Monday, September 25, 2006

What a difference a day makes . . .

1、2、3 。。。。日間後にここから消えちゃいますよ!

Beenz has become a major fan of Hiroshima Okonomiyaki since she first tried it on Friday night when we went out for dinner with Keinan. Tonight we had an Okonomiyaki party - eating our fill after a long day . . . We spent the morning at a Kindy, then caught a bus into town so Beenz could do the Peace Park thing so synonmous with visitors to Hiroshima. Then caught up with Nami for get back some stuff, raced to the station to meet Marie to return some stuff to her and then bought shinkansen tickets for Thursday morning as the Beenz vetoed the night bus. A plus of the new plan is getting to see Hide once more before we head off. He left yesterday for a work trip to Kyushu.

Tomorrow will see repacking and meeting up with Ayumi!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hope this won't be our last date . . . (It's late!)

For the first time tears looked like flowing.
Neither of us could really believe that this would be the last, maybe the last time . . . I don't knowwwwww . . oh no! But to recall myself from The Stones, despite feeling a little seedy and tired we had a good day and I managed to refrain for too many purchases that will send me rocketing about with fear at the prospect of further packing and repacking.

$55 for one kilo of excess baggage ? My god?! Will they take an arm instead ?

Whilst Kana is the most likely of my friends to be coming my way anytime soon it's hard to imagine the fact that I won't be seeing her most days of the week anymore. So today we had our last shopping/lunching outing together for what is sure to be at least 6 months. 6 months. Funny to think of where I was 6 months ago. Many things are the same and many are different. And one of the great and different things is the number of really wonderful friendships that I have had the chance to deepen in this past half year. Kana wrote me a beautiful little note sealed up in a tiny bottle . . . a lovely line of which was . . .
Ellie's returning to Australia but Ellie, your home is also in Hiroshima.

And she's right. It's been a life altering time and I won't forget it or the wonderful people who have made it so. I will miss them dreadfully and hope that we will have the chance to meet again soon.
I DEMAND they all come and visit me in Auslandia ASAP! Just in case I have trouble getting back to Japan soon myself!

Another early day tomorrow- going to a kindy and then will take Rene in to see the Peace park and museums. Must also catch up with Nami and Marie to hand over various items.

Counting on one hand.

Beenz was devastated about the Crows. How disappointing!


Pretty much indicative of how I'm feeling and how I remember the night . . . even though it only ended about two hours ago. Haven't been like this for a while now.

I drank at my own pace which seem to exceed everyone else's excessively. Had a great time . . . time went so fast. How is it that this will all end so soon ?

Today was a massive mix of so much topped of which a great night of getting rather tipsy, eating lots of food, singing, dancing, laughing, taking purikura (which I now barely recollect - good thing I have evidence!)

Beenz is already in bed . . . ought to get there myself as we have yet another early morning in order to get out to Marina Hop to meet Kana by 11am.

My friends here are so lovely and I will miss them so much. There's so much I want to do before I have to leave but there's just no time . . . and excess baggage looms scarely on the horizon frightening me into reconsidering my packing until now . . . $55 a kilo!! Are these guys from Syria ???

Ohh . . . got to get me some water . . . Can someone tell me, what's my age again ?

Catch ya on the flip side kiddos!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Decision in: Buddha was a Laaadddddy

Today was momentous . . . we saw something giant in Japan!
Coffs Harbor has met it's match. There's not just one banana, but a WHOLE bunch as well as a giant hand!!
And all in the middle of nowhere in Shikoku.

Had perfect spring weather today - the kind I am looking forward to when I return to A-town. Only it's Autumn here - So I evidentally rule the world! It was such a lovely day. We finally decided not to move out of the Matusyama Youth Hostel, but stay here for our last night. Then we headed off for Uchiko 内子 on a day-trip and I was so happy with our choice! Not only was the town well worth the visit but we got to ride an An-Pan-Man train! It kicked arse - playing the An-Pan-Man theme song to notify that it was about to leave the station! Oh how I will miss this land of kitsch.
It only took 30 minutes to reach Uchiko from Matsuyama via a rapid train and then we had a lovely time wandering the near empty streets filled with Edo period buildings. We bought some sweet sweet dirt cheap mandarines and discovered a lying Buddha. This led to much eating of mandarines and esoteric discussion on a breezey mountain top shaded from the midday sun. We came to the verdict that Buddha must have been a lady based on the breasts, lack of a package, pregnant lady feet and earrings. ENLIGHTENMENT achieved.
And for our next trick . . . tomorrow we plan on a sauna and tour of a park here before a mid-afternoon ferry back to Hiroshima to meet up with Keinan for dinner.
Then begins our insanely packed Hiroshima-Tour-De-Force . . . .

