Monday, March 20, 2006

So little time, so much to do . . .

Hmmm . . . I know that the fact that your computer will remember all of those annoyingly numerous yet necessary passwords for you is rather convenient, however it always leaves me with the problem that I am completely unaware of my password when I attempt to login using a public computer - thank you BSL.
Thus I have no photo to offer for what is likely to be a brief entry as I kill a bit of time before I walk back over to the Markets to retrieve my bike and cycle over to the Worldsend to meet up with nice folks for a evening of (hopefully) enjoyment.

I have been wanting to post for a while but things have been busy-ish for me in A-town as I try to catch up with as many people as I can before flying out again to my favourite achipelagos, Wednesday week. The weather really has been fine - so nice after the awful heat of Japanese summer and then cold of winter . . C'mon Japan! What's with trying to kill me with the extreme heating of indoors ?! It's like constantly trying to live in a Finnish sauna!! I love Adelaide weather!! You win Australia!

Wow . . so many things have been happening and are in my head that I want to say . . .
I have just spent a lovely afternoon with Sally as she listened to me pour out a wealth of angst sat on Gouger St and then wandered through the heart of the city to the Art Gallery to see the Bienniel of 21st Cent Oz art . . . It was still on my second visit and I would encourage all those of you in A-town to make the effort to check it out! I especially like the elitest snobbery of the art work by Garreth Somebody-or-other, 20th Cent Art. Oh how I love in-jokes when I get them! So nice to feel you know something . . . yeah! Look at me! I will soon be the proud possessor of not 1 but 3 useless pieces of paper proving my academic magnificence!!

Though I am now feeling a little tense about the Japanese emails from my Uni in Japan that have come in to my Inbox but are illegible on this computer! I should have written to the a family about going to live with them in Japan but have yet to do so - I will be there oh so soon!! I WILL do that tomorrow!

I also bumped into Greta just before which was ace! She informed me that she and her man-friend have decided to tie the knot! Congrats lady! She also said that she enjoys reading my blog which was lovely to hear . . . There have been many discussions of late as to how one can best attract the punters and garner those all-important visitor comments . . . It is weird to realise that there are people out there who are aware of your goings on whilst you remain oblivious to their . . scrutiny . . shall we call it ? Well, it was nice to feel that perhaps there is a point to this other than that I will one day print it all out as some passable form of documentation of my experiences in the past year . . not comprehensive but something. Hmmmm maybe I shall have to leave further conjecture on this topic for another time. But yeah, name-dropping . . holding opinion polls . . all good ideas, but who needs them when you have sheer brilliance, hey ?

I had an interesting whirlwind trip to the Mt to visit me Nan. Didn't really end up having much a of chance to spend time with her but I had some nice moments with both of my aunts who were there - took some lovely photos as I wandered the railway tracks with Catty, Alex and Da. Also found a lovely street sign just for me . . . not the boring black and white excuses for signage you get in A-town but ornate pine-green items! Pity I didn't have my screw-driver handy . . .

Oh, and I voted like a conscientious citizen . . consceientious of a fine should I forget and the thought that State government should come to further resemble the travesty that is Federal gov.

I have run out of time but would just say that Geet rules! And so do wombles . . especially wombles on ice!!

Oh oh! And Pippa! I hope that she and Dan are happily reunited and having fun in Shang-hai! Whar-kow!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you introduced mum and me to kiki and her flying delivery service!

xo lsd

11:43 AM  

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