Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Last night I had a headache, struggled through 6th period, got home at 9pm and fell asleep - I have just realised that as a result I missed the Italy vs Australia . . . I hold out little hope that we won but I need details - so dedicated peoples, give me info!

I think that I am suffering from iron deficiency again . . . I know that I'm getting enough sleep to survive on enough if it's not a lot, but I feel exhausted. I keep getting shaky in response to the slightest exhurtion. Now, I hear people claim this is a simple lack of fitness however riding on my bike for an hour or more is okay - it's just the walking up the hill to school and climbing stairs that have my head spinning. When I saw my doctor in Adelaide earlier in the year she said my iron levels were lowish - Though I'd like to quibble with her definition of low - apparently the average is somewhere between (I forget the upper figure, Phili? Cathy?) let's take a stab in the dark . . . 70 and 10 . . . I was 12 . . . lowish??!! How hard to I have to work to be classified as anaemic, huh ??? 厳しー!! Anyway, as my other mediciation is also running out I figure I should get myself along to the doctor sometime for a check-up if I can work up the courage and vocabulary! Other than that I'll just to work up my daily intake of leafy greens - and we all remember that ad about lean pork or whatever it was . . that was one f**k off big plate of spinach.
Any other vegos out there with suggestions on this issue?
Iron supplements are the common recommendation, but as I believe I've told peeps before . . . . that's one sure-fire way to clog yourself up!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

apart from leafy greens chickpeas are supposed to be good... but i hear they're a bit expensive over there! maybe i can send some, and then you could lick the can as well for extra metallicy goodness.

xo a

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leafy greens, nuts and legumes are good but make sure you eat them in combination with something that has vitiman C (OJ works fine). The iron in non meat things is not easily absorbed by the body but combine with something in the vit-C to make it work.

This table has good info on vegie iron and includes lots of my favourite food.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Thanks so much to everyone who has come up with so many good suggestions. I am trying to pay more attention to what I am eating again and eat almost two bunchs of spinach the other day and am feeling better I think - less light headed.

11:57 PM  

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