Sunday, June 25, 2006

What a weekend . . .

Me in teacher mode
Originally uploaded by 絵理.
I took a fairly wobbly but very cute video of the kindy kids singing for me when I was there on Friday but am waiting for instruction from Josh as to how I might go about posting such an item on here so I'm making do with a smile-inducing photo of me in singer/teacher mode as I taught the kids Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Complete with actions, can't you tell . . and my ad-hoc, on the spot translation of the lyrics.

Saturday night was certainly eventful and it didn't end, like you might have expected, when I went to sleep . . . (And it takes so long to get to sleep these days . . . Even when sleeping with Takoyaki (must post of photo sometime soon) it doesn't stop my mind from thinking over and over about things that thinking it just not going to help.)

About an hour and a half after I posted last night/early this morning I was awoken . . . when I got home last night my host dad was drunk (the drunkest I have seen him, and we have been drunk before) and peoplewere saying 'isn't he interesting?' And I laughingly replied that he was indeed . . . perhaps I haven't published here the porn experience, but if not now is probably not the time for that anyway.
One of the funnier of his comments that stays with me was in reference to Ariel of Little Mermaid fame. This being Japan such things are perenially all the rage, and we somehow had a conversation which ended with me in hysterics because he talked about how the kids would have been fish or something which was rendered ridicuslously funny in Japanese - or maybe it was also one of those you had to be there things.
Adding to the list last night was an episode which saw him burst into my room at 3:30am, as I slept scantily clad as it was so hot, and precede to vomit all over my mobile phone recharging in the corner . . this said corner is where the toilet should have been if he'd managed to locate the bathroom two doors down. I managed to find some pants and get myself decent and then get of the room past him without his apparently being aware of it and then found Kumi-chan. I felt bad about waking her but figured the bile and acid might mess up the walls and I wasn't likely to go off to sleep with him in the room and retching and stinking it up. I had difficulty getting her to understand what was happening because I was laughing so much. I was suffering from lack of sleep, continued slightly ill health due to stress and worry about stuff (I spent all today feeling gross) and the result of too much coffee overloaded with sugar. We wiped up as Hide found the toilet proper and continued to bring up bile. My phone seems okay but Makkurokurosuke is much the worse for vomit. I then didn't sleep again but worked on updating my diary that I'm writing in Japanese and doing homework til about 6am when I decided I should try to rest again. (The rest of the day was just more homework homework homework . . )
Japan has such a different way of viewing drunkness, especially amongst men. I was just surprised at how juvenile it all looked. I can't believe that a 40 year old two kids would still get himself into such a state. It's what I expect of myself and mine . . . I still find it amusing that everyone assumes that I'm 19 or 20 . . . That's the thing about being at Uni here I suppose - the people I know are, in the main, that age - and I do enjoy the freedom of being able to indulge in the pleasures of such an age! It's like being able to be young (because I'm so old!!) all over again but with a bit more sense and also a greater appreciation of how good it can be to just have yourself to consider and not much else, and a scholarship to fund the lifestyle.
But I find myself incredulous at people's immaturity sometimes . . this is generally with regard to doing things for themselves or taking responsibility for things . . . and studying . . I'll save gripes about the Japanese Uni student work ethic for another day.
I find myself amazed that it will soon be my birthday - all that has happened in the past year, the past two years - how different this year will be again and I am having those random little freak outs like friends before me when they too reached a quarter century.
I've come a fair way, still lots to do and lots of time - I know this, but at the same time it's hard to stop that little quesitoning voice that ponders on how little concrete achievements one has made. I've never been a person with a plan. I don't make lists - I try to do everything I possible can and that usually means I'm too busy for list writing . . . I have been thinking I should start to make the time for such things. But one plus of this way of living to date is that I don't really have things that I thought I must do by this point but haven't.
But I feel a little like a blank slate. A sad and lost not-so-much blank as scribbley and indecipherable blackboard (Hurry Up!)

Phili's sister is having a baby.
The vast majority of my school friends have now long been out in the workforce whipping up usefulness in the world at large.
Sarah and Raimon have bought a house.
Sarah and Aidan are getting married . . they have exciting plans on the horizon. (And going to such amazing places as Kalangadoo for shows!! ありえない!)
Pooj and Sophie are living it up on scholarships and being amazing and brainy . . as is Miss PhD SareB. All three are also working their arses off - 頑張れ!!
Beenz is going great guns now she's in a new course.
Aliese and Denni have jobs, a new house and continue to follow the music dream . . .

So many people I know have the next stages laid out. They are on the way . . . they can see how it's going to work out, well, not necessarily as clearly and perfectly as I may make it sound - I'm sure we all know how unexpected every day, month and year can be, but they all seem to have a plan . . . goals that sort of thing.
I'm not even sure whether I'll make it to school on time tomorrow.
It poured with rain alllllll day today and rain always makes me late and I arrive saturated no matter what precautions I might take. Who invented 梅雨(つゆ)? I always thought that four seasons was plenty . . who needs an extra one set aside simply for being wet!!

Bugger, meant to get an early night . . . sure!! The best laid plans of mice and me . . well, at least I know I'm not likely to be churned up by a plow.
11:30pm . . . Time to call this weekend a day.

Still soccer fever here despite being out of the World Cup now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

such an adorable picture!!

5:01 PM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Ta! Thought it made me look a little loopy as well as like a pregnant Raggedy Ann

11:55 PM  

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