Saturday - Miyajima with Nami and her family.
Piss up and Karaoke with my friends.

Sunday - Shopping and lunch with Kana at Marina Hop
Monday - Kindy and Peace Park et al.
Okonomiyaki dinner with Mansion peeps (*In Japan when you say Mansion you mean apartment building)
Tuesday - Rene will see Ayumi for the first time in 10 years.
Wednesday . . . Anything yet not done . . .

To shinkansen it or not to shinkansen it? That is the question . . . Night bus . . .

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


And so recommences the saga of me and spur of the moment travels.

My cold meant that I wasn't really on the ball despite being up early AGAIN!
But we got out of the house by about 11am and then we got into town to replenish funds (which helped morale) and made it to the port with an hour to spare for lunch before the ferry departed. With improving health Beenz's appetite has returned somewhat but now she has a thing against Japanese food when not prepared by Kumi, it would seem and she requested Indian Curry. It wasn't too bad but the Nann tasted like cupcake!
Then for dinner yet again she had McDonalds! Dear me!

We couldn't find a supermarket so I ended up with tofu, mandarines and cups of tea.

Ahh! Why am I still awake .....

The ferry trip was truely beautiful . . . such a small boat really but you're never out of sight of the many scattered lush green islands and the waves were almost perfectly calm. So peaceful and I felt that I could have been anywhere in the world as I listened to Split Enz and other assorted stuff that brings up those nostalgic feelings.

We got into Matsuyama with minimal fuss and whilst on the train we made a snap decision to skip the information centre and just ring ahead to the Youth Hostel - vacancy - no problems! We then wandered about for a few hours in the centre arcades of the town and the like. Then a weary blistered-feet Beenz requested a tram. When we tramped up the hill and into our room we saw from a distance the giant candy wheel Ferris Wheel that was sitting atop the department store we had first entered . . . had no idea!!

Really really am going to bed now!
Will look forward to Onsen hopping . . . Sweeeet felicity.

Uphill battles aplenty . . .

My skin feels great after the day at the spa . . .
. . . even if I do have a few crazy bruises on my back from the strength of the bubble jets.
Only problem is I feel a cold coming on!! Feeling pretty awful and my throat is hurting.
But I have to ignore this, read guide books and search for information on how to get to Shikoku otherwise nothing will happen. Uhhhhhhhhh . . . . Sleeeeeep is calling . . .

Riyo's speech development is amazing us at the moment - we have some hilarious footage!

Ohhh Onsens . . . lovely!! Looking into going to Dogo Onsen tomorrow or maybe the next day. One of the places there, in Matsuyama was apparently the inspiration for the Bath house featured in Spirited Away . . . Sounds appealing hey!??!


arghh! Have I had a chance to mention PornStarBoobs before now ? Or was it that I promised not to ?? Maybe that one will wait for another day.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The sun is up, the sky is blue . . .

. . . and we're off to an onsen. There's no sign of last night's typhoon.
I think I'm going to give up on Kyushu and maybe we'll try and get to Shikoku this week instead. Always thought it was a bit lame that I hadn't managed to get there yet when it's so close, and I think it'd be a more manageable proposition than trying to get all the way to Kyushu when it's not that easy and cheap to get there . . and I'm not sure how to get about it. There used to be a ferry but it's no more.

Ahhhhhhh . . . feel like a day off in the nice weather! This will be far more relaxing!

I'm not sleeping properly. Up late but then unable to sleep in. I think it's the nervousness that comes with all of the big things that are happening.
I'm coming to see that there is likely to be a VERY big excess baggage fee to be paid. Any suggestions for me from the many seasoned travellers out there ?????
I'll be so glad when the move is over despite what it will mean . . at least then the packing won't be hanging over my head anymore . . . poor Damacles.

