Thursday, November 30, 2006

Earthly disappearance

This post is for Sarah. Because she sent a concerned email to inquire as to where I had gone.
She got the uncensored version of my nutty week since my last depressing post.
I think I may be going more insane since my return to this town.

Makes you consider if it's all worth it.

On Thursday last week I got a job.
It's a nice job: I don't have to worry about people being anal about bread products, the pay is decent and it's vaguely arty.
You'd think this would have prompted an enthusiastic post but no.
All the unhappy things just seem to cramming themselves in and pressing down.
I wonder if I shouldn't quit writing this blog.
I really find that I've started to use it almost like therapy rather than providing the ether and my avid readers with interesting facts about my life in a foreign country.
But this is kind of about that experience . . . People talk about being warned about the 'coming home' thing. I was never warned.
And damn it's been hugely hard. It still is.
I'm scared that if I go away again it will all happen again upon my return.
Or maybe this time I just won't come back at all.


Beenz cut my hair just before.
Now I'm off to pilates and then perhaps to bike riding madness.

On the positive side I had a lovely night last night viewing various art exhibitions in the west end and ended up at East Taste with we-used-to-be-dressed-up-as-clowns-together-at-one-year-old-Tamzin, her gentleman Peter, Ann, a prawn-devouring guy who's name I've already forgotten because of the white wine fog, and the most lovely Andrew and Peta. It was so nice to hang out with them all, get reacquainted with Tamzin (we might do bake stuff together) and chat extensively to Peta for the first time even though we've various connections for a number of years.
It was super lovely.

Off I dash.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today has been one of the lowest points of my return.

I wish I wasn't still up because at least when I'm asleep (as S tells us through song) there's less time to think.
The day was improved by Geet turning up in the evening for a D&M but took a slight slide into the mudlin when we took a jaunt out to Pembroke. Ughh. Freakin' wannabe-hippie monie kids shit me. Now I find myself irritable all over again about things that I ought not to distress myself about. All the problems, hurts fell away listening to someone else talk about their issues and offer up the good and the bad for contemplation . . . now they come flooding back with renewed force.

Why does everyone I know have to work fulltime or be too busy with study ?
I can't even find anyone to go to a movie with me.
It's just depressing . . . Wish I could see a path through the mire but these days it feels like trudging through an endless mindfield of frustration bombs.
It's not quite boredom . . . it's a sapping inefficiency.

When will it end ?
I'm considering accepting/begging for respective old jobs just to reach an end of sorts.

AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER**Note to all those wonderful people who get me through the days - which is pretty much all of you who do (and don't) read this blog - this is not intended to offend or depreciate the important and appreciated role that you play in my life. I simply feel lonely, confused and shitty right now at 2am on yet another fruitless Wednesday morning and feel like a little wallowing in self-pity is about the comfort it will afford.
So wallow I shall.


Monday, November 20, 2006

News in brief, or not so

One of my boxes from Japan has arrived.
Just the one.
I hope the others do, but I think that this one has come all on its lonesome because it's the one that I used the last of the rabbit tape on. The others got strawberry tape and apparently were sent back to my home after I'd left because Japan's interpretation of Australia's tought quarantine laws is that if anything happens to have pictures of fruit and veg on it then it will come back. But this was cutesy strawberry tape that no one in their right mind would use for commercial packaging of product! Apparently one of the boxes also had "mushrooms" written on it in kanji too which caused a fuss . . . yeah, rightttt, customs officers are all well versed in their asian scripts.
Sooooo . . . it'll be exciting to see what's inside but then again I still haven't quite finished the room revamp so I haven't quite made all the space I need for the incoming stuff.
Funnily enough though I have too many clothes Beenz aka my stylist tells me I don't have enough - at least of things that I like.

The weekend was a whirrrl.
Friday afternoon following painting and washing activities I had a fantastic time with SareB but didn't buy material - then piked on Sair only to spend Saturday with her after early morning pilates with Beenz. I picked up a beautiful new bedspread at IKEA and a fantastic bargain pair of shoes.

Then I raced home changed, wrapped a present and a found a card for Angelique and Ryan's engagement party, dashed up to Amie and Simon's house to meet Ry, had a stiff drink, wrote in both sets of cards, promptly forgot the card for Ry and myself and arrived fashionably late at the lovely Old Jam Factory where the party was being held. It was quite nice apart from the odd moment of running the old school buddies gauntlet of Ryan's friends. Ahhh the weirdness of being made to mingle socially with people you never went out of your way to get to know for five years over 8 years ago.
But it's nice to know that I'm still good with names and faces.
Also had a good chat with my previous employer who may now use me if she needs any extra hands . . . also an ex-coworker who went on about how nice it had been last time we were at a party together and she and her husband had had a lovely time nattering away with my now-ex. Fun topics of conversation.
Also caught up with Michelle and Matt who are now expecting their second child.

