Monday, May 15, 2006


Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
This post is hereby dedicated to SOPHIE AND THE POOJMEISTER
お誕生日 おめでとう

This photo matches the pattern on a bowl that I see Sophie received and to which I, incidentally, have a matching set . . It's a small Adelaide . . well, not so much after all . . This has been a long acknowledged fact.

Upon my return to Hiroshima Flower Viewing (Cherry Blossom vewing gatherings that usually involves large consumption of alcohol) party invitations were flying hither and yon. Hoping (and expecting) to outdo last year's rather lame experience, I did my best to get into the festive spirit and certainly had a merry time. There is a ridiculous amount of photos remaining on my camera to prove this!

I went to a sakura (cherry blossom) lined laneway in Hatsukaiichi both with Maki's Mum and then with Maki whilst staying with them. This is a photo I took on one of these occasions. I think it rather perfectly captures the Japanese experience of Hanami (花見) because everywhere you look there is a blue canvas carpet to accompany the starkness of the snowy petals against dark wood.

Also that the interesting experience of 夜桜(よざくら night sakura viewing)at which Lane got excessively drunk and hurt his ankle, I had a heart-to-heart with Dadz and took numerous shots trying to capture the amazing sight of the near full moon rising from the mountains with the illuminated sakura in the foreground.

I think the apt phrase for most people on this night though was 花より団子(はなよりだんご 'hana yori dango' "sweet dumpling ('dango', and damn they are good when filled with black sesame seed paste) rather than flowers") Which is simply the tradiotnally flowery way of saying that people are far too busy making hay and drinking to notice the beautiful sight they supposed congregated to see!

Sakura are now well and truly over but I felt they deserved a posthumous post. We have hit 'tsuyu' 梅雨, the rainy season, and whilst today is reasonably cool at my Uni on the mountain, it was suprisingly warm when I returned from China and we have had some amazing days of unceasing rain.


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