Today is 敬老の日 - Respect for the elderly day . . . Rina is calling around to all of the older family friends and relations.
Wish I could ring my Nan. Should at least get that old letter in the post!

But where is the green parrot ?

This trip has been different. It has been highlighted by super organisation mocked by numerous train-catching mishaps; a sick travelling partner; a number of wonderful incidental meetings . . . one conversation that started over Hello Kitty just after we'd arrived in Nara and lead to us almost missing our 11pm curfew when we were still all wildly nattering away in the sporadic rain. The same conversation also has me even more determined to get back to pilates and particularly that ever-calling NEW DREAM BIKE. The boys made what is sure to be a gruelling week sound like the most fun one could possibly have!! One day I'll find my way to Iowa! (Do I have the state right, Matt and Pirate Jake ?)
Been less about the places and more about the people.

But I also got to a range of places that I'd previously missed. We took things at our pace and had a number of fantastic late night chats as we made over way from beautiful temple accommodation to well-appointed comfy-futoned ryokan. I was really happy with my choices in this regard - especially the ryokan in Nara. It was a little out of the way but a lovely room with a view and hearty traditional breakfast that kept us going all day - shower did leave a little to be desired. Our ryokan in Kyoto's eastern district was a little hard to locate in the quickly darkening rainy night but it was such a spick and span little place - lovely bath (though breakfast was wanting - repulsive ham as the main feature!! Ughhh! Even Meat-Eater Beenz couldn't stomach more than two slices) . . . but I was so happy with the place for location. Despite the flagging spirits and health of Beenz we did a lot of worthy exploring of the charming cobbled streets of the eastern mountain flanks.
Another a sickness induced rest in Maruyama Park we did finally make it to Heian Shrine . . where I took the above pictured photo. I was expecting a bit more of the gardens but Beenz had lots of fun feeding the carp and turtles in the lake . . unpaid for . . . a small sweet victory for we cash-strapped travellers. Kind of how Beenz's cheeseburger apparently improved in flavour greatly after we informed her that eating as she waled along really was taboo in Japan.
I am ashamed that she lowered herself to a 100 yen cheeseburger in favour of the Takoyaki and Akashi-yaki that Ryoko and I enjoyed on our flying trip to Osaka on Saturday morning, but I bowed down to her in her dire condition, given that she's barely eaten (and then kept down) any food since arriving.
Ohhhh Osaka - home of some of the most homely Japanese food, wonderful shoes and physically abusive bagladies . . . I'll take the safety of Hiroshima and the relevative peace of Tofu-capital Kyoto any day but such a great place to visit every now and again!

Oh packing . . . . horror of horrors!

Another typhoon on it's way - winds are terrible tonight. Howling gale.

Must shower off the day's sticky muck and get to bed.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A wrong time to visit . . . ?

Home after a week away. Somehow this one seemed harder than the last. It's really nice to be home. I think it's been a bit more taxing because I've been the one very much in charge again; leading someone else around and being responsible for them. Beenz has been sick since she arrived and this has made things rather tricky. I think she's enjoying the day off today - watching Howl's Moving Castle and hanging about resting. Think we might change plans and stay for tomorrow too.

Seems to be odd comment season in the land of blogginess . . . There was a comment on my blog from some unknown person to the effect that I had made a mistake by being in and travelling about Japan in September. Amusing. According to this person the ONLY time to visit Japan is Cherry Blossom Season . . . I'm here at COMPLETELY the WRONG time! How silly of me!! Should have known that countries of the world have very specific dates, excepting which, it's not worth seeing them!Given that I've been here for two of those brief seasons now and would hardly think that I fall under the short travel category of visitors to Japan it made me laugh. This year what has struck me on my travels is . . . what a difference a year makes . . . My interests have changed after a year here. Why is it that tourists are hell bent on Temple-Burn-Out ?? Sure, that's an interesting aspect of Japan . . a part of the traditions of the country but there is so much that is far removed from that. Sure, when I first saw the effect of masses of Sakura I was impressed. My imagination had always failed me when trying to conceive of why Japanese people seemed to become so transfixed by the whole Sakura viewing thing.