Then the night's activities get stranger . . . Having only partaken of the reasonably lightly champagne laced punch I decided I was fine to drive into town to make a lateish entrance at MikeyG's Speakeasy party which I'd received a late invit to about 4 hours prior. Picked up the fabulously dressed Wizard and Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya, got a brilliant park, walked past the the seething vortex of human atrocity which is Mansions, around the corner to MikeyG's beautiful new place. The man has the most extrodrinary gift for finding exceptional rentals.
There was many a fancy cocktail flying about and I spent most of the evening bonding with Chris and Naoko . . . wayyy wonderfull kids. It was soooo nice to be able to chat about and in Japanese especially when there were matters that need discussing diploamtically. Yayyyy! For near-bilingualism!
I met Alison for about the 4th time but hopefully this time she will remember me because we had numerous photos taken together, and you have to recall someone if you have your photo taken with them, right?!!
Also had yet another lovely chat with ever-fashionably attired Bel.
I didn't bother taking photos because soooo many others were (see Two Degrees) except when I just could resist getting one of these two looking the quintessence of Speakeasy . . . . Randomly turned out nicely because Jess-who-is-soon-to-go-to-Kenya took a photo that perfectly coincided with mine and provide a surprise flash and some extra ambient lighting. Much nicer than using the flash myself! Perrrrfect.

There were some very beautifully dressed people there . . .

Karenski looked exceptional as only Karenski can in a wig.

Big props for the lending of lovely looonnng gloves which made me look a little less conspicuous.

3am rolled around which it's requisite enthusiastic dancing by Martine and Karenski.

4am came on with calls from Beenz and a drive by sighting.

5am staggered on with the dawn, nausea and a desperate need for the pizza we were waiting for.

6am brightened the room as I devoured cheeseless vego pizza in place of the dinner I never really got the previous night . . . and passed out.

Was is 8:10 or 9:20 I decided I ought to go home because I didn't like to miss my Sunday morning routine ?
I passed out on the couch again.
10:30 I think I had the same thought again . . . I passed out on the couch again.
At 11:40 I insisted my esteemed colleague get up and pay attention to me so we looked at photos while I got impatient about being inside and then decided I was famished again.
So we went and had dumplings at BBQ City which always reminds me of Pippa.
We had a great long chat about all sorts of interesting stuff.
Then we removed for coffee and a continuation of aforementioned chatting.
When it was hitting 5pm I felt the irrepressible need to for a shower so I went home to hear about Beenz's night running about after Paul The Drunkard. The she went out for more of the same.
I put on some sheets to wash and ended up going out for a completely unneeded Indian meal with Pooj and his lady and my Dad. I got there and started seeing lights and being unable to read the menu which is always the warning signs that I am getting a migraine. I started to panic, got told off for having changed into clothes that were clearly too warm for the evening and dashed outside for a breath of fresh air, careering about the footpath.
I went back to the restuarant and the waiter tried to accost me but I barged past him to the toilet, stripped off the offending woollen jumper, splashed myself with water and was able to chug back enough icy water to keep the disco in my head at bay.
I'm in love with their Eggplant pickle/chutney - it's just scrumptious.
There was much lively conversation and then despite the imploding skull I was the homebound driver for the youthful drinkers.

Then the sweet oblivion of sleep.
My head still hurts this morning and my cold has reawoken. Perhaps it didn't agree with the blur that the weekend became.

I still have to try and get a ticket for the French festival this coming weekend because the guy who did the Amelie soundtrack is going to be playing or somesuch . . . Anyone interested ??

Time to check out that box!

Friday, November 17, 2006


Today I was AdelaideD.
This is the new word that I how come up with to describe the phenomenon that we all regularly experience when A-town bound.
It is perfectly exemplified by those times when you discover that the lady-friend of your friend that you haven't seen much of in the last couple of years and randomly see at a party, whom you heard all about during a drunken coversation that included too much talk of breasts as you were both dressed the most outlandish manner, turns out to be be someone you went to school with and used to bump into all the time and serve at work before you finally fled this small pond.
Maybe it's because I've been away that I am struck by the number of times a day in which I am AdelaideD but really~! It's all just getting a little too much.

Coincidentally the friend of this story went to great lengths to show me a photo of myself as taken by Mr Squiggle aka Dylan of The Church only for me to find that the wonderful RPG has commented up a link to it for me!! Warm fuzzies!
But that really is a nuts photo!

It was soo totally fabulous to get an email from Shelley who's globetrotting currently have her away from her adopted home in NZ and over in Hawaii~! Amazing!

