anything or go anywhere that isn't likely to lead to bumping into someone who currently hasn't got an issue with me or something of that nature.

A bright spot on the landscape was a belated and unexpected present in the form of a parcel from Japan from my good friend Ryoko. A cute little summer top. I miss her and yet taking the time out to sit at the computer and correspond seems to get me down so . . . . catch 22.

Friday turned out far more eventful than I had dared/feared to imagine.
I had the pleasure of unexpectedly bumping into Naoko and Chris - but separately. We went to Sumo Station for dinner - and amazingly the entire party turned up within minutes of each other. It was an enjoyable evening and Jess and I enjoyed a hearty number of ume-shus (typically translated as 'plum wine' but better described as plum liquor). We were pleasantly surprised to have Naoko waiting on us - hadn't seen her in an age.
Then we all pottered over to the Exeter to see some friends wouldn't not been in A-town for a goodly deal of time. It was at this point that my night became more interesting as I was squeezed into a corner, and happily got to chat and catch up with Chris, but then ended too soon as he suddenly jumped up and said to me in Japanese that he was leaving because the girl on his other side was scary. If only I had paid more heed to this statement, my night would have been different.
I was then accosted by this complete random who started to demand who it was at the table that I was or would like to be involved with. Then this developed into her demanding information about the personal relationship history of a male friend of our party. Quite rightly, I thought, I politely refused to divulge any such details (as it's very little of my business let alone her's!) but she just wouldn't stop her insistent and increasingly rude pestering to the point that my other neighbour leaned across and told her to get real and stop bugging us; to stop even talking to us. This culminated in her continuing to interrogate me and then in a sudden frenzy she started to punch me. I was completely shocked. When I said that she had in fact hurt me she justified her actions by saying that she just really wanted me to tell her.
This was the first of two instances over the weekend in which people, whom I feel should be bound by the social formalities which are dictated by the ties of mild acquaintance, have overstepped the boundaries to behave in a manner which I would deem abominably juvenile.
When I don't really know you I just don't expect you to behave like a petulant younger sibling trying to berate details out of me or score points over obscure knowledge.
Jeez. Fucking grow up.
Needless to say, things got a bit uglier from there and through a misunderstanding two of friends got a bit narky with their fingers before the situation regarding Psycho Punching Girl was resolved and we resumed our seats minus her and continued to chat.
Jess was then mildly affronted when she discovered that Sarah had thought she was the Psycho Punching Girl, this may have been the result of far too many tequilas (on Jess' part not Sarah's)

We then moseyed over to Urtext, in the guise of a posse of protection . . . things kind of quietened down for me from there. I found the music boring but I had a pleasant chat to Simon Gray (about zine plans) and to Matt pinball, fame, the nature of Adelaide and about nothing in particular. Then I decided it far too cold and early in the morning for riding home so we left the party and Jess and her crazy rampage of drink-nicking and ex-bumping-into and went and drank hot chocolate and watched tv before crawling into bed at some silly hour.

Sunday I felt a little the worse for wear, so I leisurely pottered over to the market to meet Karenski for a mid-morning coffee which started the landslide of emotionally draining tran-wreck weekends to end all such weekends.
Karenski was great, even if the weather was a bit below par in our estimation.
John was a great ear in the wee small hours - I do apologise for the craziness.
Kate and I lushed it up on Sunday arvo and I devoutly avoided study and she recovered. It was fabulous to spend so much time catching up after all these years.
To all the others I variously saw, I'm sure you know exactly how I feel about you, thanks.

Monday continued my bender of failed study and emotional turmoil.
Thank god for JessJess, Jess, Cathy of Goulburn & Alice of Perth.
Pips and I also went for a nice wander in the streets of Unley Park and bitched about the rising number of 'Bore Water In Use' signs and what we'd like to do to them and the inhabitants of these richie suburbs who're so sanctimoniously stealing everyone's water.

SareB and I had a lovely dinner and walk and talk together - she rocks - I think it must be in the genes~!

So, I've reached the decision that I need to go away again. This idea was consolidated through talks with Pippa and Jess. Millinery in London ?
Ahhh . . today I had my elbow lanced, I got lots of study done in the morning but not nearly enough and it was cold but Jess & I enjoyed some fabulous coffees and mooching about town.
Oh the beautiful dresses I could buy if I didn't think that spending anything above $50ish on about one item of clothing is rather obscene.
But yes, leaving again - I'm not sure it's advisable, but then I never thought that returning was such a flash idea and look where that got me . . . well, that's precisely the point!
Organising writer's weeks, young writer's groups and attending meetings about politics and art ventures have been great additions to my schedule.
There have been some great things to come out of what has been almost a year back in the country but there have also some clearly super shitty things that I'd just rather not have had to go through.
Who wants to be stronger anyway ???

Oo! OOoo!! Got my hair coloured the other day & though I may never sport liberty spikes I do now have diamonds in my hair~!

Does anyone know of anything Kalgoorlie is famous for other than its brothels ?
Help me to see the positives here.

Friday, September 14, 2007

So, it's been recommended I post something to demonstrate that I still exist.
I blog therefore I am ?

I note that another friend most cleverly ended his old blog upon his return to Auslandia and I wonder if I oughtn't to have done the same . . . Ahh well . . . It's coming up for a year to the day that I returned to A-town so maybe I could have a memorial service and make a clean break. But me and clean breaks . . .

Soooo . . . tonight it's off to birthday dinner.

Uni's been getting busier but I've been ignoring that and focusing on coffee and lunch dates which are much more enjoyable especially now that Spring has appeared on the scene.
Have been transfered back to Norwood - thus there has been increase in the number of anal, pretentious people I have to deal with.

Thanks to the following peeps for being yayness to hang out with . . .
Jude (for her tshirt enthusiasm)
Kate F (in advance)
Jess (all varieties)

Ooops- better go or we'll be late~!