For me, Japan has become normal. Didn't really expect this. I know that other friends who'd been here longer seemed to be surprised at my interests in aspects of Japan sometimes and now I'm on the way to understanding. Japan is the country where I live and it's losing some of the alien, freshness that it used to possess. I still love being here but what I enjoy most has altered a little.
I'm glad to be HOME - in Hiroshima. I love playing with the kids, wandeirng to the shops together, joking with Kumi - being made fun of.

But we've had a great week, none-the-less......
* Took some nice photos.
*Had some amazing talks with Beenz. These have lead to a few unexpectedly but rather eye-opening revelations - Emotions have suddenly started flowing in a way that shocks me.
*Stayed in some lovely places and ate yummy food.
*Met some lovely peeps. Matt and Jake in Nara were a highlight!
**Perhaps the most amazing and noteworthy!! I got PUNCHED by a BAGLADY in Osaka!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Plans plans plans . . . and minor panic attacks

Never been a phone person.
Last year I developed a sense of fearless whilst making hotel bookings and the like by phone simply because it was call or sleep out in the wild streets of Kyoto or mountainous slopes of Hokkaido. When I have time to think and plan I start procrastinating. (Thus this post)
But I just made a quick decision about one place to stay and though it's getting close to that day which makes me nervous because they are likely to simply say "we're full" and then I have to ring someone else, I checked it on the intermanet and then rang. The lady on the other end sounded quite lovely, and I had been reassured by the bloglike posting that I read with info by some previous tourist who'd stayed there, and I managed the whole thing perfectly in Japanese. I felt rather elated - jeezz, there must be somehting a bit wrong with me when I get all fluttery and happy over a phone call - just like a crush. It felt very much like Happy Dance time, but I restrained myself.
So I thought it called for a celebratory post before I move on to handling a call to Koyasan. I am tempted to ring the place we stayed last time but I'd like to try somewhere new despite how lovely it was. Last year I rang on the day and it was a rather traumatic experience with an irate travelling partner and a lengthening list of places that I had already tried and weren't available . . and a looming deadline for the train if we even wanted to get there (had also just farewelled The Then Love, which didn't help for emotional stability at a pinch point). Koyasan was fantastic and worth the pain and torment of getting there.

This is all part of waiting for an reply email to let me know what I ought to do about my bank account. As banks in Japan close at the ridiculously early time of 3pm, I'm not this little task will get done today but that presents a problem because soon the Beenz will be here and then it OUGHT to be Non-Stop-Party-Time.
Also have to go pay the Ward Office money and show the a piece of paper so that they'll believe I'm finally leaving the country.

We now have about a week's accommodation all lined up. Very different to last year's rather intense run where things take us approach. This time I'm focusing much more on Ryokans and one YH in Kyoto. Business hotels had their good aspects last time but I've learnt and this time we're running with going to some fancy, lovely places that aren't that much more really - and while in Japan you may as well check them out otherwise why bother coming at all.
Also have my home this time! Where we will spend at least 7 or 8 nights - that'll save us some money and be nice all at the same time. I have NO money . . . I'm not just -saying that, for those of you who knew me through my "Crazy-save-for-Japan-I-have-no-money" phase. The money is finally gone. I shall just make it back to Auslandia . . . then, oh dear! I must find a job or something!
Keep your ear's to the ground for me, kiddies!

Righto, I'll get on with it then!

So I'm back. From round one.
Just thought I should let y'all know!
Am glad that I made the (fairly forced-hand) "decision" to come home before 第二ラウンド!(dai ni raundo - the second round) with the Beenz . . . . the 11th is almost upon us!

I have lots of photos and some great new experiences. Funnily enough I was in the same places at exactly the same time last year - how things change. Osaka, Kyoto, this time with the addition of Kobe today. It was a very different trip.

This time has taught me something about travelling with others. As did last time. I have a lot to say but a fair bit of it is not on the positive side so I think I'll leave that for tomorrow. Suffice to that things ended on a nice note and I can home to a late dinner with my loving funny - Riyo has evidentally been waiting for her Ice-giver to come home and feed her ice from the freezer at her command. Thanks to my travels with Ara I have learnt a lot about how to choose a travel partner (am looking forward to travelling with Beenz anyway) but I have a lot to thank Ara for . . . without whom the trip would have been very different and maybe more like before. This has been one "interesting in unexpected ways" trip, the experience of which I am thankfully. I am fairly much assured that Ara won't be reading this so I might get into a few nitty gritties tomorrow . . .

