I wish . . .
Randomly looking through things whilst intending to do some study I found this photo. It reminded me of some of the great things that HAVE happened in the past 6 months.
I suddenly took off for Tokyo and an unexpectedly good time. I have been thinking about how I wanted to travel this summer in Japan before I head home again in September. But I realise that this time is almost upon me and I have no plans . . . and I've travelled a little by myself I just get lonely so I don't relish the thought of hitting the road by myself but everyone else is either heading home or is unlikely to have the time or money for dashing off around the country with me . . . hmmm . . one person springs to mind but that would involve its own different set of complications.
Anyway, Japan . . the land of 'convenience'. It just grosses me out some days. Kids rarely think ahead because they know no matter where they go they will be able to get whatever they want at a combini or vending machine on any corner or mountain top.
Every tiny thing is meticulously wrap in plastic which is immediately discarded but which was obviously of vital importance to own's existence and enjoyment of whatever product you happen to have purchased. Just as Karl once said, ' and why do I need my sembei wrapped up in 3 layers on plastic?'
As a kid I used books as a way of escaping to an obsessive degree.
I am taking advantage of my current state of mind to tick of few more of those 'ought to have read in your lifetime' books off my list.
And I have come to the conclusion that, naturally, I must side with Tolkien over his friend Jack.
Tomorrow . . will I come to school ? I keep meaning to start using the pool like I did last year but I can't seem to work up the motivation to travel an hour to do so.
Saturday I will be going along to a dumpling making session with a lecturer of Chinese from Uni. He is Singaporean and teaches English as well to kids and has asked me to come along. I think Alex is onto a very good thing in believing that we, as foreigners, should try to meet as many Japanese kids as possible in an effort to staunch some of the latent and not so latent racism in this country.
Sure, we still have lots of racism and racial problems in Australia as a nation of immigrants whose indigenous people have been steadily eradicated but Japan is an amazingly insular country.
Think Lane is planning fireworks fun for Saturday evening.
Sunday, Kana and I have a date to go hang out (because she's so lovely and is always making plans we me to cheer me up and keep me going! Such a lovely lady ~ I do hope she manages to get into the exchange programme this year because if she does there is a chance she might come to Adelaide!) eat okonomiyaki at her workplace, though she quit last week, and do a spot of shopping for summer essentials. We are also thinking of doing riding trip to Kyoto or maybe just to Okoyama . . . But I wonder how I can get my hands on a decent bike??? I have been so impressed to read of Dan bicycle feats away across the ocean in Europialand (see dan's blog thekevinbaconexperiment for details!). . . I'm sure I could never manage something so amazing but with the help of the fantabulous Geets I shall make bicycular hay while the sun shines (and the rain rains) when I get back to A-town.
Righto, maybe I'll scrap the study at school plan for heading out to buy a gift for PhD Sareb whose birthday is up and coming, and then studying once I get home to my own computer. I should also work on plans for the picnic next Saturday . . . I wonder where I can purchase water balloons in this country - they seems to have some weird ideas on how one should appropriately use said items but I'll show them!
Wow! I'm so rugged up in this photo! Just like anyone in Adelaide should rightly be from what I hear, but here it's heating up ladies and gentlemen! The sky has turned from glarey shine to afternoon sunnyness . . . time for a walk methinks.