Monday, August 22, 2005

In Hokkaido

Hey Everybody - I'm not Dr Nick

Sorry for the no info
Have been enjoying a crazy, off-the-cuff trip up the west coast of Japan and we are now in Sapporo. Japanese practise has been extensive and food and sites enjoyable.
Thanks to all those who have emailed of late - sorry to my siblings, Emma, Elizamabeth, Aliese, Shelley, Sarah and Pippa for the no responsyness - Hotmail is a bitch and that's all I have to sorry. Will write back as soon as I can.

Heading out to a mountain national park for a few days for some hiking. Had to buy an new SD card for my camera - have been desperate to take more photos.

Hope you are okay Wiz - have been missing our chats.

Places visited so far
Hiroshima - of course

Not sure where to after the mountains but Tokyo next week some time I expect.

It's good to be back with the boy.

Happy BIG Birthday to Ro-ro!

Much love to all, El