I also spent almost an hour on the phone to Mel in England tonight after I got home from visiting Geets in the Market and feeling irate at all the stupid car people doing their stupid car thing and getting in my bicycle-riding way! It was soooo good to talk again and took me back about 10 years.

Now should be in bed having piked on RPG and not gone to Rocket (still haven't been right up inside there yet) because my stomach played up all of a sudden and after I'd dealt with that I figured by the time I got there I'd be wanting to turn around and come home again. Fatigue has suddenly set in.

Also big props to SareB who is just completely ace! We spent ages just wandering in town and talking and she has the best advice for crafty ideas so oh so very soon (hopefully!) my daybed project will be very much on the way to beautiful completion!

Feeling sick is sucky

So yes, that band that I was enthusing about the other day . . .

The Blowwaves! They were so much fun!
And musically accomplished too.
The vocals were so impressively tight I was quite blown away.

My eyes were causing me such grief that I decided to just sit back and enjoy rather than fiddle about too much in bad light trying to take decent photos so I can only offer one of Running With Horses because they were on first, before I became complacent. S&A did some really nice work - They did some songs off their demo CD which went down well and I reallyed enjoyed a new one, their last song but I've forgotten what it is called.

But back to The Blowwaves. Just really really good. I find that I often take time to warm up to new bands and songs but these guys had me hooked straight off. Their lyrics were pretty funny in the entertaining sense - as were the stage moves of the lead singer. And I was just so impressed by how competent they were musically. Being reasonably ignorant bandwise but fairly well educated when it comes to knowing a bit about voices . . . they were a joy to hear. The songs were good and the general sound was loud and enthusiatic which is great, but they are a band that do great things vocally. The balance and blend was beautiful.
Well, that's enough waxing lyrical - thought they were fab and just wish they were playing in Adelaide more often.
I can't wait to get my hands on a CD.

Regarding things to make myself feel better . . .
I did very few of the things on my list - sighhhhh

I rang the shoe store - looks like I was badly informed and it's super super unlikely I get another pair of my shoes. The woman on the phone was a bit snooty and abrupt - poo to her too! So I've emailed a place in Melbourne but that's not turned up anything different.
A family friend turned up so I chatted away to him whilst dealing with the soothing activity of folding clothes and hanging out washing.
I rode to pilates having taken panadol to suppress my coldiness.
Then went out for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Didn't have to wait quite as long as when Sair and I went out last Thursday night for dinner - but it was almost on a par. That was some 15 minutes! But in that instance we still arrived with plenty of time for seeing/hearing the wonderfulness that is the voice of Travis in The Unspoken Things. Really just about one of the best voices I've heard in a band in Adelaide. Most boys are too in love with their Shout Voice to know the meaning of singing.

Today I expect not to hear from the people who interviewed me on Wednesday because I hold out no hope of getting the job. Sighhhhhh

I ought to get out into the sunshine now and finish the last coat on the daybed and print-type drawer.

Then I get to go hang out with SareB in town.

Anyone for Lawn Bowls ?

References for my JET application are all coming together . . Now I just have to write about how truly fabulous I am and convince them of the fact.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I miss my Japanese friends.

It was really quite chill this morning, for the weather of late.I have a cold and so despite the weather having cheered up since this morning I haven't much energy for going out and enjoying it.I was up late feeling yuck and the woke at quarter to 5 feeling yuck. YUCK! Sleep a bit more after 7 but then got up to run Midge about as she is going to Perth for a week.Then I cashed in some of my good parking karma and got a perfect-for-some-unfathomable-reason-non-ticket 2 hr park and went to the Market. Put some Birkis in for repair and asked about buying a replacement pair for my most favouritest shoes in the world. Unfortunately I listened to a friend a while back and didn't purchase a second pair before heading OS and NOW!! Oh dear . . . they are discontinued!! Some searching over hill and down dale, and soul selling may be required.

Haven't been in touch with Ryoko (pictured) since she wrote to say that her grandpa had died - no reply to my email, which I completely understand. Emails are just boring - I want to be able to see my friends face to face. But I suppose thems the breaks. I have A-town folks for face-to-facing with!

I made a second batch of chutney today with some apples that I got in the Market.Realised that I place I applied to work at is pretty much a glorified butcher - thank goodness I haven't heard back from them!!
Had an interview yesterday for a job that would be great if it had been around a couple of years ago or alternatively was around in a few years time. I'd love the job but just don't think it fits with where I "am" (where is that ?!!!) at present. I have no hopes for actually being offered the position though the employer seemed to like me . . . there was a lot of really strong competition and my interview got cut short because of time constraints at the end of the session.
Fatalism - I find it a great attitude.
I forgot about the job and went and met Sareb for a wander in the city.

