Friday, October 21, 2005

Korean rope-making

The girls at rope-making
Originally uploaded by Yukata Me.
I suddenly realised that my life has been so consumed by constant study, also sometimes known as karaoke and shopping with friends, that I have failed to post in almost two weeks - Shocking!

I hope you weren't all too worried . . well, I wasn't inundated by a flood of concerned enquiries so I'll assume you were all too busy to notice . . .

残念 (zannen - 'Oh well') Where is that jar of worms I was keeping handy ?

This a photo taken last week on Daniel's camera that he so kindly lent me as I had forgotten mine in the morning rush.

It's me with Ryoko, Keiko and Kaori at the rope-making that was going on at school as part of preparations for a festival last weekend. The weather turned out to be perfect for the occasion, though Saturday was very wet. Sunday was one of those perfect clear blue days that I'm sure are occuring like a rash right now in Adelaide.

Speaking of rashes, I must admit that on the day of this photo we didn't do much rope-making as they appeared ot have plenty of voluneteers and the day before when we'd had a go, fun though it may have been it left me super itchy during the following class . . . Thus most of us absconded to sit and chat over coffee.

The festival was also fun but we got carried away checking out the food festival that was on going in full swing around the castle moat and resultingly missed seeing the 綱引き (tsunahiki - otherwise known as a good old fashioned tug of war) but this was one rope to remember! It was about 70 cms in diameter! Primary School Sports Day eat your heart out!

Special thanks to those lovely people who have put bright spots in to the past two weeks that have been particularly hard. To Sarah for my fabulous scarf, Pips for the parcel that arrived today with peanut flavoured goodies and fancy socks for the coming winter. To Ianto for the pretty artwork that is now adorning my tidy bench space. To my impressively diligent letter-writer, thanks for keeping me in the know both electronically and in hardcopy. Special thanks to Ryoko for being one of the best friends I've made here so far and always encouraging me! And to Maki for the great Saturday lunch that lasted from 1:30 til 4pm with much eating and chatting done.

Right, must away back to that enormous pile of work that never seems to diminish.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think i'll think of your time in japan as represented by a series of small squares.. :) i haven't set my computer up to understand japanese characters and it often makes for interesting reading ! :) spirited away was on sbs the other nite but it had the american voiceovers that you don't like. it is still such a strange and great movie, and it ended the same way it usually does.

xo lsd

1:28 PM  
Blogger Eleanora Martinez said...

Strange the way movies never seem to change that much regardless of how many times you watch them . . .

You should activate Japanese on your 'puter! Though it will probably be as intelligible as boxes, if not less so, but it makes you feel way fancy to be able to see such things!

It's not so hard - I managed!

12:32 PM  

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