Monday, October 03, 2005

You know what this reminds me of ?

Asahi-dake is one of the more famous areas situated in the middle of Hokkaido. One day a wished was expressed to go mountain climbing so we went along to the Twinkle Plaza at the Sapporo station to see what could be arranged. After some toing and froing we decided to splash out and stay in the fancy hotel (because we had no choice) and pay an obsene amount that would blow the week's budget waaay out of the water.

It was worth every minute and is definitely one of the highlights of the trip.

The catch-cry for our day of climbing Asahi-dake: You know what this reminds me of ? Well, given my obsession for Tolkien is it hard to guess ?
"We've been here before!" "That's because we're going in circles"
Oh nerddom!

It really was a most breath-taking site. Also a lot of picture-taking got done. This is one big-f**k-off mountain! Yet as we struggled up it these spritely Japanese grannies would be making their way down!

We spent the entire day roaming up and down, with my bear-scaring bell tinkling away in a most annoying fashion.

At a point I got the idea in my head that it was more likely to attract them as they'd probably figured out that when the bells start jingle there's stupid defenseless city-folk meandering about. Thus my intended warning was warning alright only in the opposite way from that which I wanted - it was like a supper bell peeling out across the valleys to all attentive bears.

As twilight darkened rapidly I started to get immensely concerned and made a headlong dash down the track which was simply a not-so-dry creekbed. This in turn led to a signifcant amount of ridicule but hey, I'm sure I saved us from those predatory bears!
Back in time for a huge 'baikingu' (Viking=buffet)dinner, followed by solo adventures into the fabulous world of Onsens!

This was also one of the first times in months well I'd felt cold! Yippee! That was cause for celebration.
As with much of Hokkaido, it was heavily populated with native tourists - only in this case, solely so - we were the only gaijin for miles!
Definitely a place to save up for and return to in the future!


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