I have three nights and two days for organising here before I

Just wanted to say HI.

Thanks to Aliese for many informative emails - I thought that the Steve Irwin one was a joke but even Kumi was able to tell me that it had been on the news here too.
To Midge, am still alive and kicking ~ packing going ok ~ I was surprised to come home and realise how tidy I left my room looking now that I've shut away most off it - a bit worried about opening the cupboard until Beenz arrives with many a space case in hand.

It was also nice to hear Pippa's voice (all the way from Finlandia) tonight for the first time in a long time. Even if all I could do was listen and try to write back quickly hoping she'd comprehend my train of thought through the lack of punctuation.
** To those in the Pippa know . . . Strangely I have been having the same crazy urges to studying print making again and particularly fabric design and the like . . . I was so excited by a lot of the stuff that I saw in Kyoto again . . . It (and the numerous cups of sugar-loaded tea that pass as dinner) had my head racing all night and then again early in the morning with Beatlesque "very ingenious plans" . . . if only I can get them all down on paper and then out in the wider world . . . I think there will need to be a new round of cushion making. But this time I shall selfishly keep all the prettiest ones for myself!!
Also really glad to hear that Pips liked the crazy J-pop CD that I made for her . . . if anyone else wishes to subject themselves to the latest in my J-pop delectations . . . You know where to post a comment!!

BTW . . . must get to sleep - so many errands tomorrow - it's my last weekday left before TRAVELBEENZ extravaganza begins . . . BUT, yes, Aliese and Denni there was only one glove in there on purpose . . . it's not a Japanese idea, simply one of my own . . . please refer to some early post . . . can't be bothered finding and referencing it myself . . . . Exam time . . . mid-july?? Look it up if you please. I decided the whole crazy two glove thing was dumb but I was subverse their weirdo obsession with white skin but disturbing only one glove sets.
Plus I only bought a small number of those pretty buttons and they weren't that easy to sew one right down at the fingertips. Glad to know you liked the package.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Oh so many different ways to say . . .

I wish that right now it was as easy as creeping up close and giving a kiss to show how I feel.
So many people have been concerned about me for a long time now. And particularly of late I've been struggling with responding to this in the written form (which is the only form currently available to me). I am appreciative of the efforts people have been making for me and I'm so sorry that I've hurt and offended through an ability to overcome stuff enough to treat you as I would want to be treated in the same situation.

So big hugs and a sorry to one of my specialestest of ladies and supporters, Aliese.

Also a Hi to the Midge and Dad who have suffered from no communication as well - Yes! I am still alive, just very very busy!
I have the sinking feeling that tomorrow is Father's Day and the package I was accordingly working on is still in bits in my packing-frenzy room.

To The Beenz - you'd better bring a backpack and a suitcasey thing on wheels if there's any such thing in the offing for usage! Damn books weigh a tonne!

Now to final packing and organisation for tomorrow's 6:30am start . . Oh, don't you know who'll be sleeping on the train!


It's terrifying but how to make it smaller without discarding things that I want . . .

I'm back to wanting to rush out and buy that extra case!

One case done - 19.5kgs.

Okay . . . calming down now . . . calllmmmming dooooowwwnnn.
One bit at a time.

Next I will put the breakable things in the padded Moomin bag that I will carry on board with me.

Then get all the rest of the clothes I won't wear before I go home and put them in the backpack.

Step by step . . . Grey elephants on a piece of string.


I went to bed at 3am and woke up to a beautiful morning at 7am. I decided not to waste the lovely cool time so I started pulling out stuff from all over the room in a final big pack up attempt.
I weighed some stuff . . . 16kgs . . . 3.6kgs . . . 3.2kgs . . . Goodness me, what shall I do ?? I thought , this is never going to all get home even with Rene's help!! I must rush out now and buy another wheeled case!! . . . . but now it's ALL out and scattered about. And I'm weeding out some more stuff and it's looking a little more managable . . . Maybe I will send a box of things by sea - stuff that I can do without for 3 months or so.

I must have sat in seizai for too long because my legs went to sleep . . . I then changed my position but continued to work scrunched up on the floor. A minute ago I tried to get up and fell over, twisting my ankle and landing in a drawer. It would have been funny if it hadn't been me and hurt! I'm worried as to what to do in any it's is sore for this week's travel! What a goose!