Had bit of an air-clearing with Pooj last night as we made pizza for dinner. This seemed to have a good affect on us as we suddenly started talking to each other and being friendly again after weeks of niggling.

Things I should do that would make myself feel better . . .
- ring the birki shop about the shoe order.
- return library books and borrow more based on Pippa's recommendations.
- go for a wander about the leafy suburbs in which I live
- finish and post letter to P*
- go get my glasses realigned - wish I could just wear my contacts but my eyes have been giving me hell and I hate going blind like I did last weekend.
- hang out the washing after taking the last lot off the racks.
- do the third coat of paint on the daybed.

. . . and that's just the really easy to do things . . .

Damn I find life mind-bogglingly full of menial tasks that I like to avoid because they rarely provide you with any great sense of fulfillment.
Then tonight I have pilates which I live for these days.

A dinner date and if I don't feel awful again due to my cold I even have after dinner plans!

uggh! maybe I should just crawl back into bed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A day seized and trumped, if only in feeling

Today I feel like I have kind of accomplished something. That is not to say that I have done much. In fact I have probably done less than other days in the past month but somehow I feel like I have done something. As I believe I have said before I have been suffering from frustration because I feel like I never get anything done in my days. Yesterday when I saw my counsellor he suggested that I should plan my days . . . schedule in time for fitness stuff . . . job application stuff . . . crafty stuff. So today though I got up lateish because I was exhausted by Sunday night's sleepless night - it's been a while since I saw in the dawn . . especially without the excuse of partying on down at one of Karenski's fantabulous shindigs. But then I walked to pilates, saw Geet (she got hit by a car on Friday!! Right near where I got hit years ago - Look out for that South Tce/Unley-Pulteney intersection Bicyclops!), did pilates and then went home via Woolies. Got some brilliant bargains and went home to work on a chutney recipe. Some of you may know that I have also been suffering from a complex regarding food and cooking. I don't do that much of it anymore. But I decided that killing off a part of you . . . stopping a hobby that you enjoyed just because someone else doesn't appreciate it isn't a healthy approach. Get some perspective and move on. SOooooo . . . after Denni's encouragement on the weekend I decided to try my hand at making up a chutney - having become an avid connoisseur of the stuff. It turned out to be a rather soothing occupation. It did take hours . . but I was doing lots of other things while it boiled so it doesn't really feel like a long time. All the chopping . . . somehow it all produces a quantifiable outcome that makes you feel productive.
Then I made pumpkin soup for dinner but no-one was here so I watched Geldof being wanky. It was annoying because I thought at least I might learn something but all I got was some Englishman prattling on with far too many "arty" shots that would have been better had they not included the aforementioned Briton.

I have msned with Ryan and Mel today which was lovely . . also had brief chats with my J-land buds . . . Lane, Karl, Evan . . . Keinan (aka Chijimi)

Yesterday I spent much of the day in town by myself - at Uni doing random things and then I went for a break to the Botanic gardens and finished my latest book that I've been reading. I enjoyed it but there were far too many editorial mistakes and misprints for my liking. Where're the standards these days, I ask you ? It was so nice to laze about in the dappled sun that I stayed there for a while longer writing a letter to Pippa that strangely mirrors and reflect upon a lot of the stuff that she talked about in her posts of the past few days. Weird.

Then last night I had the strangest dream . . . I can see where bits of it are drawn from life but it was still disconcerting . . .
I was at a party or something. Then friends who have asked me to be a bridesmaid for their wedding suddenly just got married at this party - but they're not even bothering to have an engagement party anymore so I thought it couldn't have been that they'd decided to do the same as other acquaintances and just turn up and get married at their engagement gathering . . . . but that's how it abruptly happened. Then we were somehow at some banquet that consisted almost entirely of all weird and various Chinese style mushroom dishes. Somehow I talked through the dinner and most people had left when I started looking at all the mushrooms and filling a plate. And I hit someone - I put my plate down, and then someone behind asked me insistently to move, I picked up my plate which was suddenly empty and as I was looking for where my food had all gone this person patted my arse to get me to move so I turned around and hit them. But I think these things didn't happen together so immediately . . . then this girl, Sarah, that I hit and her boyfriend looked aghast and asked how I knew the bridal couple as I profusely apologised about hitting her and introduced myself. It was sooo weird. I felt awful about hitting her and couldn't quite work out why I'd done it. I haven't hit anyone properly since I used to fight with my brother as a kid and the violence of it really freaked me out even in a dream.

All I can say is that, Sair, if you know anyone called Sarah and you invite them to your wedding, you'd better let me know in advance!

