Saturday, July 01, 2006

Saturday arvo . . .

And what am I doing ?
Should be studying by all rights . . . and have had only a partial victory with regard to posting videos.
The quality ain't so hot.
Only one appears to be working at the present.
And now somehow the side panel with my profile, map and other bits and bobs has ended up at the bottom of the blog and I can't make it return to itself rightful place at the head of the class.

Can some computer literate person help me . . . please . .
I'll send you Pocky and random flavoured Kitkats - the like of which you won't find outside this country!!


As a side note, I used to hate emoticons but now I hate email as a form of communication believe it's worse than useless in trying to convey explicit meaning and I long for emoticons that I can put in my blog! It doesn't feel write not to put them in anymore.
You should see the array of things I have to choose from on my mobile phone . . . Sadly, since the Host Dad Vomitting episode (in which said keitai (mobile phone in Japanese) was flooded with bile) it hasn't been quite the same. It turned off of its own volition the other night when I was mid-mail! Upon inspection I discovered that my attempts to clean it at the time had not been thorough enough as the inside was also coated with now dried gastric juices - charming!!! Makurokurosuke remains in the bathroom - a sorry sight. Though I have attached in its place, a little replica of a bottle of Okonomiyaki sauce that Keinan gave to me ages ago - you can't buy them anywhere - LUCKY! Eat your heart out Poojster!

Well, should do some study before everyone comes home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Ellie,

I have fixed your page layout problem, It was to do with the video being centered over the whole page rather than just column that the blog entries go in.

The video itself isn't actually on youtube anymore... i guess you must have deleted it??

I will explain it all and how to fix it in the future the next time i see you on msn.

I await my random flavoured kitkats! :)

- wiz

4:19 AM  

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