PHOTO is me and Rina at Mukaihara. We all went there to Hide's family home for Obon. His Mum is a bit doddery and I get the feeling that Kumi doesn't like her though she's always polite when they speak, but she insisted I try on one of her Yukata because she thought I'd probably not had the opportunity to do so before.
The problem with having hips is always clearly demonstrated when I wear Yukata as the lower half tends to gape open when I sit that is more reminiscent of a hostess rather than a traditional girl next door look . . . .
I have been so lucky with my host family and all of the 'normal' (to them) but amazing (to me) everydayish kind of things I have been able to experience with them . . . Homestay!! Brilliant; one of the best life experiences . . . (Caution to User of Homestay Product: There have been cases of adverse reaction. Please note when using the aforementioned there is a small possibility of misery if handled indelicately. May lead to tears, fires and other natural disasters.)

Oh dear . . . we're having another Kumi and Rina fight-off. Rina has become a bit difficult of late, likely as a result of a family friend whose behaviour is attrocious.
There is pretty much argumentation every morning.
Should get back to the packing! 頑張れ~絵理ちゃん!

Family Time

Cooking with Rina
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This photo is of me and Rina cooking dinner a week or two ago.
Tonight (as in the 1st) Kumi had a headache and was collapsed on the couch so I took the girls on a walk to the supermarket and we bought a bit of a feast which I put out all nicely for them.
Kumi came good after some miracle medicine and we've been sitting around talking. It's nice to have some time just for hanging out together.

Tomorrow everyone is leaving for Miyoshi and then to Kobe for Kumi's work. I'll stick around to go to a "Chorusline" performance with Claudia. Was supposed to be going with Kumi but now it's not worked out for various reasons. Home alone tomorrow night I suppose . . then an early morning to head off to Osaka with Ara.

2 days in Osaka.
3 or so in Kyoto.

Due to train ticket issues I'll come home for 2 nights and a one day then head off to Kansai again to meet Rene. This will give me extra time at home and the chance to dump dirty clothes.

Then it's Koya-san, Nara, Kyoto . . . Hiroshima, Kyushu . . . Kumamoto, Aso-zan . . . Kurokawa Onsen . . . Beppu for ferry home to Hiroshima ????? . . a few days for Hiroshima with many many plans afoot for that last time with my Japanese friends and family . . . . and then . . . . . . . .

Also managed to get to the Ward Office today, send off a long-time-in-the-making package and burn two need DVDs!!
Now tomorrow I'll have to concentrate on more packing up.

Friday, September 01, 2006



My days in the house are numbered. I can almost count them on one hand.

Kumi said "why don't you just stay" . . . but there are so many reasons I think now to start a move on. I wish I had more time to spend with the family here but then again we're all busy so even when I am around they are often not - like tonight. They should be home in a minute though.
Stay longer and maybe you risk souring what is now a good relationship. Only Riyo is finally saying my name and when I came home after being away for a while the other day she came up to me and wanted to be held and stayed with me for ages.
Rina has been acting up lately.
Kumi is great - lots of fun.
Hide is Hide - amusing when I see him, but that's not that often.
I'll miss them and I'm so thankful for this time in which they've taken me in and shared their lives with me.
But I think there are places to be going and things to be doing. As much as it's soooo tempting to try and pull some strings again I think that my plan to be in Auslandia with the family and such for a while is a good one. I need to readjust and spend time back 'home' for a while to make sure I don't really turn Japanese.
I wonder how others have felt . . . Denni . . . Elizabeth . . . Tamara . . . other people who have done exchanges overseas for a long period of time. Did they feel torn in two ? Did they happily return 'home' . . . well, obviously not in one of those cases, because she's still in her adopted country . . . What about other people ??

Will I turn out to be like Ryoko who meant to head straight back but hasn't and now doesn't look like going back.

Must go buy dinner. Kumi has a headache . . taking the kids to buy dinner.

The feeling of popularity diminishes . . .