Last Wednesday my uncle was given a dinner as a celebration of his being made a life memeber of SAFF (SA Farmers Federation).
It was a nice night - I got to sit and talk with my sister and SareB. Many talks were given . . . most of them noting how my uncle would single-handedly keep Telstra in business so it was worth buying T3 shares or something to that effect. Must be in the genes.

Mum told a story of my Poppa . . .
He was out somewhere and a bloke came up and said . . . "Now . . Len. I think my wife knows your wife". To which my Poppa replied "If I went to the North Pole the bloody penguins would know my wife".
My Dad lost it completely, along with the family sitting in a long line down one of the tables.
That was my Nan for you.

Saturday was pudding making day.

In our extended family it has always been mine that provides the Xmas puds for both the Harris and Martin aspects of our SouthEast Xmas extravaganza.

Lane doesn't even know what one is . . .
I don't like to eat them - think they're yucky once cooked even if the ingredients taste good for being boiled to buggery.
And someone asked why we were making them so early . . .

Where's the tradition people ???
It makes me think of Dan's pig experience.
It is a bonding thing . . . a thing of traditions; a handing down of cultural institutions. Most pudding makers have their own family recipes - their family's tradition that is intimately bound with their memories. It's not just about the proof of the pudding (the eating). It's about coming together to spend hours in each other's company; to chop, stir, gossip, ponder, to philosophize, to counsel and be counselled.
My experience in Japan has further served to highlight to me how the culture of food is a really interesting thing. Japanese culture is just that in many ways - it's so dominant that even Italian pasta dishes have nori in them. Australian food and food culture reflects our migrant country makeup. And our eating habits as a nation are so different . . . just look at an old Green and Gold cookbook.

On Sunday I went to a great show (sneak previewed on Saturday night as well) but I meant to wind this up much earlier but got chatting to Mel.
Stay tuned if you want to hear what band I thought were completely fabulous!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

ただのNotifications minus angst

Meant to get up and on the go early this morning but again was exhausted and couldn't get out of bed.
Now it's late morning and I'm about to head to the beach . . . so much for productivity.
Finished yet another book this morning though.

Yesterday I sent off another job application . . . I sanded and did the first coat on the daybed, my latest project.
Got an engagement present for Ange and Ryan - so, other Ry, if you read this, we can go halves in that and then we're both sorted. The present was spotted randomly whilst shopping for Xmas pudding stuff so that was nice and easy.
Xmas pudding making extraganza is happening tomorrow morning after our early pilates start.

Sorry to Sareb about the photos . . . will send the when I get back home this arvo.

Looking for to going out tonight for some Friday loveliness in the Mall with RPG. Looking for fabrics . . . dinner . . . coffee . . . bands . . . limitless loveliness!!

Must dash!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Musings, sewings and super heroes

Yet again I should be writing another job application, but quite frankly it's all wearing a little thin and I've not the motivation for it. I'm sick of spending copious amounts of time and effort for very little gain. Sure, it's good experience; I've improved my ability to churn these things out and got my resume up to date, had a few interviews - one of which was my first experience going for a reasonably professional job. But I'm over - can't someone just hire me into any old brain-less job already ?!! Just need some coinage and little occupation to get me going.

But there a projects aplenty . . . if only someone would pay me for doing something I really enjoy.
I'm currently applying for what would be a fantastic job - was selected for an interview from a list of 122 . . so that's a good start. The process is sure to be competetive but then I'm not even clear on whether I want it. If I didn't have all the crazy qualifications and dreams and schemes then it would be the perfect job for staying in Adelaide. It'd be interesting and keep you on your toes; it's in a line of work that I think I'd love . . . the arts, people, food, organising things . . . what's not to love ? But I'm just not sure that if I even managed to get the job that I'd want it - it's unlikely it's fit all that well with my proposed study plan for next year . . . and then, if I'm successful in my other big application for stuff then I won't even plan on being in Australia by mid next year. As I was saying to AW, great as the job may seem I'm not sure if it actually suits my current trajectory. And by trajectory I more mean something like "I've been catapulted into orbit by numerous forces and am not sure when or if or which boosters are going to kick in . . and there's an asteroid belt coming up".
What a to do . . .

I'm loving pilates at the present. So glad to have finally come back to it! Have been going 3 times a week and it's really helping my back. The frequency is meaning that my general aware and technique is greatly improved and I'm feeling much better for it.

More positive thoughts . . .

Slowing weeding through the detritus of my life - Sculpting my space and days into more of a semblance of something I'd prefer to live.

Soon I will have a new bike!! yayyyy

The weather may be what other describe as "unmysterious" but it's affect on my mental health is alllll gooooood.

