Tuesday, June 27, 2006

China VS Japan . . another inappropriate distribution . . .

Penalties suck hey . . .

As part of trying to get my mind and life sorted out I have been looking into possibilities for next year . . . and it's thus that I come across the bewildering fact that the majority of Japanese studies related subjects offered at Adelaide occur in second semester . . If I wanted to take courses regarding China everything would fit in perfectly but as it is there is no way that I'm bothering to alter my scheduled flight and race home for subjects I'm sure I even want to take. In some ways this time in Japan has felt like a break but on the other I feel like I've hardly had any time off since I started high school. This can't be true, given the more than a year that I had off between finally finishing music and then coming to Japan, but that was a very different time with its problems and busyness . . while I wasn't studying anymore I was still working hard at a number of jobs to save money whilst trying to get better after being so sick.
Somehow I feel like a holiday again (I feel like Bilbo! . . . . all stretched . . like butter scraped over too much bread . . ). . but what would make me feel any better really ? Mountains, Gandalf! ???

So what to do ?
I am awful at decisions . . . and the possibilities seem too limitless and I just don't know where to turn . . .

Do I just close the curtain on an already seemingly over extended period of tertiary study . . . Or do I pull out all of the stops on a final semester bolt to the finish line that might just give me a better foundation for the future.

Geez, being a kid kind of wasn't so hot but at the same time at least I didn't get so sad and upset about stuff and then have to keep on going with all of these things that seem like such important decisions. Why does it all have to go and get so complicated (oh dear, is Avril whats-her-face invading my speech patterns ?!) . . why is there so much pressure now ?

Speaking of speech patterns, at one point I seriously thought that I ought to become a Speech Path . . . oh bugger . . what I am doing ??

Not only is this all stressful in itself but I find these posts are spiralling out of being vaguely interesting with a theme based on living in Japan and become awfully angsty. I don't think I'm a big person for airing my major issues in public (small ones, I'm generally all out there with) and I don't always respond well to others doing so . . . now it's like regardless of what I might set out to do my psychoses are taking over and displaying themselves for all to see. I can't barge my way through all of this stuff like I used.



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