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This a photo of some of the group of us that went to Karugahama a couple of weeks ago. Front right is the lovely Yuko - see previous post - and Asumi who is also lovely, and Toni, the German girl from the afore/below-mentioned camp is her friend.
Then Jehil and Keinan.
It might be kind of dirty but it's so a great wall for swimming out to and lazing on. The water is really deep but there's a net so I only have to worry about jellyfish but not sharks!! Beautiful!

Another WHY ?

Why is it that no-one seems to comment on my blog?? huh ??
Other people seem to get lots of comments and yet they write less frequently . . . . Maybe I don't get angsty enough . . . But I kind of thought that keeping that stuff to myself was more like shielding the rest of the world from a festering puss-wound . . . Much better to focus on the fun bits with photos and occassionally wander into dysfunctionally self-analysis land.

Should I blog less ? That doesn't seem to work . . .

Do I have no friends . . . Don't think so, I have trouble keeping up with those I have . . .

Are you all too afraid to write because my blog makes me look so incredibly popular and amazing that you're scared you'll look uncool by comparison ??? I think it's more likely to work the other way - the aura of my wonderous presence with rub off o(>~<)o
So go ahead and be brave!
Make a comment today!

Why ?

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Why are friends friends ? Why do we click with some and not others ? Why are there some people we can't do without ?

I have so many photos of Ryoko with a plate of food in front of her . . . When I look at my photos I realise that we are dinner date friends. Last night when we were out her phone rang, and correctly assuming it would her long-distance relationship boyfriend who presently resides in Osaka, I kept hissing at her to say she was out on a date . . with a hot boy etc . . . .
Who knows quite why we became friends but she is one of those people who (in both A-town, Auslandia in general and Japan) have kept me going in the hard times. How many people will make room for you in their bed and stroke your hair as your cry your heart out until you fall asleep??
After the camp that I'd been on I was in a weird pattern of English and Japanese because another foreign girl, a German, was there and though she doesn't speak Japanese her English was brilliant, so I was her translator with some other Japanese girls as well as just having a nice time chatting away with her. I found myself interjecting in the opposite language to which I was mainly using, whichever it happened to be at that time. Those little things like 'yeah', 'uh-huh' and the like were all done in the opposite language . . . it got rather muddled . . .
I'm still recovering but also had a lot of turmultuous thoughts rushing through my head last night . . . travel plans going awry . . . no time for packing and seeing people anymore . . . the fears that surround returning to Auslandia. So it was great to have the listening ear of Ryoko . . . like with Maki we can have these crazy conversations jumping about like frogs from one language to another . . . or funny half and half conversations . . . where I'll conjugate a Japanese verb in English or one of us will be using English and the other responding in Japanese. It's fun and useful when discussing those slightly inappropriate for a restaurant themes.
I'm going to miss so many people and am constantly demanding when people are coming to visit me . . . so far I haven't managed any concrete plans but two suggestions that we do Auslandia and NZ together! So watch out Shelley!! A Japanese frenzy might be headed your way sometime in the not-too-distant future!!!

It's Friday . . one of my last days for doing things but I'm moving slowly and working on communications . . . letters ought not really to be on the top of my list of things to do but my social links all seem a little in uproar of late and thus are demanding special attention. Should phone some hotels . . . but I'm just not a phone person!! Need a cattle prod for myself.

Further to friendship and the camp . . . on the first night we slept in tents and did the whole stay up late and talk about stuff in a very high schooly girl fashion. So much fun to return to that kind of thing - where did sleepovers go ?!!! A girl Yuko who was the group of people with whom I went to the beach a while back was there and we ended up becoming really good friends - just when I have to be leaving! We had some amusing late night conversations - discovering some interesting cross-facts that enlightened her understanding of a drinking binge by some kaikan kids one night a while back - It was you!! She cried with sudden delight as light dawned. It gives one that delicious feeling of promise in life to stay up late gossiping. Unfortunate when you awake at 6am the morning and realise you won't have time to reclaim that sleep time you whiled away on our pasttimes! But a good few days!!
Just need more time in my life!! Maki has started me on MIXI - which is all the rage with J-kids. It is good to be involved in now but I just don't have the time for this blog, MIXI and replying to emails as well as maintaing a life about which to write!!

That's your blooming lot for today! Blood and Bone ~ Aieeee (Imagine you are wearing a pirate eye patch when you say that . . and that you're also pruning roses at the same time . . . . just for kicks!!)