Though this job stuff is frustrating I'm pretty fatalistic about it because I just don't care that much - something'll happen eventually and then whatever that is will work out fine. This is usually the frame of mind that I'm in when good things happen. Here's crossing my fingers then . . .

Ahhh . . MSN can be so good for somethings . . . I'm catching up with my "sister" Maki who has been living in New York this year. It's the first time we've been able to do so and it rocks!

How is it that days drift away like they do ???
Soon it will be December already!

As promised or threatened . . I now present the photos that I took of the costume making events leading up to and including the recent Halloween party that I attended . . .

This is Sair being wayyyyy handy with her sewing machine . . .

My costume would have been heaps 微妙 (びみょう - bimyou - "lame, average") if it hadn't been for her!!

Thanks RPG!

The super hero crew

We have the power of the universe at our fingertips!

Sair and I in full swing a the partei with labour of love costumes finally complete and out doing the rounds.

Sair looked absolutely gorgeous with long blonde hair but perhaps it'd be too much of an ask to get her to grow her real tresses to that length by March next year . . .

We were shocked and appalled by the lack of awareness for the greatness of Sheera and Sailor Moon, amongst the other party goers. We came to the conclusion it must be a generational thing.
A. preferred simply to put it down to the ignorance and unculturedness of the masses.

Monday, November 06, 2006

A weekend of projects and socializationing

My cousin Jess ended up staying with us on the weekend after she called me up on Thursday to see if I was in the country. We haven't seen each other for a few years and it was good to catch up. Beenz and Jess had a craving for sushi . . . as Jess said she finds the cuisine of Horsham a little limited . . . "I feel like I'm back in civilisation and eating proper food again". . . "No steak and chips"
What would people of only 50s year ago thought of this comment . . . The food cultures of this country have changed so drastically . . it's incredible.
The dishes were beautifully presented and I can't imagine why anyone would go to anywhere that wasn't Sushi Train.
Though Genki is probably best.

It was interesting to hear her perspective on family stuff and see that no matter the paths we all tread to get where we are today . . . no matter the past we can communicate these days. Family . . .

Apparently they'll be around for Xmas in the Mt this year so that'll swell it to 4 of the 6 of the "kids" . . should be interesting to see how it all turns out. I wonder who it was that ever thought that getting large numbers of obsessive and neurotic family members together in a small confined space with the task of getting along and producing a large-scale meal would be a good way to create a festive and enjoyable atmosphere and event.
Well, Nan is more spaced out these days so it just washes over her and she's ceased to get upset.
If we can keep some of the mothers and daughters, brothers and sisters in separate corners then we might get through.
Perhaps we'll just head off to the far less complex Martin homestead. We stopped doing that a long time ago when Mum and I started to take on a pivotal role in actually producing the Xmas lunch . . . last year it didn't happen and while I spent the day as a spent it far far away in J-land the fam pigged out on a gourmet meal as prepared by my uncle and cousins.

Then in March the entire extended Harris clan will be coming together for Nan's 90th.
It's going to be a season of family stuff . . weird.

Spent most of the afternoon on Saturday at the Central markets . . . Chai, organic strawberries and sitting in the sun.

I've been loving renewing ties back in A-town. Well, not so much renewing in a way but networking in a new ways but in the same places.
Geet and I have been spending significant numbers of hours at various produce market venues and it's such great fun. I want to work at the markets!! I love the networking aspect and talking to people about the products that they produce and are so passionate about.

On Friday night at a dinner a slightly barbed query as to whether I was stilllll studying had me thinking. There's no way I would give up what I've done. No one can make me feel bad about my choice to leave and go away. The last 18 months of my life I have spent in a way that was so valuable. I am so happy when I consider what I have done and no amount of snideness will ever make me think it wasn't a brilliant way to spend my life.
Can everyone say the same ?? I hope so.
One of the worst feelings I get is associated with the thought that I am squandering the light and time of my life.
Still no job . . . but I've suddenly gained motivation for a various projects and so that feeling has featured less this weekend. I did a whole lot of cleaning and tidying . . . painting and organising.

This morning I've been reading up on JET and all of the stuff I need to get together for my application, due December 1st. Need to get a move long and organise my referees . . . Have it in mind to ask Parker from Shudo for one . . . but who to get to do the second ??
Then there's a rather odd personal medical analysis form.

I'm all confuddled about electing preferences for where I might like to work should I actually be successful in my application . . . Do I want to go back to Hiroshima ? Or do I want to be in that area but a different town ? Or do I want to go somewhere completely different ? Okinawa ?
There are seemingly lots of posts to be had in Shimane generally so maybe my chances would be better if I applied for there . . it's a beautiful prefecture and not far from Hiroshima . . . I'd be close to my Japanese family and friends but also somewhere different . . . but still in the country which I think is probably more likely to prove the more interesting and edifying option.

Saturday night .....
Went to karaoke with a group of lovely peeps.
Whilst I think that a good time was had by all I must take Tom-of-the-House-of-Organics-and-extreme-dance-moves-and-Japanese-prowess's advice and check out the more low-key karaoke booth further down the street from K-box because as an experienced user of various karaoke machine I can honesty say that K-box is a joke! And while there may be categories for male and female singers and bands the distinction between the three seemed to get a little fuzzy . . or almost non-existent . . . Bet you didn't know that Bruce Springstein was in fact a female artist ?!
I also found it almost impossible to locate any recent J-pop.
But there was sure some enjoyable septets going on at the end of the night . . . Crowded House went down amusingly and we were in hysterics at Kara's rendition of The Bee Gees "You Should Be Dancing".
Then went down to JIVE for a last drink and heard ABC for the millionth time . . . and we have the inevitable giggle at intonation as only pansy music nerds can.

Anyone have any suggestions as to what one can give a couple who have anything they are likely to need already ? Engagement parties! Phffft!
Ever heard of de facto ?

Friday, November 03, 2006


Had an interesting last night, gastro-intestinally speaking.
Somewhat reminiscent of China, but perhaps not so bad because there weren't the compounding factors of heat and traffic noise blaring all night.
But still no fun.
I've had a less than positive attitude towards Ohh Sushi for sometime now and it was only the fact that it was around the corner and that the person I was having lunch with wanted to go there that even got me in the door. Plus, while I think their sushi is woeful, Beenz and I were always a little partial to their carrot and bean sprout salad.
Well, never again! is all I can say!!
Never Ever Ever again!

Did some crazy house cleaning yesterday that involved the wire screen door and window cover thingos . . . yet more vaccuming.
Today I have been painting.
The boring thing about non-acrylic paints is waiting for them to dry.
I wanted to ride into town and buy some material for my latest project but I'm not sure my fatigue body could deal with it. It's a rather exicting medium-sized project that without much work will hopefully result in a much nicer piece of furniture.
Just have to find some fabric that I like and is sturdyish . . . decide on colours . . .

Stomach is still acting up! Ugh! Went to bed at 9:30 but couldn't sleep til 3am. Then Beenz come home at 3:30 but left again slamming the door in her wake . . which also woke me.

Going to that new Benini film tonight.
Might also be attending the pageant with my cousin. She was saying "oh, yess apparently I'm going to a pageant with my friend on Saturday morning" . . . to which I responded "not A pageant! THE pageant" . . . haven't been for a while . . . what with one thing and another, and I wouldn't generally bother but I thought it might be a laugh to go along with Jess.
I've been to Melbourne (her hometown) any number of times but it's evidentally her first trip to A-town. How amusing.
Hopefully the weekend will also involve further merriment with Geet.
And the possibility of karaoke !!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Scotland meets J-land

Super Granny
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
Spent time chatting with the lovely Super Granny aka Martine at the Halloween party on the weekend. It was nice to have another opporuntiy to natter with her as she is a fabulous lady whose reputation proceded her - heard all about her whilst in J-land but had never made her acquaintance. Now parties are all the better for it.
Plus she takes a lovely photo . . .
I had reached the point of the night where I thought it was hilariously appropriate to make peace signs at all present cameras (VERY Japanese!!) and chatter in J-lingo if lost for words in Engrish!
It was a night of ups and downs as are all such events in these days of Adelaide, but all up it was an enjoyable night and I am much indebted to the costume making prowess of the lovely Sarah Masters. Keep tuned for more photos of her brilliant handiwork.

Oooo . . . the day is looking up.
Have a lunch date.
Just had a phone call from a cousin I haven't seen in years - now I have plans for tomorrow night!
Also talked to another one, who is in the US, on msn.

Grey skies and lack of inspiration

Waiting for people to come and see the car we're trying to sell.
I know very little about it but have ended up today's delegate.
They should have been here a while ago. Just before I saw a bit of a hoon car pull up and sit across the road for a few minutes and then roar off. Maybe they took one look and decided not to even bother coming to the door. Even though they drove from Elizabeth to see it.
Not sure we'll even get the lump of metal off our hands.

Did another job application on Tuesday. Still no response confirming they got my application.
It'd be a great job to get and I think I could do it well . . . but how knows . . .
Still no word back with verdict from the interview last week, but although it went okay I don't hold out a great amount of hope.

Monday was a bit of a write-off day . . . already can't remember how I wasted it. Other than pilates in the evening.

Tuesday . . . Got up to be informed Beenz had a gentleman caller - one of the boys that I have been less approving of . . . So I was distracted from writing job applications by their presence. Had a chat to him. Was pleasantly surprised, but maybe he'd been briefed . . . Can it just be coincidence that he seems to be a LOTR fan ? "Have I seen the movies?"
Went to the physio . . . thrilling stuff. I had fun, but really this doesn't seem to be the stuff of which interesting posts are made . . .

I feel like I have nothing interesting to say anymore.
Is it the simple fact that I'm no longer commenting on life in an alien land and culture?

As Josh so kindly pointed out, he thought my blog had died with my return to A-town. Given that I am no longer in "the land of the rising sun", as Pippa so eloquently put it.
But the blog goes on . . the blog goes onnnnn.
Why ?
Because it's become a bit of a habit.
But I feel doubtful that I have much an audience for the mundane and the menial that passes for the life and times of me these days.

And so continue the litany . . .
Tuesday afternoon . . . wrote the job application with great zeal and then rode over to S&A's place for various reasons . . . 1) perfect weather 2) peak hour traffic that I'd rather ride than drive in 3) the need to use functioning internet 4) discussion and rehearsal of music stuff 5) the transference of photos from memory stick to computer.
6) and not least, the enjoyment of pleasant company

Met extended and immediate folks for dinner on Gouger.
Then enjoyed a solitary ride home in the cool night.
Read more of LOTR until late . . . funny how now I've read it a fair bit the chapters fly past but I'm still reading in such a way that I take in new bits and rediscover forgotten lines each time.

Wednesday . . . dragged myself out of bed for a challenging pilates class that I almost forgot.
Managed to upload photos to flickr, wash my hair and just make it in to meet Ry for lunch. Had Bibimbap, which was decent. I really liked it when in Korea, and used to have it a bit in Japan.
That is my 'osusume'  おすすめ (my recommendation) for all of you culinary goers out there.
Then we wandered into town looking for a present for Ry's niece, generally discussing life and catching up with each other's doings and thinkings of the past 6 months; 2 years. Then instead of 3pm coffee we ended up drinking with Beth-the-house-and-workmate at the Stag. Much conversation and alcohol were had, but I wasn't really feeling it when we tottered off in time to bump into Sare-b on her way to meet me for movie-viewing.
We parted ways with Ry and Beth, heading on up to the academy. Where we met S&A.
My right eye contact fell out halfway through Flags of Our Fathers . . . I was stuck in the middle of a row though so had little choice but to sit there with one irritated eye shut or blurry vision. Took the edge of the movie's impact somewhat but not to worry . . . the gore was still clearly visible and even with both contacts in place I hardly recognised Ryan Philippe anyway . . .
War . . . it's just an awful thing and people should be forced to watch this kind of thing more often . . then maybe some might start to wonder how it is that this is possibly considered a way for the resolution of conflict. The world is nuts.
It made me think a lot of how all these war films are received . . . That Pearl Harbour thing which I never deigned to see . . . When I was first in Japan there was a lot of talk about the filming of a movie the translated titles of which would be something like "Men of the Yamato". The Yamato was one of the biggest battleships ever built in the world and it was sunk in a bay . . . I think in Kure or somewhere. It was partially filmed in Onomichi, to coastal town not far from Hiroshima and I visited the set with friends - NB the WORST toilets I ever experienced in Japan - something akin to those in China.
There was concern about Men of the Yamato . . . would it incite more nationalistic fervour ? Given all of the talk about Yasakuni jinja and A-class war criminals was the portrayal of these men of war a good or bad thing ? I never ended up seeing it.
But why did it occasion such discussion ? Is it because the Japanese lost the war; that history pins them down as the losers and thus the unrighteous ; the less worthy; the baddies.
Does victory make the nationalistic and purile Pearl Harbour any more correct and acceptable than Men of the Yamato ?
It is all sad and a waste.
Then and now. So many more important things that money could be spent on.
But funds are poured out to provide mediocre fodder for the consumerist masses and it's just depressing.

And so is this.

After the movie, more pleasant conversation was had in lovely company.
Then I rode home again through the night to a darkened house.
Read more LOTR and woke up to this grey morning.

And still no one comes for the car.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Had a momentous weekend....

I met Sponge Bob!
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
I met Sponge Bob . . .
and a whole lot of other fantastic super heroes . . .
Mr Squiggle was even there but no Black Board . . . how unfortunate!
Hurrrrry Upppp!

Which is what I must do! I've been trying to upload these photos for agggges and the internet has been crazy . . . for some reason it has just worked and is making me late for a very important date!

See flickr for other amazing shots! Or just wait for me to have more time for posting!